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sega - 2011-07-22 04:22

Is it frowned upon? I have a habit of tinkering with my possesions and like them to be a little different from other peoples. Usually I tend to sticker bomb or occasionally paint panels to suit my tastes but I dont want to mess up something that will cause massive outrage.

Whats your thoughts?

isolator42 - 2011-07-22 04:54

If it's a perfect condition grail (like a JVC M90) people may well baulk a bit, but if it's a regular boomer, people are usually very interested at the results.

For example, we all thought this:


was fantastic - built from a Hitachi TRK8200.

sega - 2011-07-22 05:08

Thats a pretty cool thing to do, especially now where our PCs are becoming a big part of our home and portable entertainment.

I wouldnt be doing something like that, at most Id proberly just give it a custom paint job to suit the sort music Id be playing on it.

metad - 2011-07-22 07:27

Originally Posted by Sega:

  but I dont want to mess up something that will cause massive outrage.

Whats your thoughts?




Do what you want    (Be yourself, no matter what they say (C))

sega - 2011-07-22 08:00

Thats awesome, I just didnt want to find myself shunned in the event something blew up.

radio.raheem - 2011-07-22 15:29

Originally Posted by metad:
Originally Posted by Sega:

  but I dont want to mess up something that will cause massive outrage.

Whats your thoughts?




Do what you want    (Be yourself, no matter what they say (C))

I agree 100% with you lad...not knocking anything else that is said on this thread...


I have a customized m90 and it's one of the best m90's out there, both in sound and looks...

ghettoman - 2011-07-22 15:37

I often mod boxes,but i will only mod stuff like the speaker grills,e.g spray them a better colour,more often on a box that looks boring,the only other mod i often do is a speaker change,mainly on sharp boxes because in my honest opinion,origonal sharp speakers are quite rubbish,well on some boxes anyway..

- 2011-07-22 15:55

Originally Posted by Beanie Man:

I often mod boxes,but i will only mod stuff like the speaker grills,e.g spray them a better colour,more often on a box that looks boring,the only other mod i often do is a speaker change,mainly on sharp boxes because in my honest opinion,origonal sharp speakers are quite rubbish,well on some boxes anyway..

Sharp's in mind... Would you do a speaker mod to the Sharp GF-9000Z to improve it's sound & if not what then? two of them here...fer sale...possibly...


p.s. why does it seem like there is a lot of interest oversea's in boomer's than in the usa - sorry off topic...

radio.raheem - 2011-07-22 16:11

james...yes i would change the speakers on a gf9000..the origionals sound poop...


to your other question...i have always thought there is more interest in boomers in the usa...for a start the yanks in general will pay way more for boxes...than us in general...just look what you paid for most of your boxes...way more than we british would...

metad - 2011-07-22 16:11

Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:
p.s. why does it seem like there is a lot of interest oversea's in boomer's than in the usa - sorry off topic...




US economy probably goes into default and people seem don't know what to expect  

ghettoman - 2011-07-22 16:18

James,actually when i said a speaker mod,it was the Sharp GF9000 i was most thinking about,they sound pretty poor in the bass department..i've done a speaker change on more than one GF9000,i have 2 at the moment,one is the uk model 9000,and the other is the japanese version GF535,the uk 9000 i have changed the speakers and it sounds alot better with more bass,the 535 i dont really want to touch because i love it as its the japanese domestic model..if i had the chance i would trade all of my collection for the japanese versions..


The reason us in the uk are so interested in boxes so bad is because we never have many good boxes for sale on our ebay..infact,if you go on uk ebay now and look,you will see the rubbish we have on there right now,nothing really worth buying..Ebay.com has alot more choice,but they seem to sell for alot more than they would on ebay uk..