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Drive-in box find, sort of

3.db - 2011-07-31 06:50

Yesterday I complaine about modern junk and yet come home with this today:

3.db - 2011-07-31 07:00

No sound controls at all (other than a bass boost switch), but yet it still sounds better than that cheesy Sony three-piece I picked up yesterday. Actually for what it is it's not bad at all. With it's little 4" speakers it dosen't match the sound of a good box, but it's alright just the same.

Alright so it's shaped like a wedge, dosen't even have AM let alone a tape deck or even CD, and it could be said that it's not really a "box" at all, but for $10 I couln't resist; especally becouse of it's USB input, No card slot, though.