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Not sure what to go for next

sega - 2011-08-15 09:03

Im about ready for number 3 and Im not sure what I want, Ive got the Classic looking Hitachi TRK8110E and the big booming Panasonic RX-DS660 but what should number 3 be?

Im one for classic looks and reliability, I also like some of the more flashy boxes and some of the more slim line ones, the only thing that affects my choices is my limited budget and limited knowledge of electronics.

What do you guys think? Im open to suggestions

- 2011-08-15 14:32

Originally Posted by Sega:

Im about ready for number 3 and Im not sure what I want, Ive got the Classic looking Hitachi TRK8110E and the big booming Panasonic RX-DS660 but what should number 3 be?

Im one for classic looks and reliability, I also like some of the more flashy boxes and some of the more slim line ones, the only thing that affects my choices is my limited budget and limited knowledge of electronics.

What do you guys think? Im open to suggestions

Not sure what you desire either - as we were looking for all of the variable's that you ARE looking for untill we Learned about how well the seller's on epay are so mis-informing the pontential buyers out there unwilling to read into the description of the seller descript-in their listing versus what you actually recieved and then you are simply not willing to try an get your $$ back from the seller unless it is a blantant goof by the seller...  - that said - we have bought a lot of supposedly good working box's only to recieve what we call garbade that 'they consider' Golden - cause you were dumb enough to buy from them ...


Do what we did, You See something, You buy it, You dont worry about the cost, and when you get it home - and it dont work - you figure out HOW to Make it work


this is how you learn and gain More Credit and or the Ability to buy more larger more expensive stuff  Since you paid off that first thing HUGE thing that didnt work... or something like that....

davebush - 2011-08-15 14:41

i would go for anything you can get your hands on......if you dont like it, you always resell it or trade it with one of the members....iv done a couple of trades on here

bendycat - 2011-08-15 16:46

go for a mini - they are a nice looking item that you can take with you or have sitting some where cool in the house


have look at what others have in threads - go for a standard one or go for one that is in the top ten style


sega - 2011-08-16 01:58

I have thought about a mini but Ive not seen any nice ones for sale yet, Im drawn to some of the red ones (dont know their models) and the RC 20 that is in my name is earl.


Only problem about worrying about cost is acctually getting home, the car usually has very little fuel in it and then theres the ridiculous insurance for my age group.

- 2011-08-16 02:29

Originally Posted by Sega:

I have thought about a mini but Ive not seen any nice ones for sale yet, Im drawn to some of the red ones (dont know their models) and the RC 20 that is in my name is earl.


Only problem about worrying about cost is acctually getting home, the car usually has very little fuel in it and then theres the ridiculous insurance for my age group.

Watch these - below in this order - Alternate way of getting around !!!










these use very little fuel - uh huh :-)


and the insurance co$t is only $180.00 for the Year for 3 of them with FULL Coverage on the Newest one and just liability on the 2 smaller one's.


Prefferred to be NOT a Cager...

billy.the.binman - 2011-08-16 03:13

those there are some of the oddest youtube videos ive ever seen...




but for sega, you should get a crown sz5100 Yo!   everyone should have one at least once

radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 03:53

I agree andy....I had a couple of them...great boxes but i gave one away to a friend of mine...still have one tho..

sega - 2011-08-16 03:55

I shall google that in a second and I did think about a bike but its just not practical at the moment, Im often hauling stuff around and my mum will give me fuel for running errands which wont be possible on a bike.

sega - 2011-08-16 03:56

Just seen the crown what would one be likely to cost in the UK?

billy.the.binman - 2011-08-16 05:39

depends really


i got 2 and a 767 on ebay for £100 as it was collection only, i was shocked! 


typically theyre way more, ive seen one go for £250 years ago, one went on ebay about a week ago for £200ish.


but theyre cheap as hell, really poor quality, you could get one from a boot fair for under a tenner im sure.   but saying that i have done hundreds of boot fairs looking for these and never seen one.



they do exist though youll get one.


they come in different flavours too, Unisef which you can get in the UK and Lasonic which is stateside, id love a lasonic but theres little chance of finding one in the uk

billy.the.binman - 2011-08-16 05:42




how about a sharp gf9090 or 9191

sega - 2011-08-16 05:54

Thats out of my price range, what are the sharps price wise? Ive only got around £60 and that has to include postage/pickup fuel, I was also hoping to have some cash left over too

billy.the.binman - 2011-08-16 05:58

well you can pick them up for anything you just have to hold out for it.


thing is you want it now, so you will have to pay the price if you want it now.



otherwise if you wait till you find it youll get any box pretty much for a few quid.


Ive got ghetto blasters for £1.20 at boot fairs which would otherwise be over £200 on ebay.


its just the way it is.



a sharp 9090 would be £10 at a boot fair max,   you could get lucky on ebay though with a 9090 they go for £20 some times.

billy.the.binman - 2011-08-16 06:02

finished unfortunately but this would have been a good one for you  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SHAR...;hash=item588f2a1055

sega - 2011-08-16 06:16

Thats a shame its finished, Im not bothered about getting one right now Im just looking as theres some cash spare at the moment.

My local car boot can be a bit lacking and Im not 100% sure what Im looking for, I know you wont find something on the level of the Crown at my local one as some of the locals want big money for stuff that can be total junk sometimes, the best box Ive seen there I bought which was the Panasonic that needs parts and some cosmetic work.

If I get an idea of what to go for and what I should pay then I shall do some leg work and see what I can find, Im not sure about owning a crown though if its quality isnt that good, I do like its appearence though as Ive got a vinyl sticker of what appears to be one on my cars front bumper.

billy.the.binman - 2011-08-16 07:41

sharp gf is best bang for buck in this country and is most likely to turn up about the place.


just pay what its worth to you.   i dont think ive ever paid more than £20 for one at a booty

sega - 2011-08-16 07:50

Ok Ill keep an eye out for Sharp GF's and try and make a judgement on what the box is worth, thanks billy

radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 09:21

to be honest sega i wouldnt bother with the gf9191 9292 9393 only one half decent is the 9696....there are plenty cheap boxes on germany...just make sure they exept paypal and use a free german translator....like andy says i wouldn't bother with bootsales...you could be waiting for years...trouble is most beople go to bootsales, see the prices for boxes on the bay..and they want big money...but you may get lucky mate...those crowns i have seen plenty sell for under £100 on ebay..and the good thing is the belts are easy to change...good luck mate

sega - 2011-08-16 09:42

Thanks, so leave the GF's be, with ebay Germany do I need to create an account or is it possible to use it via my UK account?

radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 09:50

sega my friend..you may like those gf's lad...it's just me i love boxes don't get me wrong...but i want more out of a box than most do...i have been collecting for years..it does get somewhat tiresome after years..so i just want better sound than most...


you can use your english account on germany lad...all you need to do is re enter your password username....just click on the german flag somewhere near the bottom of ebay....then just type the usual...ghettoblaster or boombox

- 2011-08-16 10:27

Originally Posted by Sega:

Ok Ill keep an eye out for Sharp GF's and try and make a judgement on what the box is worth, thanks billy


Few select video's of the MOST desirable Sharp Boombox 's   


Different views - kinda like looking for these at a car-boot place so when

you are walking along and you may see this or these viewed out-of-the-corner of your eye ... you were correct and had better go back an bargain for one of these if they are so ...


26 seconds of Sharp GF-7777, 9696, 508, 9494, 9292, 9191, 9090, &&?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbuyJTrSNf8


13 seconds of Sharp GF-7777, 9696, 508, 9494, 9292, 9191, 9090, &&?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCDUzkMmIZE


rear view of above



not zoomed in so close - rear view..



top view of all



Speaker view same models above w/'home deck' included, front to back Favorite view



enjoy these shorty all inclusive views of Just Sharp Boombox's ...


No!!!! Don't search youtube for video's of boombox's ...................


radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 10:36

What i meant to say about bootsales...where i am all i find are cheap hitch3d's things like that...been there done that....most bootsales you need to be there by 6 7 am these days...or the bloody africans get them...id just rather take my chances on ebay....there seem to be some cheap bargins these days..and all you have to do is hit the bin...or do a back door deal..shamful i know..most people do that including me...i have had some good deals that way...

sega - 2011-08-16 11:23

Thanks for the vids James, car boot is pretty much the same here Radio Raheem, thats when you get people acctually turn up to sell things that are not traders.

I have left my name at a few shops to be 'disposal' for non tested boxes, risky I know but theres a chance of getting something good very cheap or free.

Ive started filling my ebay watch list now as well as posting an ad in the wanted section, only one I need to do now is stick an ad in my local freebie

radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 11:30

Im in the process of giving another box away sega..only an m80, wish i had known,,you could of had it for post but it's already spoken for

sega - 2011-08-16 11:43

No worries Radio Raheem, Ive had my fair share of freebies in life anyway.

I tried ebay germany and saw quite a few cheap boxes but I dont understand german, so is there a way to get the text in english or is there anyone here that could help me out by reading through for me?

radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 11:45

just copy the text saga...type in german translator...one will pop up..then copy paste the text into the translator

sega - 2011-08-16 12:01

Ok I will give it a go.

radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 12:16

make sure before you hit any BIN sega that they exept papal..not all gemans do, unlike every body else..

sega - 2011-08-16 12:32

Ive saved a few to watch list and messaged one to see what the shipping cost is.

radio.raheem - 2011-08-16 12:37

Well if it's any idea my jumbo came in a box as big as a coffin...that was £20, send me a pm let's see it lad

sega - 2011-08-16 12:44

will do