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What would it take for you to part with you're most prized poseshions??

radio.raheem - 2011-09-13 01:23

BE it a boombox or whateaver...i find myself asking this question...after my joke comment..regarding an m90 wanted........all I said was my m90 could be had for 2k based on a members asking price of his vz..REPLY since removed.  .BUT realy what would it take us to part with something irraplacable...my m90 being a beutiful 1 off..i know i couldn't replace it, and there is the sentimental sentiment atatched to it


 ... ALSO what are the irraplacable things you have?? how ever insignificant...


MY iraplacable things are....m90 gf1000 and my dearly departed ol friends computer..of wich im typing this on..


OVER to you guys..something else that can't be replaced...is REDBENJOE...i miss his beutiful sunset shots..and the chicks


over to you guys

- 2011-09-13 07:10

* Most Prized Possession *
My 2001 Dodge Dakota QuadCab AWD 4x4 4.7L Auto

fullsize James
* This is NOT for Sale *
I dont Care How High Gas price's goes

- 2011-09-13 07:16

When riding around

Dont Mess with Texas

toocool4 - 2011-09-13 07:25

What would make me part with my priced possessions - Answer Death


Virtually irreplaceable possessions - Vinyl collection  

ghettoman - 2011-09-13 08:00

my prize possessions are my boxes,the only thing that would make me part with one,or all..is if someone gave me double,or treble the cash what they'r worth..if someone was crazy enough to do that,well ok then,i'll do that..

brigadier.vytas - 2011-09-13 08:30

excuse me, but is James Craven Pierce same man, as DecentMan4you? :]

docs - 2011-09-13 08:33

Originally Posted by Brigadier Vytas:

excuse me, but is James Craven Pierce same man, as DecentMan4you? :]


mellymelsr - 2011-09-13 14:31

I have 3 lists of collectibles that I would never part with.


1) My watch collection which includes various Breitling's, Patek Philippe's, and Rolex's is worth too much to put a dollar figure on it.

2) My shoe collection of over 200 pair with limited edition Jordan's, Barkley's, Lebron's and Dr J sneakers could never be replaced.

3) Last but not least my collection of boomboxes, 35 to date, that includes an M90, Sanyo 920, 9994k, 5 M70's, FH7, 2 Kabooms and many other grails that I would NEVER part with. I am just thankful that my boombox hobby is my cheapest hobby but I get the most enjoyment out of it byfar. My only regret is I parted a custom Blue M70 and a custom Black Crown 950 that I wish I would have kept.

litfan - 2011-09-13 15:19

Well, as most of you know (yawn). I had to sell my boxes, due to illness. Not a day goes by, when i don`t regret it. Ah well, life eh .

ghettoman - 2011-09-13 15:34

i always wanted to know what you got for your collection richard,i had a couple of grand saved at the time,but i thought you would have wanted more than i could afford..

radio.raheem - 2011-09-13 19:11

Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:

When riding around

Dont Mess with Texas

You guys..actually ride around with guns and ammo

radio.raheem - 2011-09-13 19:13

Originally Posted by toocool4:

What would make me part with my priced possessions - Answer Death


Virtually irreplaceable possessions - Vinyl collection  

Haha same here i think

- 2011-09-13 19:27

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:

When riding around

Dont Mess with Texas

You guys..actually ride around with guns and ammo

yes you can in the State of Texas as long as the Weapon is in Plain view

of course leaving your revolver out here in the open also allows this to be stolen

maybe them Hill billies in Kentucky or Tennesee probally lose a lot of their's that way

radio.raheem - 2011-09-13 19:32

james check pm

- 2011-09-13 21:20

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

james check pm

ok while i check that you can take a look over there ...

