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M70 75...sooo dissapointed

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 04:56

I have to say from the getgo i wasn't expecting much...but the sound is worse than i emagined in my wildest dreams....it DOES sound better than boxes like the gf555 but not by a huge amount...not a patch on the m90....i have heard such conflicting reports ov er the years...i had to jump in when the chance arose to get an m75...yess there is more bass than a 555...it is warmer...and it IS about the same volume as an aiwa 880...but the 880 is in a different class imho...


The highs arn't bad and yes it is LOUD...



To top it off she is scratched to fook and needs a good clean...also one of the door pins isn't origional...guys im just so dissapointed...not much else i can add realy

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 05:25

Hey bendy...if i had paid over $1000 like some on ebay..i would sighn myself into the loony bin...forget the m90 lad even the aiwa 880 is in a TOTAL different league to this...i kinda wish i had left it on the bay... I have been feeling low over the last few days but now....

bendycat - 2011-09-21 05:43

got pic ?


I have lots of boxes that i find don't live up to what is said about them


two things here - you learn to love it and have it as a work radio so you can love it when it plays - spary it up like back in the day


or you can put it back on ebay - give it a good clean and picture it well and i'm sure it will sell - they do sell well


so have you cleaned it up yet, as when i had mine it was covered in shite - i thought wow a M70 but hell look at it  then i spent a good couple of hours working it and when done it looks ok (just don't look inside - been under the sea look)










radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 06:11

Bloody hell bendy...what a state she was in...where did you get your's from...cracking job mate...i have just found out i have 1 antanna....prob with mine lad...it has chunks of paint missing....not sure it was done by the packing wich was poor..well they diddn't use bubble wrap....im still using it man....i'll do something with it at a later date...i just feel to low right now...

- 2011-09-21 09:08

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I have to say from the getgo i wasn't expecting much...but the sound is worse than i emagined in my wildest dreams....it DOES sound better than boxes like the gf555 but not by a huge amount...not a patch on the m90....i have heard such conflicting reports ov er the years...i had to jump in when the chance arose to get an m75...yess there is more bass than a 555...it is warmer...and it IS about the same volume as an aiwa 880...but the 880 is in a different class imho...


The highs arn't bad and yes it is LOUD...



To top it off she is scratched to fook and needs a good clean...also one of the door pins isn't origional...guys im just so dissapointed...not much else i can add realy

found pictures of the JVC RC-M75W uploading them soon so you can see one pass through my fingers...

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 10:09

Good evening james...what i need to see mostly is your main door on your 75 mate...im not sure wich pin on my door is origional..

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 10:49

I agree metad....it may sound silly....but i paid what i would call alot for this box £165 all in...yes its an m75 wich is the reason i bought it...the m70 is just far to common....but i bought a 3 peice phillips a few weeks ago for £15, although not as loud..the quality in sound oblitorates this thing...If i had paid £15 £20 for this at a bootsale or wheaver...i would have been much happier....they just cost far to much money for what they are...i know there are people here who love there m70's and i hope i havn't offended them by this thread...but these should be about £50 max not $1000 plus....imho

bendycat - 2011-09-21 11:09

this again is why i don't pay loads for my boxes


this won't help - i got six boxes, two of which were a M70 and a V2000 all for a MTB frame and some bike bits - got a 777 fo some old camera bits

Unless it was top grail and in top conditon i just can't see paying well over the sensible price


see what it's like cleaned up and you might think different

sega - 2011-09-21 11:25

If the 75 is really a bother Ill help you out and take it away for you


In all seriousness though you could get your money back when you have cleaned it up or if you have the space you can call it a spot filled in your collection and just not worry too much about it.

You could always do like Ive done on my hitachi and sticker bomb it to give it a rat look, theres often sheets of them free with music, bike and car mags along with piles of them being on ebay.

metad - 2011-09-21 11:37

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

 .but i paid what i would call alot for this box £165 all in... 

Do not worry clean it, and sell it, I'm sure you'll get your money back, cause it's pretty much rare box, unlike M70.



Originally Posted by BENDYCAT: 

Unless it was top grail and in top conditon  


radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 12:45

Well it gets better...i took the battry back off hoping to find an origional receipt or something...what did i find...shit loads of acid...and not the sellable kind lol...i dont care anymore things cant get any worse...never dealt with battry acid before...this is gunna be fun....thankyou EVERYBODY for your support in this...prolly gunna start cleaning later on tonight....it's gunna be a hard one trying to match the paint though..and i need a door pin and arial with post....just to think jane the member selling this was asking £800 with her other boxes lol thanks everyone....james...do you still want this heap...i dont think so...peace

sega - 2011-09-21 12:58

I suggest using protective gloves removing that acid, paint wise you could try taking it or part of it to a motor factor and ask if they have a paint colour book that allows you to compare directly with the colour, other than that you can try mixing hobby paints to get a match, something Ive got to do on the crown now Ive made some parts for it.

litfan - 2011-09-21 14:07

Battery acid, should be nothing, to a WD-40 expert like you lad.

bendycat - 2011-09-21 17:01

it can be fix


look at my battery part - and a nice ever ready has turn to never ever ready now

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 18:01

Bendy...im not sure you read my previouse...post...at the moment she is dead as a dornail...im about to take tha back off...but i somehow doubt there is much i can do..

bendycat - 2011-09-21 18:16

it will work again - you just need some one who know what they are looking at - have hope mate

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 18:24

Thanks for your support bendy....at the moment i need to buy a screwdriver that fits....last question mate...what do you recon i should do???keep it or try and send it back???

brutus442 - 2011-09-21 19:00

IMHO Radio Raheem....keep her and polish her up inside and out.


Call it the winter project. After seeing Bendycat's miraculous and meticulous transformation, you don't need to look for a refurbishing expert for the 75...you've got one here!


Even if you cleaned her up and restored it, but were still unsatisfied...I'm sure it would fetch a better penny than you paid for it initially.


My vote= keep it and use those winter nights to turn Miss Piggy into the Prom Queen

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 22:23

I would like to do that brutus...but now it's dead....ie no power...i've thought about it and im hoping to send it back....i mean anything could be blown..and im no electronics expert...I wish i had storminnormans mad skills...then it would be a challange and an adventure...

- 2011-09-21 22:36

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I would like to do that brutus...but now it's dead....ie no power...i've thought about it and im hoping to send it back....i mean anything could be blown..and im no electronics expert...I wish i had storminnormans mad skills...then it would be a challange and an adventure...

You could send it here

radio.raheem - 2011-09-21 22:51

What a drama this has been james...i wish you had won it now..but based on her packing,,,it would have been smashed to smitherenes....i just feel so sad right now...it'l probbly get sent back..and she will throw it in the bin...so sad...the END of a classic boomers life....i wish i had no part of it..

sega - 2011-09-22 02:18

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Battery acid, should be nothing, to a WD-40 expert like you lad.

True, its lovely on a bit of toast


Radio Raheem Id see if you can find an electritian and a member who is highly skilled in working with electrics, Id also see if you can get it running with batteries as opposed to mains as its less likely to do harm to you or it when testing things.

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 03:12

Thank you sega i am highly skilled.... not.....i have had it working...and im pretty sure now one of the amp chips has shorted...i would need sombody...highly skilled...or a whole new board

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 03:16

good news my crown 970 just arrived...teko packs as it should be..like a pro...ill open it later

bison - 2011-09-22 05:16

that 970 looks top mate,gonna go for a decent crown from germany when funds permit,not bought a box for a couple of weeks,im having withdrawal symptoms..lol

sega - 2011-09-22 06:11

Lets have some pics of my crowns big sis RR, should help take your mind off the 75.

Ive never got why crowns are so common in germany but rarely appear here.

- 2011-09-22 07:48

Originally Posted by James Craven Pierce:

Reno Look for this email title (   JVC RC-M75W Boombox pictures  ) as i just sent you Nine ( 9) pictures of this Boombox Fullsize via Skydrive hotmail - to your email since tinypic is not working at the moment and I have a trouble ticket with them ongoing...


Tell me what you think of how well this one was Looking  compared to the one you have ok ?

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 08:29

i have no email from you james

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 08:34

Originally Posted by Sega:

Lets have some pics of my crowns big sis RR, should help take your mind off the 75.

Ive never got why crowns are so common in germany but rarely appear here.

this crown will need a full respray and overhaul before anybody sees it...possibly the worst week of my life

sega - 2011-09-22 08:45

Surely it cant be that cosmeticly rough if its the same one Ive seen in recent photos on here, my panasonic I photographed covered in rust and dirt.

When things got to s**t I try to think some other bugger elsewhere in the world is proberly having it alot worse, and usually somone is.

I think we better have a sing song with old Mr Idle, preferably not crucified whilst doing it though.

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 09:11

Im not blaming anybody ok....i diddn't ask for propper pics..cosmetic issues nothing...i just bought it as there so rare....crome knobs 99 percent worn only working on 1 channel..barely on the other... deck totally seized...it's in such a state i dont know what to say....if i showed propper pics people would be horrafied...paint worn through all over....


on a posative note this is not a crown...it's an m90...never seen any crown like this before in my life....if there was a mint one going...i would possibly trade my m90 or gf 1000 in a heartbeat....(hypothetically of corse)


this thing is so rare...forget boxes like your sanyo 920... it probbly weighs as much as an m90.and from what i can hear...as good as an m90..if not better...this is what an m90 should have been...when done...if possible...this probbly is one of the most beutiful boxes i will EVER see..so baised on that alone it's prolly worth what i paid....but like i say..it's state is unreal....bit like REDBENJOES...bombeat 40 when he got it..only alot worse....im still happy to have it though...i bet this is outstanding when done...and size wize prolly the same size as an m90 too..if not bigger...

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 10:07

Originally Posted by Litfan:

Battery acid, should be nothing, to a WD-40 expert like you lad.

Apologies for blankin ya son...how ya doin my friend...me...poor to not wanting to wake up again...such is life lad

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 10:51

walkgirl - 2011-09-22 11:00

sega - 2011-09-22 11:02

I wouldnt get so down tbh, yes they arent great now but they are fixable, from fighting my 950 its proberly lack of maintainence thats seized your deck, if theres life in it there is hope, I would still have bought them if it was me and Ive never got on with fixing electrical items, I wouldnt call them poo, Id call them a challenging restoration that should give you massive satisfaction when its done.

litfan - 2011-09-22 12:10

I`ll tell you summat lad. You`ll scratch your head, when you take the back off. It`sspaghetti junction in there. Just don`t spray any WD-40 on it, for goodness sakes, and, keep yer chin up lad. Worse things happen at sea.

radio.raheem - 2011-09-22 12:54

spagetti junction in what rich??do you mean the crown 970...if you do im leaving well alone son...if you mean the m70...not much to it bro...had it totally stripped...its back togeather...one of the amp chisp is blown...100 percent posative son...its all black....so thats got knows how much cash doon the drain...hey remember bens 970 lad??that was mint

brutus442 - 2011-10-03 07:05

Hey RR,


Just FYI, I was scanning ebay and came across this unit as a possible source of parts for your M70.




Perhaps a nice fall rebuild project will get you back into the spirit!


Who knows maybe by spring will have an entirely new set of M70 pics from Radio Raheem's Workshop?

radio.raheem - 2011-10-03 16:57

Thanks brutus my friend...wish i had the funds lad.....keep your eyes peeled mate..will ya

ghettoman - 2011-10-03 17:28

hey lad,told ya..get it apart and find the chip thats blown and get the number off it,well it should be 2 letters,then numbers,then go on ebay or a parts site and find a price,best thing to do is get it running again lad..then give it a good clean,that should make it look alot better..

radio.raheem - 2011-10-03 17:33

Im nearly blind paul....i'll send it you 1 day lad but it's not a priority right now lad...you know what is

sega - 2011-10-04 02:47

If you have a camera with a macro function then you will be able to save your eyes as you will be able to blow up the image enough to see the code clearly.

bison - 2011-10-04 14:39

Originally Posted by BENDYCAT:

got pic ?


I have lots of boxes that i find don't live up to what is said about them


two things here - you learn to love it and have it as a work radio so you can love it when it plays - spary it up like back in the day


or you can put it back on ebay - give it a good clean and picture it well and i'm sure it will sell - they do sell well


so have you cleaned it up yet, as when i had mine it was covered in shite - i thought wow a M70 but hell look at it  then i spent a good couple of hours working it and when done it looks ok (just don't look inside - been under the sea look)










im waiting on an m70 b.c,..loving the restoration job ya done on yours,did you rechrome those speaker surrounds they look new?any tips or advice on the m70?

cant wait for mine to come,just hope it gets here in one piece.

sackadjust - 2013-09-02 23:52

Nothing came between me and my RC-M75W in '82!


docs - 2013-09-02 23:54

Awesome pic thanks for sharing.

blufuz - 2013-09-03 08:48

You sir have a JVC RC-M71 in that picture


Fun photo, put your pants back on! hahaha

technics.choy - 2013-09-16 04:57
