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Heres Number 5 and its a sweet Sanyo

sega - 2011-09-26 04:02

If Freecycle was a woman Id marry it, this morning I had a alert on free cycle for a really old radio/cassette alarm clock and I thought ok it will go nicely with my Binatone so I cotacted the poster and went and picked it up, and I nearly made a happy mess when they bought it out, its a Sanyo M9990L in good condition and it will act as an alarm clock but I just plan to use it to blast out its excellent sound.

Its not without faults, theres no movement on the tape and the handle is long gone, I can sort the tape out as Ive got some belts but the Handle I will have to try and find or make one to mimic the original.

Heres some pics of it, it was blasting out absolute radio as I took them.







sega - 2011-09-26 04:03

They are squished again, click for normal view

davebush - 2011-09-26 04:17

Now thats more like it....well done

ghettoman - 2011-09-26 04:21

yes thats nice,i like that..and for free,that cant be beat..

mitchelljames - 2011-09-26 12:35

Ive got one of these, great box great sound

radio.raheem - 2011-09-26 13:37

Congrats sega...I go away for a few days and you have 2 more boxes...well done lad..

sega - 2011-09-26 13:53

Thanks everyone


Ive been doing some investamagating and it appears somones been in it before as theres a screw that looks out of place and doesnt fit right, theres also no remains whatsoever of what once held the handle in place.

Tape deck seems similar to the crown in some respects although I cant get to it very well, the belt is there and intact, it feels about the right sort of tightness whilst things seem a little stiff (Deja Vu me thinks).

Ill try greasing it all and I shall be giving the volume switch a good blast of contact cleaner as its very crackly.

The head is fine as I ran Rammstien through it earlier to test the bass.

bison - 2011-09-26 14:08

great result that sega!..freemans aswell

billy.the.binman - 2011-09-26 14:27

oh dear, youre at that stage...


give it a year and you will be taking photos of a wall full of blasters.



dont worry it happens/happened to all of us





nice pick up btw.   freecycle FTW!!!!

sega - 2011-09-26 15:42

Looks like this one is going to be a fun and games one, freed everything up, put it together and it still sat there buzzing with no movement and the cleaner doesnt appear to have sorted the crackle issue so I might hit it again when I open it up next, theres some mysteries to solve too, wheres the wire that connected the remote connection to the main PCB and why wont the last screw go in.

Still the radio is good so atleast theres something to listen to, Ive still got to fix the volume on no4 aswell.

radio.raheem - 2011-09-26 16:29

Guess what i have been doing sega.....playing sonic the hedghog on an 8 grand computer lol....you'll fix yr boxes mate....least they diddn't cost you an arm and a leg like mine did..

sega - 2011-09-26 16:49

8 grand on a computer, thats nuts lol.

In my position I cant buy rare stuff, I can barely afford a bit of fuel for the car some weeks, Ill try my best to repair what Ive got but I lack skill, knowledge, cash and space for doners, freecycle so far has proved to be a god send as has being allowed to raid my parents loft and picking stuff up that has been thrown out for parts for stuff, Ive just repaired my executive style chair and Im making music storage out of a bunk bed ladder and bed slats and by grabbing an old broken buzzer from my own bin I got the wires needed to make that coke can walkman work.

radio.raheem - 2011-09-26 16:56

it's prolly worth that sega....but as you know I build my own..cost me quater that....and thanks for your support on my boxes over the last few days....like i said the crown 970 is in a state and the m75 is knackered but i guess it could be much worse....im not to fussed about the 75...heard it..not my cup of tea...but the 970 is well worth doing...even in the state it's in..

sega - 2011-09-26 17:19

Ah ok, Ive done the build thing too and come up with something that scares PCs that cost thousands whilst the total parts ended up costing less than a basic to mid range PC.

I know how it feels when stuff you've put big money or a lot of effort into doesnt go how you wanted it, Ive been messing with a MK1 Humber Sceptre since I was 17 and Ive still not got the old rot box on the road although alot of that is down to the recession and me spending most of my time since finishing college as one of the many unemployed youths.

The fortunate thing with your pair is that in the event you cant manage them they still will make your money back being the rare beasts that they are, Im still sort of at war with my crown, Im in the process of making parts, some have come out ok and Im still waiting for the final cuts on the glass, and to top it off the deck still isnt 100% as every few revolutions theres a slight stick, if it will go away only time can tell.

Closest one to perfect is no1 the Hitachi and thats still missing a dial and needs its volume dial cleaning out.

radio.raheem - 2011-09-26 21:56

This is what my pc looks like inside sega...it isn't mine..mine is higher spec






sega - 2011-09-27 04:41

Ive never gone massively mad with mine, I just have it to a point where its happy to run lag free with demanding games set on full, I havent bought a PC game with high requirements in a while though as I bought a 360 last year and Ive not had a PC chair for months as Ive had to find the parts.

Mine was built for my 18th and it was better spec'd than most of PC worlds stock at the time, n680i board, Intel quad core processor and a XFX Nvidia 9600 that was either a GT or GTX.

samsnite - 2011-09-27 09:55

Freecycle? Well that would be a sight... nothing is free around here

sega - 2011-09-27 10:36

Surely you must have a freecycle group close to you?

go on www.freecycle.org and type in your location to find out, theres all sorts to be found on there from little things to large items of furniture and it doesnt cost anything to join, only thing I do say to be fair is to put stuff you dont want on there too especially if you find yourself picking up a fair few things.

thebeardedlady - 2011-09-28 15:26

Sweet sanyo sega!  Youve overtaken me on the boxes now, Im still sat at 4 although I did buy one of these earlier...does that count as 5?




I have a m9990 and the tape deck is dead, as is the tuner...it has a handle though!


I have quite a few pictures of the insides of it if your interested?  Only thing is Im currently offshore for the next 3 weeks and the internet is terrrrrribly slow so it'l have to wait until I hit dry land once more.

sega - 2011-09-29 03:33

Haha that thing looks awesome, I thought about carving one in green stuff to sit in the back of a code 3 Lowrider it I make one although that would be a lot smaller going from about 1/50th up to 1/32nd.

I cant afford to ship the whole box but if you can sell me just the handle and the 2 spindles that hold it in place I would be extremely grateful.

thebeardedlady - 2011-09-29 06:07

Sorry man I meant if your interested in pictures of the inside to see how it all goes!  Eventhough she doesnt work I dont think I could part with it.  Its all cleaned up now, grills repainted etc and it looks amazing!

thebeardedlady - 2011-09-29 06:07

But if you want to sell your one....

sega - 2011-09-29 06:27

This ones definately staying lol, no need to worry about photos, Ive figured out how it goes together, its just a matter of carefully doing the work inside it.

Are you 100% sure its dead, flick it to radio/tape with it plugged in at the mains and flick the other switch to radio, then press play on the tape, that should give you radio.

If your not sure if your getting power through try turning the light on, the clock wont display without batterys but it will still light up with mains power plugged in.

thebeardedlady - 2011-09-29 15:17

Yeah man its totally dead, I was listening to the radio and it kept cutting out, then when I moved a selector switch it would work for 5 minutes then go dead again, repeated this for about half an hour and now its totally silent.  It didnt seem to matter what was selected  when it was going through its fit, the radio still worked....


And yeah its getting power all right, light works, aux works, etc


Hope I can get it working again...  But I dont know what else to try.

sega - 2011-09-30 04:06

Sounds like somethings failed somewhere, Id put out a call for somone with electrical knowledge to take it on and have a look, still getting power to the board is a good sign.

Mines strating to irritate me greatly, took it apart as much as I safely could, took quite some fettleing to get the belts on, turned it all by hand, put it back together and managed to drop a screw behind the clock, so I losened the clock assembly to try and get the screw away from the PCB, did it back up again and re assembled the unit.

Clock doesnt work now, and all that was restored was rewind as the forward belt got grease on it somhow and now slips so Im in the process of dismantleing it again to sort the belt and figure out why the clock now doesnt work, after that Ive still got work to do as the little Panasonic still needs work done to its volume buttons.