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600 Euos for a M70???

hifitom - 2011-10-10 00:56

This is totaly crazy! Check this out:




Best wishes


- 2011-10-10 03:05

Originally Posted by hifitom:

This is totaly crazy! Check this out:




Best wishes


wow ... Successful bid:  EUR 605.00 !!  "watchers-929"  JVC Boombox RC-M70L - Ghetto Blaster Stereo Radio / Cassette Recorder, TOP 80!  . Item number: 180732713430   seller - http://myworld.ebay.de/albert-20021/ 

ghettoman - 2011-10-10 03:32

Its just showing more craziness of what people are willing to pay..the M70 does absolutely nothing for me,its a bland boring box,i dont understand the attraction..

- 2011-10-10 03:39

Originally Posted by Beanie Man:

Its just showing more craziness of what people are willing to pay..the M70 does absolutely nothing for me,its a bland boring box,i dont understand the attraction..

to the uninitiated it has all of the look's about it and features n functions and best all around size for lugging around and ... just what more could you want in a boombox of that era

thebeardedlady - 2011-10-10 05:18

I agree Beanie Man, personally I dont like the look of it at all!


I like to gauge boombox looks by asking:


"Would someone who was looking at my collection who knew nothing about them respond with...WOW! that looks cool as."


I dont believe the m70 would get that reaction.

bison - 2011-10-10 07:02

i got an m70 through the post today,total cost 55 pound inc shipping,its in good condition but needs belts,i was lucky it got here in one piece the packaging was woefull,got to say i like em but thats to be expected seeing as though ive just bought one.must admit the prices they go for is a joke.

ghettoman - 2011-10-10 07:34

i'm completely with you guys,there is alot many other boxes out there that are nicer than the m70,Sharp GF8989 and GF9797 looks lovely compared to it,GF9494 makes it look Bland..and there is so many other boxes that are 100 times nicer that cost 100 times less..sorry but i say this again,I dont understand what the attraction is,and why they sell for so outragous prices..Madness !!

cholo1 - 2011-10-10 10:06

I Agree with James craven Pierce :

"to the uninitiated it has all of the look's about it and features n functions and best all around size for lugging around and ... just what more could you want in a boombox of that era "


Also you can add a shoulder strap wich makes it the best radio to walk around with.


The Sharp the models Beanie man is talking about are very nice too, but just different, it doesnt make the M-70 less desirable...


And its not a big thing if someon that doesnt know anything about bboxes doesnt say Wow to it...they will probably say Wow to a Vela Discolite wich we i think is the worst thing...

thebeardedlady - 2011-10-10 11:57

I first got interested in boomboxes because of the looks and its still an important factor for me. I would love a discolite for that very reason.

Everyone collects for a different purpose and will have different criteria they want to fufill when buying a box.

The m70 just dusnt do it for me lookswise. If i did see one in the wild i would buy it and probably passs it on to a fellow member.

bison - 2011-10-10 12:16

yer right BL everybody has different tastes,i personally like the hitachi trk 8080e for its looks alone,that said i think i paid a fair price for my m-70,..if i was gonna pay six hundred euros for one id want a week on an island with cheryl cole thrown in with the deal

mitchelljames - 2011-10-10 12:56

Well tbh ive never seen or heard one in the flesh but i like the look of them and really fancy getting one, maybe its all the hype surrounding them. Sure havent got 600 euros pounds or even dollars for one atm.

mellymelsr - 2011-10-10 14:04

I am surprised at all the M70 bashing. Personally I love the M70. There is a reason it was probably the best selling midsize boombox in the 80's. The sound, build quality, features and looks are second to none. But everyone has there own reason for collecting, and what they will pay for a boombox. Personally I would have no problem paying that amount for a boombox I really wanted. I collect boomboxes based on looks and sound. Others like L.E.D's, or VU's, it's all personal preference. I am happy for the seller, mainly because I own 5 of them and paid less than 600 euro for all of them combined. It still goes without saying that the M70 is the best all around midsized boombox out there...to me.

litfan - 2011-10-10 14:16

Whatever you say about the m70. It`s a beautifully put together radio, with quality second to none.

- 2011-10-10 14:43

and what is thought about the M50? or  M-Fifty?

Always hear lots about the 90 eslewhere and here presently the 70.

Nothing about the JVC RC-M50 - wonder why...