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so called mint boombox!

deliverance - 2011-10-14 13:55

hi just wondering how many of you have bought so called minters off ebay only to be disapionted on receiving .

erniejade - 2011-10-14 14:43

More times than I care to count over the years thats for sure!!

ghettoman - 2011-10-14 15:24

DEFINATELY !! Its happened to all of us.. Many Times !! but for me, most of the time i just leave good feedback because i cant be bothered complaining,it does'nt get anywhere,just stresses you and drags out,so most of the time i'm just greatfull the things turn up..i leave good feedback and put it behind me.

but to be honest,with second hand/vintage items,they say its up to the buyer to view the item closely and ask all questions before bidding.

deliverance - 2011-10-14 15:48

yes beanie man all the grief dealing with ebay self appointed police and sellers the way they chuck the word vintage about they would not know if it fell on them.

radio.raheem - 2011-10-14 15:50

Boxes that i have practically thrown in the bin...well gave away for practically nothing because of dishonest sellers...conion c100f tosh s90 elta masterblaster...and god knows how many others....wich all adds up to a MASSIVE loss..but you move on...

bison - 2011-10-14 16:18

ive had that..no mention of the thing was pitted big time,..im with BM on the feedback thing..what can you say,most times they are dirty things as described..must admit i think the gems you can get balance it out.

bendycat - 2011-10-14 16:30

not bought many - but found some good one's


i don't expect things to be mint after 20 years unless it was never opened


some marks make it better as it show history


some are just hoping that what they think is mint or near new is the same as what you would expect, but far from it


my 777 has one main mark on it and apart from that it's as near as i would hope for from the shop and out the box after 20+ years


fine line between - near mint and a few marks (how we would put it ) to some mark but nothing that would spoil it = cracks and dents + not working

ghettoman - 2011-10-14 16:32

Bang on Bendy,most boxes are between 20 and 30 years old,cant expect them to be mint after all that time,just imagine,for the ones that have survived,how many have'nt,how many have been thrown on the dump ??

thats it bison,no point moaning,i used to let things get to me in the past and it used to get to me,then i thought to myself,whats the point,just buy stuff and if it turns up not as good,i just deal with it,bite my lip,leave good feedback and move on as fast as possible and forget about it,if you quickly move on to another box that helps..

your right bison,not all are like that,some are better than others,some are not as good as described,but you get others that are minters,just got to take the bad with the good really,most of the time,even if i get a box thats not as good as described,i think to myself what would i rather have,the money that i would only spend on nothing and waste it on bills,or would i rather buy a box thats not quite as good as described,money is nothing really..

radio.raheem - 2011-10-14 16:46

I agree bison and beanie...but all i do is not leave feedback,,,take my shite m75.....just at the time i was gutted as the 75 blew up and the crown looked like a scrapper...but now look at it...thers no point in wingin and yup you can get some minters...so it eavens out

ghettoman - 2011-10-14 16:59

Another thing you got to accept with this hobby,is that 30 year old ghetto's are really high maintainance,they need alot of work,time and patience,they are like an old car,they can break down at any moment,if you cant accept it maybe these old things are not for you,most sellers on ebay are not collectors,and in many cases they have either inherited them or they have just pulled them out of a cupboard,the loft or a spare room,and alot of the time the box has just been sat there unused for years,so alot of ebay sellers cant know how long a 30 year old box is going last,sometimes just a jeorney from one part of the country to another is enough to send it faulty,we blame the seller but its not always their fault..thats why i'm quite forgiving when i buy boxes off ebay,if there is something wrong with them i usually just fix them up myself..

radio.raheem - 2011-10-14 17:11

Again i agree paul...but take that jumbo lad...i was screwed plaine and simple...but again i left it...ill prolly give it away or get the parts i need for it....i have been screwed many times but i will say this..and it applies to most of us...if it wasnt for ebay and some good sellers on here...i would have only about 4 radios..and they would be shite ones like 3d superwoofer or nothing important...i think ebay as a whole howeaver we winge about it,,,has given many of us some iraplacable radios...if it wernt for ebay..hundreds more radios would be in the bin..or never discovered....ebay has it's cons like everything else but take that time pc paul lad...something simple like that...i would NEVER IN A MILLION YRS have it...if it wernt for ebay

ghettoman - 2011-10-14 17:49

ABSOLUTELY !! Amen on that one lad !!

sega - 2011-10-15 08:27

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Boxes that i have practically thrown in the bin...well gave away for practically nothing because of dishonest sellers...conion c100f tosh s90 elta masterblaster...and god knows how many others....wich all adds up to a MASSIVE loss..but you move on...

Next time you do that can you send one this way


Ive not so much had this with Boxes as I have had with games and cars, Ive had a 2600 efectively blow up although on that occasion I went OTT when I complained as Id had sevral things annoy me that day, it did get sorted though although the remaining one I have doesnt seem to want to work atm.

My Crown is dangerously close to being kicked to a scrap yard as it siezed again and decided the MiB single tape was tasty, sound was good though for 30 seconds or so it played, cant tell exactly as Ive left the counter unbelted to reduce the strain.