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How do we rate the AIWA CA-100E?

ao - 2011-12-09 06:35

One's has come up local to me, just wondered if it's worth a punt? 


- 2011-12-09 06:40

I'll trade you this CA-100E Aiwa for a CA-70 that i have here - Much Prefer the 100 versus the 70 ...

redbenjoe - 2011-12-09 06:42

weak & boring sound--

PASS !!!

ao - 2011-12-09 07:10

James, this post is mine, I'm asking for advice on the CA100 before I buy it, I don't have it yet and I certainly don't know yet if I want to trade it, furthermore, whether or not I want to trade it for your CA70 is again a decision I have clearly yet to make.  If you need a trade please open another post in the Wanted section.  


Ira, kind of what I thought, thx buddy.

redbenjoe - 2011-12-09 07:41

hey cris --

didnt really mean to totally bash this model -


for a new collector -

its a great looker --from a high quality brand --

and it does play loud-


but its got that 'thin' sound -

so you wouldnt use it much


you know what i mean

ao - 2011-12-09 08:09

I've never had one, I foolishly 'assumed' it was similar to a PC-5 but these are much later.

- 2011-12-09 09:03

Glad you clarified as I am not 'up' on the english slang ( wondered if it's worth a punt ) - didnt know it you wanted to kick-it or buy it for a punt?.


I have all Four Aiwa's of this genre, and they all sound the same roughly as they are not as High Powered as the JVC model - that said, they sound as well as they can being with a bit less power than the jvc and same sized speaker's as the jvc.


the JVC PC-5 though is a bit more delicate as it was manufactured a bit later as you noted than the Aiwa's being out there first, in this size of little to medium sized Three Pieced boombox's.  Aiwa's tend to have a bit more sturdyness to them or longivety to them I think, Over all, the Aiwa's are very compentent at what they do - of course you have to listen to them with your music to know for sure.


Any Four (4) inch speaker in a little speaker-box is gonna sound small and the only way to overcome the small sound is with a ridiculas amount of more amplifier power - it's a Rule of Physics, I could try to explain to you, but it's easier just to understand just how loud you are going to be playing this boombox and where you are when doing so, and whom you are trying to impress - or you're just desiring to have a Nice sounding proper sized speaker seperatable boombox, somewhere.

ao - 2011-12-09 10:25

Thanks James, that's useful.  I'm going to give this a wide birth (avoid).  What's a clean one of these worth just out of interest?

radio.raheem - 2011-12-09 11:01

It sounds great on headphones chris...but then i have grado rs1 or better headphones...as for actual speakers sound i can't help you as my speakers and tape deck need fixing....sorry I can't be of more help buddy....

radio.raheem - 2011-12-09 11:09

btw chris if that is the one you have been offered in your pic....the bass cones don't look origional...just an fyj

ao - 2011-12-09 12:17

No, it's here - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayI...2309&mfe=sidebar

- 2011-12-09 17:46

Originally Posted by agentorange:

Thanks James, that's useful.  I'm going to give this a wide birth (avoid).  What's a clean one of these worth just out of interest?

Not counting that maybe the belts may need changing in the cassette deck, Main concern is of the Woofer surrounds not seperating from the cone's as then these always need the refoaming of the woofers unless you find a suitable replacement woofer-speaker's then it's ok "$100.00" The bonus would be the cassette deck working. 

   Me from Now ever onward am staying away from ANY! Four (4) inch speakered boombox  including the jvc 's

ao - 2011-12-09 23:50

I thought the CA100 was a lot later than the PC-5.


JVC's (and probably other 4 inch units) make for very easy cone surround replacement, I've done 2 now & I can tell you that it's 10 times easier than changing the belt on a TPR-950

radio.raheem - 2011-12-10 18:54

Originally Posted by agentorange:

I still say those speakers are not origional chris....for a start the dust caps are meant to be the same sort of colour as the pc5....hope this helps lad

- 2011-12-10 19:41

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by agentorange:

I still say those speakers are not origional chris....for a start the dust caps are meant to be the same sort of colour as the pc5....hope this helps lad

OK I just looked an my same model no 'e' yellow coned speaker's with chrome dust cap's and the speakers in the epay listing are NOT Original  - ' where are the chrome dust caps of the woofer's - should be the same as the tweeter's ...

 ( film or video at 11 ) ...........

ao - 2011-12-10 23:38

That'll do for me, I can't be done with non-original parts.  Thanks guys but this one isn't coming home.