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i have never seen our ebay so bad

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 11:10

not that i want anymore boxes....normally there are m90's....well basically grail boxes a plenty this time of year...people cashing in,,,,,but there aint anything worth looking at.......im well suprized.....whats going on.....bout all we have had is a big ben....never seen our ebay so bad this time of year...

deliverance - 2011-12-15 11:18

it is a bit bleak on ebay at the moment maybe new year will flush them out reno

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 11:23

is there anything in germany....i aint looked as im broke wright now anyway......but been on the forums ebay for years...well shocked.....maybe james has bought them all

litfan - 2011-12-15 11:47

You`re alway`s broke lad. I have only ever got one box off ebay uk, a jvc 828, it was a wreck, so, it put me off. Most of mine, came from germany.Get yerself on yahoo japan lad.

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 12:09

Im broke lad cuz im building another computer.....just bought the motherboard as an exmas prezzy to myself ro start me off (nobdy buys me nowt for xmas...never have)...cost over 300 quid.....takes 64 gig ram....nuff of that son.....i thought your bombeat 40 came from the uk lad...and your wx1....we had a bid war over that one son lol....and i think you bouught an sk909 from there too.......


not after any more boxes lad.....only after a bombeat 40 and that's it for me rich....im happy with my lot...

litfan - 2011-12-15 12:25

You`ve got no chance of getting a 40.

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 12:26

will if i pay 2 grand lad

litfan - 2011-12-15 12:30

Yep, you`re right, it did. That was a wreck as well, and, the sk909 was. I don`t know why, but us brit`s, like to tinker with stuff. Germans don`t, so, their stuff is all good. That``s, if they are a non-smoker. I kept my m70 from germany, it`s absolutely mint, not a mark on it. Bloke in germany, bought it, put it on his cabinet, attached an aerial to it. That`s where it stayed for 20+ years.

- 2011-12-15 12:32

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

will if i pay 2 grand lad

for a Toshiba bombeat 40

litfan - 2011-12-15 12:32

2,000? . Come on lad, get a flippin grip.

ghettoman - 2011-12-15 12:50

2 Grand for a 40 ?

In uk - No Chance..small island,not as many collectors..

In usa - Very Possible..alot more people,lots more collectors..

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 12:51

richard lad you know me im always wingin about prices...but 2 k is nothing in a way....people smend a million on a stamp.....i hate crasy prices....but the bombeat 40 is a special box to me....heck my last computer cost us 3 grand to build....and its still worth about 4 grand on ebay wright now...0ut..but james is asking 0.2 grand for an m70....at the end of the day it's my last box....and 2 grand is nowt for something so special.....heck my crown 970 prolly cost 400 all in after repairs.....and its a bloody special box....i would have paid way more if it had been mint and fully working.....


what would you rather spend 2 k on a nice bombeat 40 that will finish of my collecting or an m70 (sorry james) first i need to get the coin tho lol

litfan - 2011-12-15 12:56

I`d spend it on some flippin spelling lessons lad . Seriously though . Having had a bombeat 40. I wouldn`t pay that much for one. The m70, beats it, hands down, for quality, though, not sound.

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 13:04

haha good call lad....i know im always jokin about that.....but once you have seen one you have seen m all...id rather be on my own....no hastle nowt


i agree 2 k is crazy but you can't take yr coin with ya )or boxes) it was me that bid over a grand on that bombeat in america....im glad i diddnt win tho it was a wreck....mind you ol beany man does work miricles.....all i use is tape fullstop no radio.....so im sure i'll get yrs of pleasure out of the 40

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 13:08

Originally Posted by Litfan:

I`d spend it on some flippin spelling lessons lad . Seriously though . Having had a bombeat 40. I wouldn`t pay that much for one. The m70, beats it, hands down, for quality, though, not sound.

same with the crown 970 empty but almost as good as the m90.....i remember royal said the same about his crown 970 and he was bang on....sounds much better than the gf 1000 of wich i love....and its sound that matters to me...as everybody knows

claret.badger - 2011-12-15 14:02

if you have 2 grand to spend on a box you have too much money IMO


but fair play to you if you do

I hope it makes you happy

otherwise - i'd go on holiday or buy some music

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 14:13

claret i dont have 2 grand son....but one day maybee.....if i want music i can get over 24 terabites of it free....im not kidding....i cant go on holiday otherwise i would have left wales and never come back......2 grand is stupid....you know im one of the winers....but you hit the nail on the head....i would be extatic for many yrs


i dont drink dont do drugs, dont eat out....bout all i do is stay in and use my radios...


btw i know you have wanted an m90 for ages....i'll never understan why you never came down mine and bought the one i offered you for 250....all you offered me was a telefunken studio that diddn't work....but gone are the days when i had a handful of them...only one left and its the best one i have ever had....so it's a keeper

walkgirl - 2011-12-15 14:31

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 14:45



smoke me a kipper...i'll be back for breakfast

litfan - 2011-12-15 15:04

Smoke you a kipper? I`ll sell you a kipper, for 2k.

litfan - 2011-12-15 15:06

Soz bro. That was a bit "trout" of order.

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 15:10

Rich i hate to say this but i remember i offered you 2k for your m90....need i remind you what your answer was.....its not a lecture lad but most people spend 3 grand on a pc....on a regular basis....so what the hell is 2k lol....yea i know more than i have....i have the total sum of £50 and it's got to last me a week....haha never wanted to be a milionare anyway

litfan - 2011-12-15 15:13

Ok, don`t "carp" on about it lad .

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 15:25

what are you troutin on about lad

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 15:27

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

what are you troutin on about lad

totally trout of order

litfan - 2011-12-15 15:30

"Sprats" the way it goes old lad. If off to bed me old. There doesn`t seem to be a "sole" around.

radio.raheem - 2011-12-15 15:34

away the geordies rich




enjoy son

claret.badger - 2011-12-15 17:19

dude - you offered me a beat down M90 with odd speakers covered in dog spunk for 300
and as for my Studio 1 it's a minter - and works


so we obviously had a cross wire somewhere

anyways - i'd never pay more than 75 pound on any box - period

what's the point?

Also when I say music I MEAN MUSIC - not f**king data files - I hate mp3's, they sound like poopoo
Analogue originals for me all the way - I buy 1st press vinyl and it sounds better that way on my LP12

Just bought me some Isobariks and i'm as happy as a pig in welsh shít


I'll find another M90 for a decent price - they're not that rare or special

claret.badger - 2011-12-15 17:23


who spends 3k on a pc ever?

who are these people?

SPECTRE from James Bond didn't spend that much on a Krell to take over the world

If you ever spend that much money - no is you ever spend half that on a PC again - I'm coming over to yours and selling you some time shares in Frinton

ao - 2011-12-15 22:52

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

who spends 3k on a pc ever?

I'm still mulling over this and I agree, who pays 3k on a PC, in fact, what PC can you get for £3k?  Or is it a special Farmville machine?

claret.badger - 2011-12-16 03:52

I do IT procurement as part of my role
and I specc'd the highest performance workstations for my R&D dept
they were the fastest available quad core xeon's with 12gb RAM and 2tb storage with 2 x 21" monitors


they were 1600 with 3 years on site warranty

I am still chuckling over the idea of a 3k computer - servers cost that!

Maybe he's talking machines with 32gb ram and 4 pro's and full redundancy with 28tb of data

now that's a 15 k machine

radio.raheem - 2011-12-16 04:04

4 core is oldschool try buildinh an i7 211 chip pc just the cpu alone is nearly a k then add your motherboard....rampage 4 xtreme then add 64 gig ram then add 8 tb hdd.....then 2 gtx 590,,,better still i can show you the parts.....if you go to a shop your looking at well over 3 k,,,,,,i built my last pc with 24 gig ram over a year ago...4 gtx480  and its still worth over 3 k right now

radio.raheem - 2011-12-16 04:32

just 1 gtx 590 not 2









48 gb ram




i dont need to go on......dont tell me you cant buld a 3 k pc its very easy.....i dont build junk i build the best









- 2011-12-16 05:04

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Why Build such a machine and for what purpose? 

What are you gonna do with it?


radio.raheem - 2011-12-16 05:15

Im a seriouse gamer bro...i dont have much in life just pc's and boxes.....i apologise if i came over wrong but.....you get a machine like this built in a shop your looking at an easy 5 k........i just love pc's and boxes alike.....i admit you dont need half as much ram....but if it can be built i build it.....god bless all


as for claret....it intregues me....you won't spend on boxes saying an m90 is nothing special....give me an m90 anytime...forget four 2 peice funken....i have one scrap in my shed.....my point is you wont spend on boxes yet you are moving to texas......wise moove though....i would give anything to leave wales behind...and i would take my boxes

isolator42 - 2011-12-16 05:39

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:
...a beat down M90 with odd speakers covered in dog spunk...

...when I say music I MEAN MUSIC - not f**king data files - I hate mp3's, they sound like poopoo...

A couple of highlights from a classic forum rant...  

radio.raheem - 2011-12-16 05:42

it was fully working....good luck with your m90 for 50p...hey i might get a mint bombeat 40 for freee haha

claret.badger - 2011-12-16 05:51

I will spend on boxes my friend
but not "silly" money - and that word is subjective

I "know" what they're worth - and I also realise what they are "worth" to other people - no one has the right to say there is a definitive price on boxes coz tbh they're still kinda a leftfield thing to collect.

 I'm also into quality hifi - and collecting records - these thing hold value and if anyting increase in value

dude - sinking money into PC's is borderline "wasting cash" IMHO - 6 months your MOTHERLODE box will be worth dick - and I'm saying that as a friend


I have never paid money for a PC ever (i'm lucky) - I have a Alienware/Dell XPS machine with dual GTX - it ain't worth anyting now (cost my company 2grand) - I know coz I specc'd it - now it's worth 300 quid on ebay,


eBay is NOT a yardstick for anything

the price one week - is in not reflective of what something will be next week

these radios - I think - we're seeing a price blip - and they will settle back down to UK prices

for me -it's all about finding stuff in the "wild" or in the freeads

ebay can go whistle
and so can people who use it as a "blue book" price guide


love and kisses



the Studio sounds gash to me as well


- 2011-12-16 06:06

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

I will spend on boxes my friend
but not "silly" money - and that word is subjective
      I "know" what they're worth - and I also realise what they are "worth" to other people - no one has the right to say there is a definitive price on boxes coz tbh they're still kinda a leftfield thing to collect.
 I'm also into quality hifi - and collecting records - these thing hold value and if anyting increase in value
     !!!!dude - sinking money into PC's is borderline "wasting cash" IMHO - 6 months your MOTHERLODE box will be worth dick - and I'm saying that as a friend

     I have never paid money for a PC ever (i'm lucky) - I have a Alienware/Dell XPS machine with dual GTX - it ain't worth anyting now (cost my company 2grand) - I know coz I specc'd it - now it's worth 300 quid on ebay,

     eBay is NOT a yardstick for anything

the price one week - is in not reflective of what something will be next week
     these radios - I think - we're seeing a price blip - and they will settle back down to UK prices
     for me -it's all about finding stuff in the "wild" or in the freeads
ebay can go whistle
and so can people who use it as a "blue book" price guide


love and kisses

ps: the Studio sounds gash to me as well


Thimks you cover'd most all'

wut's a 'gash' is that good or bad....

deliverance - 2011-12-16 06:16

 a gash is slang for a virgina james

claret.badger - 2011-12-16 06:29

Virginia is a US State


ao - 2011-12-16 06:40

Originally Posted by deliverance:

 a gash is slang for a virgina james

Though not in this case interestingly.  The above usage denotes the grammatical sentiment that the box in question has sub-par sound quality and thus any comparison to a lady's front bottom is wide of the mark to say the least.

claret.badger - 2011-12-16 06:57

oh agent orange !

tis true - I meant gash as in rubbish

not furry cup

ao - 2011-12-16 07:01

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

oh agent orange !

tis true - I meant gash as in rubbish

not furry cup

Oh christ, what has happened to my lovely forum?

claret.badger - 2011-12-16 07:07

you went there with your "front bottom"

metad - 2011-12-16 07:12

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

you went there with your "front bottom"

that's right

ao - 2011-12-16 07:18

Guys, think we need to keep this post on track, it's veering away badly.


Metad, this is a global forum, let's keep language clean huh?

metad - 2011-12-16 07:21

agent o, why did you erase post with russian slang, you think it less understandable, than english one ?

metad - 2011-12-16 07:27

Originally Posted by agentorange:

this is a global forum, let's keep language clean huh?

What do you mean to keep language clean, to talk about "front bottom" in english ?

Sure. Why not.

Keep talking about vagina and stuff in english.

You're doing well, guys.

deliverance - 2011-12-16 07:41

litfan - 2011-12-16 08:32

What`s this topic about again? Last night, it was about boxes on ebay. Today, looking, it seem`s to have veered off a bit.