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Bizarre Lloyds

3.db - 2012-01-04 21:47

Ok, so it's cheap and cheesy, but it's so unusuall and out of place that I couln't resist. What makes it so wierd? It's obviously from the mid '80s or even later yet for some reason sports a very out of date even for then 8-track player.    Can you imagine walking down the street in '87 or so blasting your old 8-tracks? No, me either..lol.

How does it sound? Like a Lloyd's  Not too bad, but it's not going to turn any heads for sure.

Just in case one off the wall feature wasn't enough, they desided to put on a detachable handle too.

You can tell they were rather prowd od this offering as the brandname "Lloyd's" is stamped on the front of it FOUR times. It kind of makes me wonder who this "Lloyd" guy was, you know?


Alright, so I make fun of it, but even though it's dime/ low rent store quailty it's actullu well built in comparison to a lot of what is avalable today. Even after maybe 25 years it still works and works well for what it is, and both of the tape decks run at the right speed. Surprisingly it makes deceent recordings(for ato-level anyway), and has built in microphones. Most detachables had none and the few that did usually had just one. So I do have to give it a little credit.


I won't be taking it out and about anytime soon, though. People already look at me like I'm nuts when I have a normal box with me. Can you imagine the looks you'd get with this thing? LMAO.

brutus442 - 2012-01-05 12:12

Originally Posted by Brutus442:

But back in the day +3db you were "kickin it old school" with the 8 track in a boombox!!


P.S I can't laugh because around '79 I had a Lloyds stereo system with an 8 track. It lasted until '87 and became a living joke with my friends. Not too many systems had a CD player plugged into a reciever that had an 8 track....


Thanks for the share!


bendycat - 2012-01-07 16:43

i like it and the 8 track makes it very cool - there are old 8 tracks out there that are classic to hunt down for this

3.db - 2012-01-11 03:37

Originally Posted by Brutus442:
Originally Posted by Brutus442:

But back in the day +3db you were "kickin it old school" with the 8 track in a boombox!!


P.S I can't laugh because around '79 I had a Lloyds stereo system with an 8 track. It lasted until '87 and became a living joke with my friends. Not too many systems had a CD player plugged into a reciever that had an 8 track....


Thanks for the share!


Now it's really old school.lol.

You're quite welcome. It's nice to have a place to share such things for sure.

Originally Posted by BENDYCAT:

i like it and the 8 track makes it very cool - there are old 8 tracks out there that are classic to hunt down for this

Thank you.

I still have a box full of them sitting around, and a couple of old component decks, so I just couln't refuse.

claret.badger - 2012-01-11 03:55

must get me an 8 track now i'm moving to the USA
get some creedance and some byrds carts

3.db - 2012-01-12 06:28

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

must get me an 8 track now i'm moving to the USA
get some creedance and some byrds carts