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can somebody explain boombox shapes?

ke4mcl - 2012-01-12 08:38

i see you guys referring to boomboxes by shape names. can somebody explain those names? an egg is easy to figure out but what the heck is a "cobra" for example?

deliverance - 2012-01-12 08:45

here you go mate  Photo: A king cobra with head raised

mitchelljames - 2012-01-12 08:46

A cobra is an egg that the top panel flicks upright to reveal switches etc giving a cobra snake look. i think there panasonic's and quite highly regarded (for an egg lol).

mitchelljames - 2012-01-12 08:47

yeah, nothing like a cobra really lol.

redbenjoe - 2012-01-12 10:34

panasonic made a series of 'cobra tops ' similar to this #707 --or #909

 (photo is from a member collection -not sure of the exact # )

all or most were also 'egg ' shapes...


anyone interested in concert hall sound ( small hall )

would be thrilled with the output of this model-

its a 29" wide body --sound is awesome


ke4mcl - 2012-01-12 10:47

wow, never seen one of those "cobra tops" before. i generally ignore round boomboxes so who knows how many i may have passed up from a distance.

redbenjoe - 2012-01-12 10:57

the top also has a real cool slo-mo motorized lift

jmez - 2012-01-12 11:37

Originally Posted by ke4mcl:

wow, never seen one of those "cobra tops" before. i generally ignore round boomboxes so who knows how many i may have passed up from a distance.


x2  I did see a few of em for sale last month, from $15-$25 but not my cup of tea..