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Laughable Belt Repair

transistorized - 2012-01-31 18:53

Just like many of us have experience at least once in our boombox life, my cassette player stopped playing in my favorite boombox one day. I took it apart and discovered the flat belt had popped off. It had stretched and wouldn't stay on so I cut it (because I didn't feel like taking the deck apart until I got the new replacement belt). I took the belt to a local repair shop to be sized up with a new one.


I installed the new belt in the boombox and all was well.


Then I remembered I had a boombox in the basement at my work shop area that hadn't played a tape in 5 years. I took it apart and discovered that the belt had turned to jelly basically. A laughable idea popped into my head and I sprung into action. I took the old belt I had cut and superglued it back together with approximately a 1/4" overlap for strength. This deck required a larger belt than my other boombox so the old glued and stretched belt slipped on nicely. (I'm laughing again at this point of the install).


Don't you know IT WORKS GREAT!!!! I have been playing the bajeebers out of this thing for 3 weeks and the superglued stretched belt is holding up nicely.


If your boombox stops playing due to a stretched belt and your in a pinch until the new one comes in, this will definately get you through the weekend (and beyond....lol).

brutus442 - 2012-01-31 19:18

Originally Posted by Transistorized:


If your boombox stops playing due to a stretched belt and your in a pinch until the new one comes in, this will definately get you through the weekend (and beyond....lol).

You're a regular Macgyver!


If you're planning on keeping this box I suggest you PM DocP here on S2Go. If he hasn't got it, they haven't made it!


Seriously he's the go to guy for belts and HIGHLY recommended.


If however this is a box for your Ex....by all means get out the rubber bands...but know that you will pay for this down the road with bigger (ie bigger $$) problems..


Just food for thought..



transistorized - 2012-01-31 19:42

Thanks Brutus. I'm sure I paid too much for the new belt I purchased locally. I'll remember this for future belt replacement.


For the record I want to say that I only rig up boxes which are (what I consider) beater boxes. This boombox was in a fire and the case warped and melted. I'm going to see how long it will last. It's playing in the background now...  :-) I think the correct flat belt from what I have read is a 3mm 9.2


If my wife decides to devorce me I'll give her the work shop stereo :-)


I really wish you could hear how well this thing plays. I've even turned the volume down while the tape is playing. I don't even hear any belt noise. I thought I might be able to hear the repaired section of the belt as it skips across the motor spindle....but nope. Im amazed as this started out as a joke.


brutus442 - 2012-01-31 19:52

Originally Posted by Transistorized:


I really wish you could hear how well this thing plays. I've even turned the volume down while the tape is playing. I don't even hear any belt noise. I thought I might be able to hear the repaired section of the belt as it skips across the motor spindle....but nope. Im amazed as this started out as a joke.


It's a testament to quality if it sounds that good. I thought you'd be hearing a little wow and flutter once you hit that spot as well but if she's working and you're happy..as Charlie Sheen might say..




Enjoy Transistorized!