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mitsubishi TX L50

dj.over - 2012-02-21 09:06

Does anyone know anything about this box???how much it would be worth???I found a mint one at a local thrift store.  It has a 5 tape changer!!!

retro - 2012-02-21 10:10

They're pretty rare so ebay would be your best bet. If you do a google search, you can find videos and info on that particular model. We also have featured thread at the top of the chat area for questions about value.

docs - 2012-02-21 10:15

One sold for cheap fairly recently on ebay UK, not sure they are worth masses.

radio.raheem - 2012-02-21 11:50

Agree with docs...no 3 peice is worth masses....wich is a good thing....because nobody would get anything....based on what some of the good one peice are selling for...

ghettoman - 2012-02-21 14:10

those mitsi's are a nice box,but my only complaint is,why could'nt they have just made it 5 band Eq ? why just 3 ? makes mitsubishi look lazy by them cutting corners..

i do like it though,and if i saw one on a boot market going cheap i would be all over it like stink on a skunk lol..

bwatford141 - 2012-03-02 19:02

I used to have that Mitsu when I was a kid. Are you selling it??

driptip - 2012-03-02 21:37

welcome Bwatford141, are you looking to buy one of them? are you in the usa?

bwatford141 - 2012-03-02 21:57

Yeah, I might buy one. Yes, I'm in Tampa, FL.

driptip - 2012-03-02 22:03

i do have one but the cassette door wont open.