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What makes a box desirable?

macflyer - 2012-03-15 20:01

As a newbie as collector but a kid from the 80s, I'd like to know what exactly makes you bid more than "reasonable" amount of $$$EURYENBP an a box made of plastic and stuffed with some electronics.......


I've been observing the bay recently and boxes I thought would get a (high) bid actually didn't get sold....others (especially wih record players but even unremarkable minis got serious bids in)....


Haven't bought another box but the one mentioned in my other thread plus one for dubbing tapes (yes, I'm getting back into tapes despite stated otherwise.)

bparker - 2012-03-15 20:59

Since I'm not a collector, I can't say what would drive one but, I can say that the memories I have with the units I remember is what would make me spend to much.

macflyer - 2012-03-15 21:28

I understand and very well said.

Guess, it's also boxes you wanted back then but couldn't afford!?

macflyer - 2012-03-16 12:58

I would think the sentimental value is the greatest factor, isn't it? Also, cash available and time left.......guess, you're spot on....

chris69 - 2012-03-16 15:15

Different people have different reasons but for me...

When i was a teenager in school i had lots of different boombox's. Not because i was rich because i actually grew up very poor but i lived in a low rental neighborhood street and there were alot of other guys on my street and other friends who i used to trade with on a regular almost weekly basis so that gave us all chances to own all sorts of different things and boombox's was THE thing

Anyways we all used to bring our ghetto blasters to school and we played them during recess,lunch hour and any chance we got.....

I had some back then that were very impressive and powerful as did some of my friends BUT no one except one guy in the whole school owned a CLAIRTONE 7980 aka CONION C100F and the first time we all seen that beautiful huge and powerful chrome monster we all went nuts and we all wanted to own one but here in Canada unlike the USA the Clairtone 7980 was very expensive...anywhere from $400.00 to $600.00 and that was 1984 so that was an unbelievable amount of money back then!


I always wanted one and i swore that someday eventually i would own one. I've owned tons of boombox's and not a single one impressed me in the 1980's and not a single one does now in 2012 like a Clairtone 7980 aka Conion C100F

I've owned some of the best and rarest out there including JVC M90's amongst many many others and they don't impress me at all compared to my favorite

macflyer - 2012-03-16 16:22

Originally Posted by Chris_69:

Different people have different reasons but for me...

When i was a teenager in school i had lots of different boombox's. Not because i was rich because i actually grew up very poor but i lived in a low rental neighborhood street and there were alot of other guys on my street and other friends who i used to trade with on a regular almost weekly basis so that gave us all chances to own all sorts of different things and boombox's was THE thing

Anyways we all used to bring our ghetto blasters to school and we played them during recess,lunch hour and any chance we got.....

I had some back then that were very impressive and powerful as did some of my friends BUT no one except one guy in the whole school owned a CLAIRTONE 7980 aka CONION C100F and the first time we all seen that beautiful huge and powerful chrome monster we all went nuts and we all wanted to own one but here in Canada unlike the USA the Clairtone 7980 was very expensive...anywhere from $400.00 to $600.00 and that was 1984 so that was an unbelievable amount of money back then!


I always wanted one and i swore that someday eventually i would own one. I've owned tons of boombox's and not a single one impressed me in the 1980's and not a single one does now in 2012 like a Clairtone 7980 aka Conion C100F

I've owned some of the best and rarest out there including JVC M90's amongst many many others and they don't impress me at all compared to my favorite



Great story if u ask me.....


So, it is sentemental value....



Like with me and my humble Universum/Realistic/Chelco variant observed in another thread

brutus442 - 2012-03-16 16:47

For me a desirable box has to evoke a special time or place. Friends, good times....romantic times


When it comes to boxes...in my neighbourhood if you had an M90 you were topdog.  Clairtones, Prosonics, Sharps etc were the next tier down (sorry Chris . I never owned the 90 back then but I lusted after them. (I had a crappy Candle box...but it was mine)


At nighttime or during the dusk hours...the Clairtones came out and ruled the night sky and the Sharps were standard beach/ cottage boxes.


I have many many memories (especially with my 550) but my most desired box is a Pioneer SK-95. I borrowed that box from a friend who left it to me while he was in Europe with his family....and I spent the best night of my life with it (wink,wink  I'm trying to keep this G rated)


Those SK  LED's are forever etched into my mind.....


That is my most desired box...not for sound...not for flashy plastic...but memories..


macflyer - 2012-03-16 16:56

Luv it


So, we're talkign sentimental memories fo sure



Now, let us know about "her"....



Mine, she was a beauty.....everyone was after her but she was with me



Best summer ever....crappy box, best girl...cheap beer, cheap Toyota....but all mine

brutus442 - 2012-03-16 17:07

Macflyer...she was the one who'd never talk to me...always hung out with the "other crowd"


We were "put together" in a school project and we just hit it off . I'd been drooling after her for a year. A then one summer night...it just happened after a late night swim party.

Just the two of us and a Pioneer SK masking the jungle noises






Oh the gods of boxes have it in for me...

chris69 - 2012-03-16 17:18

That's cool man The M90 is a highly respectable boombox with excellent sound i just don't see it as a street machine aside from LL Cool J promoting it as such. To me it's more of a portable home shortwave all around box but each to his own
I've had several of both and the Clairtone/Conion kicked the JVC's ass each and every time easily. The JVC is better quality for sure but out on the streets... power is what counts not quality or shortwave preset stations and a bunch of useless other buttons lol.
I like the fact they can and always will dispute the 2 kings and have fun doing it
Originally Posted by Brutus442:

For me a desirable box has to evoke a special time or place. Friends, good times....romantic times


When it comes to boxes...in my neighbourhood if you had an M90 you were topdog.  Clairtones, Prosonics, Sharps etc were the next tier down (sorry Chris&nbsp. I never owned the 90 back then but I lusted after them. (I had a crappy Candle box...but it was mine)


At nighttime or during the dusk hours...the Clairtones came out and ruled the night sky and the Sharps were standard beach/ cottage boxes.


I have many many memories (especially with my 550) but my most desired box is a Pioneer SK-95. I borrowed that box from a friend who left it to me while he was in Europe with his family....and I spent the best night of my life with it (wink,wink  I'm trying to keep this G rated)


Those SK  LED's are forever etched into my mind.....


That is my most desired box...not for sound...not for flashy plastic...but memories..



brutus442 - 2012-03-16 17:22

Originally Posted by Chris_69:
That's cool man The M90 is a highly respectable boombox with excellent sound i just don't see it as a street machine aside from LL Cool J promoting it as such. To me it's more of a portable home shortwave all around box but each to his own
I've had several of both and the Clairtone/Conion kicked the JVC's ass each and every time easily. The JVC is better quality for sure but out on the streets... power is what counts not quality or shortwave preset stations and a bunch of useless other buttons lol.
I like the fact they can and always will dispute the 2 kings and have fun doing it
Originally Posted by Brutus442:

For me a desirable box has to evoke a special time or place. Friends, good times....romantic times


When it comes to boxes...in my neighbourhood if you had an M90 you were topdog.  Clairtones, Prosonics, Sharps etc were the next tier down (sorry Chris&nbsp. I never owned the 90 back then but I lusted after them. (I had a crappy Candle box...but it was mine)


At nighttime or during the dusk hours...the Clairtones came out and ruled the night sky and the Sharps were standard beach/ cottage boxes.


I have many many memories (especially with my 550) but my most desired box is a Pioneer SK-95. I borrowed that box from a friend who left it to me while he was in Europe with his family....and I spent the best night of my life with it (wink,wink  I'm trying to keep this G rated)


Those SK  LED's are forever etched into my mind.....


That is my most desired box...not for sound...not for flashy plastic...but memories..



If everyone agreed it would be a boring world Chris... For us...it's all about the times and the memories we made with them.....Cheers!


..and don't get me started on why today's music is CRAP compared with yester-years...I just had that debate with my 15 year old!!


Kids these days......

chris69 - 2012-03-16 17:26

So you go laid to the sounds of a Pioneer...you stud lol
Hopefully you were the "Pioneer" that night hahaha
Originally Posted by Brutus442:
I have many many memories (especially with my 550) but my most desired box is a Pioneer SK-95. I borrowed that box from a friend who left it to me while he was in Europe with his family....and I spent the best night of my life with it (wink,wink  I'm trying to keep this G rated)


For me a desirable box has to evoke a special time or place. Friends, good times....romantic times


When it comes to boxes...in my neighbourhood if you had an M90 you were topdog.  Clairtones, Prosonics, Sharps etc were the next tier down (sorry Chris&nbsp. I never owned the 90 back then but I lusted after them. (I had a crappy Candle box...but it was mine)


At nighttime or during the dusk hours...the Clairtones came out and ruled the night sky and the Sharps were standard beach/ cottage boxes.


I have many many memories (especially with my 550) but my most desired box is a Pioneer SK-95. I borrowed that box from a friend who left it to me while he was in Europe with his family....and I spent the best night of my life with it (wink,wink  I'm trying to keep this G rated)


Those SK  LED's are forever etched into my mind.....


That is my most desired box...not for sound...not for flashy plastic...but memories..



brutus442 - 2012-03-16 17:29


chris69 - 2012-03-16 17:29

Hahaha!!!!! I forgot about the Clairtone/Conion/JVC debate altogether lol!
I'm just wondering if you have a special place in your collection for that Pioneer
 (hope you cleaned it off lol) 
 Originally Posted by Brutus442:
Originally Posted by Chris_69:
That's cool man The M90 is a highly respectable boombox with excellent sound i just don't see it as a street machine aside from LL Cool J promoting it as such. To me it's more of a portable home shortwave all around box but each to his own
I've had several of both and the Clairtone/Conion kicked the JVC's ass each and every time easily. The JVC is better quality for sure but out on the streets... power is what counts not quality or shortwave preset stations and a bunch of useless other buttons lol.
I like the fact they can and always will dispute the 2 kings and have fun doing it
Originally Posted by Brutus442:

For me a desirable box has to evoke a special time or place. Friends, good times....romantic times


When it comes to boxes...in my neighbourhood if you had an M90 you were topdog.  Clairtones, Prosonics, Sharps etc were the next tier down (sorry Chris&nbsp. I never owned the 90 back then but I lusted after them. (I had a crappy Candle box...but it was mine)


At nighttime or during the dusk hours...the Clairtones came out and ruled the night sky and the Sharps were standard beach/ cottage boxes.


I have many many memories (especially with my 550) but my most desired box is a Pioneer SK-95. I borrowed that box from a friend who left it to me while he was in Europe with his family....and I spent the best night of my life with it (wink,wink  I'm trying to keep this G rated)


Those SK  LED's are forever etched into my mind.....


That is my most desired box...not for sound...not for flashy plastic...but memories..



If everyone agreed it would be a boring world Chris... For us...it's all about the times and the memories we made with them.....Cheers!


..and don't get me started on why today's music is CRAP compared with yester-years...I just had that debate with my 15 year old!!


Kids these days......


reli - 2012-03-16 17:36

History doesn't matter to me, because I don't remember any of these boxes from my youth.....I wasn't paying attention.  So, what matters to me is sound quality, solid construction, and good styling..... I like a box where the designer gave it extra flourish, like chrome speaker surrounds with fake rivets, beefy knobs, jet-exhaust tweeter grills, things like that.

chris69 - 2012-03-16 17:54

Wow... so you have no sentimental value or attachements? Why do you collect boombox's then??? If you want quality... a home stereo system has so much more to offer.
I can't really relate to someone who collects because it is the "in" thing or for value...
Originally Posted by Reli:

History doesn't matter to me, because I don't remember any of these boxes from my youth.....I wasn't paying attention.  So, what matters to me is sound quality, solid construction, and good styling..... I like a box where the designer gave it extra flourish, like chrome speaker surrounds with fake rivets, beefy knobs, jet-exhaust tweeter grills, things like that.


reli - 2012-03-16 18:00

I wasn't asking to "relate" to anyone, I was just explaining why i collect.  I don't do it because it's "in".......Nobody I personally know is "in" to them.  I'm a middle-aged guy, so being "in" isn't a criteria anymore.  But I was still alive during that period, so I do remember the style cues that were used when designing these boxes.  I just didn't have the money to buy them.  But I do now.

radio.raheem - 2012-03-16 18:03

I collect because like so many i grew up with the ghettoblaster..in about 78 i remember walking along a local beach...and thinking i want a ghettoblaster(portable radio) and that was before i head even seen one...at the age of 8

chris69 - 2012-03-16 18:11

Ok so really you have nothing to relate to... hmmmm. Well i'm at a loss then.... there were tons of things that were cool in the 80's but most people collect for a reason other than "they were alive during that time" lol
Originally Posted by Reli:

I wasn't asking to "relate" to anyone, I was just explaining why i collect.  I don't do it because it's "in".......Nobody I personally know is "in" to them.  I'm a middle-aged guy, so being "in" isn't a criteria anymore.  But I was still alive during that period, so I do remember the style cues that were used when designing these boxes.  I just didn't have the money to buy them.  But I do now.


chris69 - 2012-03-16 18:20

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I collect because like so many i grew up with the ghettoblaster..in about 78 i remember walking along a local beach...and thinking i want a ghettoblaster(portable radio) and that was before i head even seen one...at the age of 8


radio.raheem - 2012-03-16 18:45

Originally Posted by Chris_69:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I collect because like so many i grew up with the ghettoblaster..in about 78 i remember walking along a local beach...and thinking i want a ghettoblaster(portable radio) and that was before i head even seen one...at the age of 8


chris69 - 2012-03-16 18:45

Actually i would have been around the same age as you. 8 or 9 years old when i got my first Panasonic portable dynamite bookbox exactly like this one except in yellow
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I collect because like so many i grew up with the ghettoblaster..in about 78 i remember walking along a local beach...and thinking i want a ghettoblaster(portable radio) and that was before i head even seen one...at the age of 8


radio.raheem - 2012-03-16 18:56

My first boombox was the akai pj33...at about the age of 12 2 was the panasonic rx c 52 and third was the jvc dc33l...i have a 3...sadly replacements though...god i went everywhere with the jvc....school, disco's the lot

radio.raheem - 2012-03-16 19:00

Originally Posted by Chris_69:
Actually i would have been around the same age as you. 8 or 9 years old when i got my first Panasonic portable dynamite bookbox exactly like this one except in yellow
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I collect because like so many i grew up with the ghettoblaster..in about 78 i remember walking along a local beach...and thinking i want a ghettoblaster(portable radio) and that was before i head even seen one...at the age of 8


you the conion swinger...i wouldn't own up to that hehe

mrupscale1 - 2012-03-16 23:13

My first memory was a honey coned one speaker black and yellow 8 track box with attached strap. I would record on my mothers Curtis Mathes TV/Cassette/8track. She would tell me not to mess with it but as soon as she left i was recording. Then my brother got the Panasonic 5100. I thought that was a beast until i saw the Sanyo M9990 and had to have one. I picked up the microphones and thought i was styling until i heard the JVC rc656 the sound was everything. Then i saw a friend with the JVC rc838jw the chrome and buttons put me in a trance and i was on a mission for that one. $100 later it was mine. The unit was big had great sound but wouldnt win any battles so i traded for the RC-M80 with the senthesized tuning. My friends with the sanyo M9994 and the 20/20 would beat me down. Then my sisters boyfriend got the Sanyo M9998. It was a short dream with great sound but out of my price range at the time. My friends were getting bigger and better boomboxes and i was left in the dust until i got a JVC brocutre with the RC M70 . The girl on the motorcycle with the box in front i was in love (the girl was cute too). I walked what had to be 10 miles to a shop in another city just to see this box. they had all of the JVC's, Panasonics and Sanyo's. The M70 wasnt the biggest but it was love at every sight. When i finally got it i had to have the original strap and JVC carry bag. I would carry this thing to school every day and sometimes i would play the song Burn Rubber in the hallways. It sounded like a real motorcycle starting up. Needless to say i was conned out of my M70 by a girl i liked brother. i let him borrow it and he said it got stolen but i know he sold it. I had my friends with the RC550 the Conion 100 that was cheaply made but was loud as f**k and would break down if you sneezed at it. The M90 was never a thought until i started collecting and so was the Sanyo Big Ben. 30 years later i have the ones from my youth. The Sanyo M9998, JVC RC656, JVC RC M80, JVC RC M70 with original strap and owners manual and RC550. I have others but these bring memories of not only the time but people who had them that i never saw again. I still need a RC838 and a Sanyo M9994. I have had them in the past few years but had to sell. My thought of my M70 is where the ball started running as a collector a few years ago. Wish i would have jummped on board sooner but im here!!!

chris69 - 2012-03-17 02:51

I'm busted lol!  Actually that was around 1978-79 about a year after my dad died so there was nothing like a Conion in those years. 8-Tracks were the "in" thing still and i remember having Rock 81" and quite a few others.
Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by Chris_69:
Actually i would have been around the same age as you. 8 or 9 years old when i got my first Panasonic portable dynamite bookbox exactly like this one except in yellow
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I collect because like so many i grew up with the ghettoblaster..in about 78 i remember walking along a local beach...and thinking i want a ghettoblaster(portable radio) and that was before i head even seen one...at the age of 8


you the conion swinger...i wouldn't own up to that hehe


brutus442 - 2012-03-17 05:06

Originally Posted by mrupscale1:

My first memory was a honey coned one speaker black and yellow 8 track box with attached strap. I would record on my mothers Curtis Mathes TV/Cassette/8track. She would tell me not to mess with it but as soon as she left i was recording. Then my brother got the Panasonic 5100. I thought that was a beast until i saw the Sanyo M9990 and had to have one. I picked up the microphones and thought i was styling until i heard the JVC rc656 the sound was everything. Then i saw a friend with the JVC rc838jw the chrome and buttons put me in a trance and i was on a mission for that one. $100 later it was mine. The unit was big had great sound but wouldnt win any battles so i traded for the RC-M80 with the senthesized tuning. My friends with the sanyo M9994 and the 20/20 would beat me down. Then my sisters boyfriend got the Sanyo M9998. It was a short dream with great sound but out of my price range at the time. My friends were getting bigger and better boomboxes and i was left in the dust until i got a JVC brocutre with the RC M70 . The girl on the motorcycle with the box in front i was in love (the girl was cute too). I walked what had to be 10 miles to a shop in another city just to see this box. they had all of the JVC's, Panasonics and Sanyo's. The M70 wasnt the biggest but it was love at every sight. When i finally got it i had to have the original strap and JVC carry bag. I would carry this thing to school every day and sometimes i would play the song Burn Rubber in the hallways. It sounded like a real motorcycle starting up. Needless to say i was conned out of my M70 by a girl i liked brother. i let him borrow it and he said it got stolen but i know he sold it. I had my friends with the RC550 the Conion 100 that was cheaply made but was loud as f**k and would break down if you sneezed at it. The M90 was never a thought until i started collecting and so was the Sanyo Big Ben. 30 years later i have the ones from my youth. The Sanyo M9998, JVC RC656, JVC RC M80, JVC RC M70 with original strap and owners manual and RC550. I have others but these bring memories of not only the time but people who had them that i never saw again. I still need a RC838 and a Sanyo M9994. I have had them in the past few years but had to sell. My thought of my M70 is where the ball started running as a collector a few years ago. Wish i would have jummped on board sooner but im here!!!

Great read mrupscale....I too remember walking forever (saved bus fare ) just to ogle boomboxes in stores.

metad - 2012-03-17 06:32

Why do you guys quote every whole message, just to answer a few words... again and again... then, another message with quote of the previous quotes..?


So difficult to find a few words of the new post, among the dozens of the previous quotes ...

ao - 2012-03-17 08:22

Originally Posted by metad:

Why do you guys quote every whole message, just to answer a few words... again and again... then, another message with quote of the previous quotes..?


So difficult to find a few words of the new post, among the dozens of the previous quotes ...

driptip - 2012-03-17 08:41

Originally Posted by metad:

Why do you guys quote every whole message, just to answer a few words... again and again... then, another message with quote of the previous quotes..?


So difficult to find a few words of the new post, among the dozens of the previous quotes ...

yeah! i dont get it either.




funny metad


this is why i collect :




brutus442 - 2012-03-17 09:53

Originally Posted by metad:

Why do you guys quote every whole message, just to answer a few words... again and again... then, another message with quote of the previous quotes..?


So difficult to find a few words of the new post, among the dozens of the previous quotes ...

We live to irritate.....

chris69 - 2012-03-17 10:05

we sometimes stut...stut...stut...sutter! Ouuuffff think i bite my tongue
we're also all getting old so we tend to repeat ourselfs
Originally Posted by Brutus442:
Originally Posted by metad:

Why do you guys quote every whole message, just to answer a few words... again and again... then, another message with quote of the previous quotes..?


So difficult to find a few words of the new post, among the dozens of the previous quotes ...

We live to irritate.....


chris69 - 2012-03-17 10:07

I'm confused now. What were you saying that we quoted about before the last quote and the previous quote or the other quote before that one.
Originally Posted by metad:

Why do you guys quote every whole message, just to answer a few words... again and again... then, another message with quote of the previous quotes..?


So difficult to find a few words of the new post, among the dozens of the previous quotes ...


radio.raheem - 2012-03-17 10:09

Originally Posted by Chris_69:
we sometimes stut...stut...stut...sutter! Ouuuffff think i bite my tongue
we're also all getting old so we tend to repeat ourselfs
Originally Posted by Brutus442:
Originally Posted by metad:

Why do you guys quote every whole message, just to answer a few words... again and again... then, another message with quote of the previous quotes..?


So difficult to find a few words of the new post, among the dozens of the previous quotes ...

We live to irritate.....


Hang on i need to read this again......i have such a bad memory due to age...i can't remember what comes after WHY

reli - 2012-03-17 10:47

Originally Posted by Chris_69:
Ok so really you have nothing to relate to... hmmmm. Well i'm at a loss then.... there were tons of things that were cool in the 80's but most people collect for a reason other than "they were alive during that time" lol


Up until age 17 I didn't have the money for them, and even after 17 I never bought any, because I started spending all my money on cars, college, and rent.  But that doesn't mean I didn't admire them.... I liked anything with lots of buttons and switches. 

metad - 2012-03-17 12:45

The fine example of the ruined thread.

Good intentions drowned into huge and senseless amount of the quotes.

If you find it amusing, guys, then - LOL.


A new generation of the "quote quoters" captured the site, haha.

Yeah, make the thread better: quote the quote !

transwave5000 - 2012-03-17 21:25

Finding items that cost alot before for only 5 to 15 dollars and sometimes nothing


 (no quotes)