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If you found the ulimate sounding boombox

radio.raheem - 2012-03-22 13:15

And the sound was perfect in every way....would you keep buying boomboxes?


2 reasons i ask

1 i have just bought another 2 boomboxes...wich to be fair probbly arn't even going to sound good


2 i just tried lisning to one of my grails...no model mentioned here...and i couldnt listen to it because...my ultimate soundig box just sounds so good...


i need help lol


chris69 - 2012-03-22 13:35

Personally there are only about 10 boombox's that i want total for various reasons and i only have room for maybe 10-15 max here anyway so that would be the most i want. For me it's not about sound but rather sentimental value.

radio.raheem - 2012-03-22 13:44

good evnin chris,,,,its about senimental reasons,,,and all the other reasons for me 2....most of my collection,,,are boxes that i have wanted,,,or had...and are very sentimental....realy i should have no more than 10 boxes as my place is proobly as small as yours if not smaller....


i kind of like boxes everywhere lol...if i sold them i would be lost haha


i think i have a large amount of ocd...like another member..who sadly isn't here anymore


we all know who im talking about....im just a sentimental ol fool realy

mitchelljames - 2012-03-22 13:57

Along the lines of above, ive been asking myself is it worth getting more boxes if you cant see them/access them or even use them.


No right or wrong answer here






chris69 - 2012-03-22 14:06

I hear you loud and clear there There are alot of would like to have but only about 10 that i would be really desperate to own and i'm in no big rush to find them because sooner or later they will come along. Usually i find boombox's when i least expect it. The market is a roller coaster now more than ever so with patience,we can find them.

chris69 - 2012-03-22 14:09

That's the way i look at it too MJ. No point in owning what you never use just to sit on a shelf and look at isn't my style. I used to collect all sorts of stuff but then i started to realize that it was just sitting there not really being used so now i limit myself. Boombox's are great because we actually use them but i noticed many years ago that if you don't use them...they get static in the switches ect ..even in a climate controlled room and i doubt most of us can afford that type of room.
Originally Posted by MitchellJames:

Along the lines of above, ive been asking myself is it worth getting more boxes if you cant see them/access them or even use them.


No right or wrong answer here







bison - 2012-03-22 14:12

reno check your pm

radio.raheem - 2012-03-22 15:54

check yours bison


pm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pmpm pm pm lol

macflyer - 2012-03-22 16:19

@radio: I'm feeling with you. Have been there with other stuff like computers, video consoles, games, etc. 


I think, we are close to being addicted for sentimental reasons. It doesn't matter if you own a 100 Conions of the same type or a 100 boxes of a different model: if you only use a handful, there are most likely reasons for it.


My plan in 2012 is to get rid of actually everything I haven't used for the past 7 plus years. A stack of cassettes or vinyl or Cds or video games ain't any good if ypou haven't played them even once. Just for the sake of collecting we run the risk of sacrificing too much.



So basically I feel the same as Chris_69.

radio.raheem - 2012-03-22 18:08

i have all sorts of stuff mcflayer.....thing is if i sell the lot like some people...wich i feel like doing....id probbly just want it back...so im not sure what do do.....money is just boaring never had loads of it....but im not sure it's worth keeping aload of stuff im hardly going to use much...and i dont mean just boxes.....maybe i should keep it....it kind of makes me happy living in my cluttered place full of valuable junk haha....but if i sell me grails...i know there is no way in hell i will pay the prices they are now...i have never colleceted for monetery value.....dont realy care about money....as long as i have enough to get by on...its just my £5 box kills any grail i have...imho and thats kind of disterbing lol

macflyer - 2012-03-22 20:20

@radio: completely agree with you. We try to organize ourselves every couple of years/decades and its hard to do it. I don't sell for money but as an exercise in humbleness. I started giving computers for free to people who actually, believe it or not, don't have the means of owning one. Instead of having them stacked up in my closet they are actually being put to much greater use than I had envisioned when buying/collecting them on the cheap.


Maybe your collection would be a good head start for a person in need of some music reproduction system but actually only can afford a crappy ipod dock....

macflyer - 2012-03-22 20:34

@radio: and to be on-topic: what you describe must be one of the rare "this is it" moments when we try to reproduce music to our liking.


It might well be that you have stuck to the other grails more out of sentimental values than music fidelity. Now, you've come across a box that is just the notch or two up from the other boxes you cherish. You might even hate the design; a wrong color of the radio frequency scale, a knob or slider at the wrong place, a 3 piece instead of one, etc. But, just for the purpose of the tape or station or CD you were playing this box sounded like a revelation compared what you are usually used to. And then you look at your grails; why o why can't they match up what you just experienced?


Maybe I'm going too far a bit, but I think I've been there with other other stuff before.

walkgirl - 2012-03-22 23:20

radio.raheem - 2012-03-23 03:40

Originally Posted by Macflyer:

@radio: and to be on-topic: what you describe must be one of the rare "this is it" moments when we try to reproduce music to our liking.


It might well be that you have stuck to the other grails more out of sentimental values than music fidelity. Now, you've come across a box that is just the notch or two up from the other boxes you cherish. You might even hate the design; a wrong color of the radio frequency scale, a knob or slider at the wrong place, a 3 piece instead of one, etc. But, just for the purpose of the tape or station or CD you were playing this box sounded like a revelation compared what you are usually used to. And then you look at your grails; why o why can't they match up what you just experienced?


Maybe I'm going too far a bit, but I think I've been there with other other stuff before.

mcflyer....i have always sworn by boxes like the m90 have done for years....but quite frankly this box slaughters them..imho....altho not as loud

radio.raheem - 2012-03-23 04:28

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by Macflyer:

@radio: and to be on-topic: what you describe must be one of the rare "this is it" moments when we try to reproduce music to our liking.


It might well be that you have stuck to the other grails more out of sentimental values than music fidelity. Now, you've come across a box that is just the notch or two up from the other boxes you cherish. You might even hate the design; a wrong color of the radio frequency scale, a knob or slider at the wrong place, a 3 piece instead of one, etc. But, just for the purpose of the tape or station or CD you were playing this box sounded like a revelation compared what you are usually used to. And then you look at your grails; why o why can't they match up what you just experienced?


Maybe I'm going too far a bit, but I think I've been there with other other stuff before.

mcflyer....i have always sworn by boxes like the m90 have done for years....but quite frankly this box slaughters them..imho....altho not as loud

Here is my main problem in a nut shell mcflyer....after hearing this 5 £ box i just cant listen to anything less than an m90 crown970 stuff like that.....i try other boxes...wich i used to love like the panasonic dt707 jvc pc55...a great boxes in in there own wright...and they just sound sh1t.....that is a huge huge problem for me

lav.loo - 2012-03-23 05:07

i think my d8614 sounds perfect but it has'nt stopped me from lusting after boxes in the slightest

macflyer - 2012-03-23 06:02

@radio: I understand. It is a problem. Either forget about the 5 quids box and get rid of it....after a while memories fade....hold on to the inferior boxes since they are great in their own right, or decide to just go after musical fidelity and sell everything that doesn't match your ears anymore. But if the mere thought of selling doesn't feel right, don't do it. And if you have the space and lust and money to go for more boxes, go for it....


May we know which bad kid (5 quids box's brand and model) dared to rain on your parade?


radio.raheem - 2012-03-25 08:05

Trouble is mcflyer it sounds so perfect...imho i can't stop using it hehe....the rest of my boxes have just become ornimental....but i have decided to keep them...and hope the prices just keep going up and up....at this rate i'll be able to buy a new house lol

radio.raheem - 2012-03-25 08:19

Originally Posted by SUPERFLYGUY:

i think my d8614 sounds perfect but it has'nt stopped me from lusting after boxes in the slightest

You and your phillips lav hehe....to be fair if i showed you my £5 box you would wonder what planet i was from

mrupscale1 - 2012-03-25 09:37

I have found a great sounding boxes in the RC550 RC M70 and my M9998. I connect my Iphone and im good. My M90 and RX5350 were great but too big. I know you all would say you have heard better but this is my opinion.

radio.raheem - 2012-03-25 09:40

the m90 just sounds avarage to me now...like most....m70 i wouldn't even turn 1 on.imho..but your right about the m90...mine is highly modded....but its just to big and heavy