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Red Modded Sharp GF-999

retro - 2012-06-17 23:51

I'm not sure what to think of this one.


Red GF-999 [1)


Red GF-999 [2)


Red GF-999 [3)


Red GF-999 [4)


Red GF-999 [5)


Red GF-999 [6)

redbenjoe - 2012-06-18 00:50

i admire any mods --like them or not --they are usually interesting-


on this one --imho

the 4 woofs in white // off-white

and the red much deeper --like burgundy could be great,


perhaps someone here could make a 'photoshop'

to show that --so we would know.

scottym - 2012-06-18 01:06

I love it...100%

Those colour-coded drivers are so eye catching.  If only they could have made the tuner section to match.



radio.raheem - 2012-06-18 02:27

Originally Posted by redbenjoe:

i admire any mods --like them or not --they are usually interesting-


on this one --imho

the 4 woofs in white // off-white

and the red much deeper --like burgundy could be great,


perhaps someone here could make a 'photoshop'

to show that --so we would know.

I agree 100% this one looks better with the grilles on....otherwise it's to bright and tacky lol

blaster - 2012-06-18 05:53

i think their aim was to match the red replacement speakers with the body...not my cup of tea...tho...it reminds me of that rare red sharp vz-??? turntable box

deliverance - 2012-06-18 06:11

    over the top

mr.vu - 2012-06-18 20:29

a model in fashion colors, very beautiful painting.
but I prefer the original color

erniejade - 2012-06-19 07:02

Different.  I would think though painting the woofer foam would degrade the movement of the woofer a little.   It doesn't look bad, just not what Im used to LOL. 

driptip - 2012-06-19 08:41

i am with erniejade on this one, not what i am used to, plus all speakers should have same color,

bison - 2012-06-19 12:21

looks photoshopped

 i dont like it the red its too bright

... color matching the blue on the tuner scale would have looked better

lav.loo - 2012-06-21 02:45

love it, the red really sets the vu section off nicely

ghettoman - 2012-06-21 04:49

i'm with most on this,i really dont like it,thats an horrible in your face red..i would'nt dare do that to mine,speaker mod yes but painting it red,No Way in a Million !!

and those outer woofers are from a VZ2000..

my.name.is.bill - 2014-07-31 18:30

Burgundy and black is what I'm thinking when I get my 2nd 0ne


tster - 2014-08-01 02:01

Oh lord no.


I agree with bison, colour matching the blue accents may have worked better. Its still a GF-999 at the end of the day tho so still very cool.

retr0basshead - 2014-08-01 02:08

Ohh...err its very red !! 

seb968 - 2014-08-01 03:12

A bit too red for me! 

davebush - 2014-08-01 04:21

me too seb

michiel - 2014-08-01 08:16

Agree, too red. Maybe okay if the whole box was red, but it doesn't fit the silver and tuner blue IMO. 

andyboombox - 2014-08-02 01:56

too in your face for me im afraid sorry,plus the red and blue do clash badlyimho actually cheapens the look of the unit

sotza - 2014-08-02 02:30

Do not talk dirty to your boombox it will become red!
Are we responding to a post from 18 June 2012 ?

hisrudeness - 2014-08-02 03:23


A GF -999 is the black one usually right?  They look alright as they are!


I understand painting a beater 777 but a 999? 

jvc.floyd - 2014-08-02 05:19

Originally Posted by Michiel:

Agree, too red. Maybe okay if the whole box was red, but it doesn't fit the silver and tuner blue IMO. 

took the words right outta my mouth lol. that's the first box that just plain hurts my eyes. that color code must be " annoying red # 5".