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Mini boombox!

northerner - 2012-10-11 02:04

My brother sent me this pic...its a big box (literally...its made of cardboard) but is a 'Mini' box as it has a Mini in it ...madness!


You can see more details at http://www.joquz.com/1275/mini-


samovar - 2012-10-11 02:34

the artist here (ahem...) is playing with a trope called oxymoron (as in Shakespeare's "Fair is foul, and foul is fair", "Parting is such sweet sorrow", "O brawling love! O loving hate!"). already i hear the i-dont-get-the-art-issue people punning on oxy...

northerner - 2012-10-11 03:44

I nominate samovar for official forum art and literature critic as he seems to know stuff!...either that or he just swallowed a thesaurus


I only posted the pics because I thought it was cool not because I thought it was art!  I actually think its just a Mini marketing tool, though I forgive them as I do like Minis, even the new ones, tho old school ones are clearly superior to the modern ones

samovar - 2012-10-11 05:22


Originally Posted by Northerner:

I only posted the pics because I thought it was cool not because I thought it was art! I actually think its just a Mini marketing tool

my "ahem" was indeed telling



Originally Posted by Northerner:

I nominate samovar for official forum art and literature critic as he seems to know stuff!...either that or he just swallowed a thesaurus

i'm flattered but the truth is, i swallowed a thesaurus

northerner - 2012-10-11 05:34