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how far?????

stereo.mad - 2012-10-24 11:13

just thought ill change the mood a bit with something different!

a while back i purchased some boxes from my good man reno,he's not just round the corner from me, in fact he's 290 miles away and it took me over 6hr's there and 6hr's back,about a 13 hour round trip!

shame it was so far as when i got there all i could think about was making tracks to get back so i did'nt have much time to spend with reno,which is a shame as he's a top lad

so my question to you guys is, how far are you prepared to travel for a box??????

traveler - 2012-10-24 12:19

It depend's on the box!

stereo.mad - 2012-10-24 12:22

Originally Posted by traveler:

It depend's on the box!

ok maybe i should of said dream box!

deech - 2012-10-24 12:26

I never give it a thought but i  guess Europe by car is the limit for me.

stereo.mad - 2012-10-24 12:34

Originally Posted by deech:

I never give it a thought but i  guess Europe by car is the limit for me.

like the new profile pic deech

wow you are keen mate, i thought i was barmy....just wondering if anyone else was!

i think some boxes are worth the trip if that's the only way you will ever get one

deech - 2012-10-24 12:37

That would be only for a dream box though.

samovar - 2012-10-24 13:44

for a dream box? sky's the limit! 

bison - 2012-10-24 13:49

i drove from manchester to brighton for a tpr990...

i took the wife and kids sightseeing round london too so the whole day cost a few £ 

trading with andyboombox is a two hour drive,i spend more on juice than boxes,

but i would rather pick a box up than have some courier play football with it

deliverance - 2012-10-24 14:24

brighton is a fair slog from here mate, i tell you what if i caught arsehole force doing that with anything being delivered to mine it would be interesting to say the least

bison - 2012-10-24 14:32

Originally Posted by deliverance:

brighton is a fair slog from here mate, i tell you what if i caught arsehole force doing that with anything being delivered to mine it would be interesting to say the least

it was chris,the wife had never been to london so it made the trip worthwhile.

i wouldnt go to those extremes again unless it was a grail

northerner - 2012-10-24 14:47

If it was just a cost in time I'd go anywhere in the uk if it was grail. Trouble is the diesel costs soooo much and when you factor in that it gets a bit of a nightmare!

stereo.mad - 2012-10-24 15:09

Andy your right there about those arse hole delivery drivers! Always best to pick up if you can! And si as for diesel my trip cost me £100 lol but well worth it

erniejade - 2012-10-30 12:01

In the past i have driven 450 miles for speakers!   and while i was there i took a look at the local flea market and sales for boxes lol 

stereo.mad - 2012-10-30 12:07

Originally Posted by erniejade:

In the past i have driven 450 miles for speakers!   and while i was there i took a look at the local flea market and sales for boxes lol 

hats off to you bruv, sometimes these things have to be done!

traveler - 2012-11-01 20:47

Long time ago I drove halfway across the USA to deliver a box and Now am preparing to deliver replacement box's (nice) to my friend in New York City who kept "his" in the basement as the streets were flooded around where he lives as he told me briefly while on the phone with him the day after the storm & then his 'cel-phone' lost contact with the celular tower & his battery - I guess 'that' went dead as well - since No electricity...  No more communications with him since SANDY FrankenStorm was there.  Am Hoping all is ok with him and his 50 or so Box's in the basement...

stereo.mad - 2012-11-02 01:04

Oh man what a nightmare, I would of got my boxes the f#*k out of there man, good luck with your trip:0)

samovar - 2012-11-04 01:51

not that far, really. only 260 miles to get this beauty:




my first jvc, found in the wild yesterday

stereo.mad - 2012-11-04 05:38

Sal what a nice find man, well worth the miles I say!

deliverance - 2012-11-04 05:46

well done sam nice box .

northerner - 2012-11-04 05:51

Wow Sal! That's fantastic mate, I'd definitely drive 260 miles for one of those!!!!

samovar - 2012-11-04 05:56

thanks guys! i got in touch with this guy almost by accident through a network of friends and cognoscenti. he's not a professional seller and gave it to me for just €100! i still can't believe it, the unit works at perfection and has no cosmetic issues beyond a few signs of age. i have always loved the unique design of this box but never thought i could find one outside ebay and its dreadful prices

bison - 2012-11-04 06:42

congrats samovar and such a great radio to find in the wild,

good to see someone get one of these without being scalped

lav.loo - 2012-11-04 06:54

yeah well worth the miles Samovar, great box the 550

deech - 2012-11-04 10:24

Originally Posted by samovar:

not that far, really. only 260 miles to get this beauty:




my first jvc, found in the wild yesterday

You have the King of Monos for just 100 euros !



Well Done .


This is for along time in my want list and i also think i wont be able to find

it outside ebay.

samovar - 2012-11-04 10:34

Originally Posted by deech:
This is for along time in my want list and i also think i wont be able to find

it outside ebay.

never say never again! so many species we thought extinct in the wild still prosper outside ebay. more than we imagine

jamesrc550 - 2015-02-05 16:57

July 2014 I drove roughly 250 miles to give away some boombox's

driptip - 2015-02-05 19:13

Originally Posted by JamesRC550:

July 2014 I drove roughly 250 miles to give away some boombox's

It's only 150 to south Cali , if you need to unload some more.

erniejade - 2015-02-05 19:38

Wow this thread is back!

autoreverser - 2015-02-05 23:20

yeah. good threat. does a Walkman count ?


folks, believe me, or not - in 2006 i made a trip from centre of germany to visakapathnam, india (!) to meet boardmember DocP - the plan was exchanging my boxed TCM-10 (WM-10-pressman-type) against his WM-10RV - we did make that trade, this 10RV (...right now with doctorwalkman for service...) will stay with me forever :-)

ao - 2015-02-06 00:36

Originally Posted by autoreverser:

yeah. good threat. does a Walkman count ?


folks, believe me, or not - in 2006 i made a trip from centre of germany to visakapathnam, india (!) to meet boardmember DocP - the plan was exchanging my boxed TCM-10 (WM-10-pressman-type) against his WM-10RV - we did make that trade, this 10RV (...right now with doctorwalkman for service...) will stay with me forever :-)

And to think that very boxed TCM-10 is now just round the corner from you.

autoreverser - 2015-02-06 02:40

...we seriously need to talk 

autoreverser - 2015-02-06 02:41

Originally Posted by erniejade:
Wow this thread is back!

wow erniejade is back 

michiel - 2015-02-06 03:25

I went to Paris for a M70JW. And to meet Bredgeo




nickfish - 2015-02-06 03:33

I have driven to from Leicester to Bristol twice and go to Crawley and Manchester from time to time but I considered going to Sydney once.


I won an auction early one morning for a Panasonic RX5600 which while very good is hardly a grail but I got it for the equivalent of about £11!

The seller offered air freight or sea and I took the sea option for about £50 and paid my money. A week later he contacted me and refunded my money because it had been damaged in transit on the way to the docks. I asked for a picture of the damaged box but got nothing. I was certain this was a case of seller's remorse and seriously contemplated flying to Australia to punch the git on the nose!


Having studied Yahoo Japan a few times I have been very tempted to take a trip to Tokyo too but I doubt i will. I reckon a 400 mile round trip is about as far as I would go; at least in a day!

hisrudeness - 2015-02-06 03:52

Went from South London to North  East London once but didn't use the M25. On a Saturday with all the football match traffic and a protest march......Took me all day for a one owner Panny ....never go across London on a Saturday during football season.



ao - 2015-02-06 03:53

I shouldn't say this but I had an eBay buyer years ago who got me on a chargeback because he claimed never to have received the item.  I didn't care, what can I do?  Then a few months later I saw the same item for sale from a different seller, or so I thought.  I mailed him asking if I could collect in person and he said of course and gave me his address.  Guess what, it was the same address I sent the original item to.  So, in a mad moment of highly-principled ethical madness I found myself driving to Mansfield (wherever that is) only to knock on the door, introduce myself as the person who sold it to him in the first place.  Luckily he just crumbled under the embarrassment of the situation and gave me the money back.  Actually, he was alright about it, could have been different, i was lucky.

nickfish - 2015-02-06 06:52

Originally Posted by hisrudeness:

Went from South London to North  East London once but didn't use the M25. On a Saturday with all the football match traffic and a protest march......Took me all day for a one owner Panny ....never go across London on a Saturday during football season.



I expect to see you on a Bear Grylls show soon with a spirit for adventure like this!


nickfish - 2015-02-06 06:54

Originally Posted by AO:

I shouldn't say this but I had an eBay buyer years ago who got me on a chargeback because he claimed never to have received the item.  I didn't care, what can I do?  Then a few months later I saw the same item for sale from a different seller, or so I thought.  I mailed him asking if I could collect in person and he said of course and gave me his address.  Guess what, it was the same address I sent the original item to.  So, in a mad moment of highly-principled ethical madness I found myself driving to Mansfield (wherever that is) only to knock on the door, introduce myself as the person who sold it to him in the first place.  Luckily he just crumbled under the embarrassment of the situation and gave me the money back.  Actually, he was alright about it, could have been different, i was lucky.

Glad it worked out OK but I would have had the git for fraud! It just proves how insanely unfair Ebay can be.

erniejade - 2015-02-06 07:57

Autoreverser thanks!!

AO yep that could have went much different but I love it when people who try to cheat you out of money get caught ny the person they tried to cheat!  Poetic justice!

radio.raheem - 2015-02-06 19:23

 members here have driven 600 miles to pick up boomboxes from me

blufuz - 2015-02-06 19:24

Originally Posted by AO:

I shouldn't say this but I had an eBay buyer years ago who got me on a chargeback because he claimed never to have received the item.  I didn't care, what can I do?  Then a few months later I saw the same item for sale from a different seller, or so I thought.  I mailed him asking if I could collect in person and he said of course and gave me his address.  Guess what, it was the same address I sent the original item to.  So, in a mad moment of highly-principled ethical madness I found myself driving to Mansfield (wherever that is) only to knock on the door, introduce myself as the person who sold it to him in the first place.  Luckily he just crumbled under the embarrassment of the situation and gave me the money back.  Actually, he was alright about it, could have been different, i was lucky.


Now that would have been a fun trip! hahahahah wow.