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Only bidder for a VZ!

northerner - 2012-11-08 05:01

Just bagged an eBay VZ2000 for the grand sum of £30! I was the only bidder


It was cheap because the listing was terrible, the photos really poor, the description vague, the seller only had 10 feedback, but most importantly for me it was collection only and only 40 miles from me and there's pretty much no other collectors around here.  He seems to have had requests to post which resulted in a amendment to the description saying he definitely won't post.


The description says it works but I'm guessing all belts will be shot.  Its also filthy but looks undamaged other missing the insert for the tuning knob and missing a couple of sliders.  If it powers up and radio works then I'll be happy as I need a box to work on as I've got no repairs on at the mo.


All in all I reckoned it was worth a punt as there were so many things to put others off that I'd get it cheap but even I was surprised at £30!!


Have messaged the seller to arrange pick up so we'll see what happens


It was this one:




mark.gf575 - 2012-11-08 05:13

Hello matey, nice score there for sure!!!  Road trip to Durham it is then. 

bison - 2012-11-08 05:32

nice score,i seen that one,

fixed the belts on mine they are pretty easy to do si

northerner - 2012-11-08 05:57

Quick zip up the A1, no probs. Not worried about changing the belts as I've found a full 85 page step by step guide to disassembling the 2000 so I reckon it'll be a doddle(ish) and the styluses and belts are easily available on ebay for not too much.  I think my wife will freak when she sees the size of it tho!!

deliverance - 2012-11-08 06:11

nice one    

stereo.mad - 2012-11-08 06:26

Well done si,really good catch you got there mate

lav.loo - 2012-11-08 06:58

seen the auction and seen the 1 bid on it, funny enough i thought it could possibly be you Si with it being up your way.

nice boxes the vz's great score mate congrats

a cd i bought 7 years back sported the vz on the cover and i was magnetised by it, it's what got me started.

here's a pic




northerner - 2012-11-08 07:14

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

seen the auction and seen the 1 bid on it, funny enough i thought it could possibly be you Si with it being up your way.

nice boxes the vz's great score mate congrats

a cd i bought 7 years back sported the vz on the cover and i was magnetised by it, it's what got me started.

here's a pic




It had to me as I'm the only bugger up 'ere


What's that CD called as I might have a look for it?

tardpie - 2012-11-08 07:27

Lucky you. The VZ is the #1 box on my "must have" list. I wish someone in America would list one for that price.

lav.loo - 2012-11-08 07:40

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

seen the auction and seen the 1 bid on it, funny enough i thought it could possibly be you Si with it being up your way.

nice boxes the vz's great score mate congrats

a cd i bought 7 years back sported the vz on the cover and i was magnetised by it, it's what got me started.

here's a pic




It had to me as I'm the only bugger up 'ere


What's that CD called as I might have a look for it?

i don't have the cd now Si i got that pic off the net, i think it's just called 12 inch 80s, as it says on the cover.

great cd if i remember rightly, not sure where it could be found now

samovar - 2012-11-08 07:46

great score! congratulations, it is a beautiful box. love shape and color - perfect for the blues...

samovar - 2012-11-08 07:54

Originally Posted by Tardpie:

Lucky you. The VZ is the #1 box on my "must have" list. I wish someone in America would list one for that price.

somehow boxes seem to be place-bound. otherwise how to explain that the vz-2000 is rare in the states and relatively easy to find in the uk --at reasonable prices, i mean. good luck with your search Tardpie, hope you find one soon

northerner - 2012-11-08 07:57

Originally Posted by Tardpie:

Lucky you. The VZ is the #1 box on my "must have" list. I wish someone in America would list one for that price.

Prices here in the UK are a bit more reasonable!...there's one on ebay UK now that has been fully serviced and is at £240 with almost 3 days to go.  Seems the mint or top quality boxes can go for big bucks but the ones that need work can sometimes be picked up cheap, and that's how I like 'em

northerner - 2012-11-08 09:41

Just had a message from the seller that it's ok to pick it up tonight so I'm off!!!

lav.loo - 2012-11-08 09:43

air max at the ready

northerner - 2012-11-08 10:48

I'm sat in the car outside the sellers house...it seems to be in brilliant nick! Can't wait to get home!!!!

retrolad - 2012-11-08 11:51

Bargain nice looking boxes sounds a bit pants but who cares its a bargain i saw this and ive owned a 2000 and 2500 glad its going to be restored by a fellow northerner

deech - 2012-11-08 14:06

Greeeeeeat score for a great price!

Congratulations that will keep you up working on it for a while.

northerner - 2012-11-08 14:29

Just spent 3 hours scrubbing the worst of the muck off this...probably the dirtiest I've come across. But the good news is that under the grime its really good! Radio plays, tape even runs, deck motor can be heard but obviously needs rebelting. Barely a scratch on it, no cracks, just a couple of dings on the top edge. It was owned from new from his gran so one elderly owner, who clearly smoked a lot! No smell and the fag staining all comes off with a bit of elbow grease. Just needs an aerial, 3 sliders, and a tuning knob insert and then it'll be spot on!  Best £30 I ever spent!!!!!!!!!!!

retrolad - 2012-11-08 14:36

Ive a selection of antenna i could post one for free if you ever get stuck

lav.loo - 2012-11-08 14:40

that's great news Si, granny probably had it sat for years just gathering dust lol.

best of luck getting her 100% as i'm sure you will, congrats again


northerner - 2012-11-08 14:43

Cheers Retro! I'll check my pile of aerials when I'm not shagged out from scrubbing...I'm knackered and sat in bed with a beer to recover!

lav.loo - 2012-11-08 14:47

he he... how many of us could do with a few tinny's after hours of scrubbing

northerner - 2012-11-08 14:57

And tonight's scrubbing was just a first bash. It will of course have a deeper scrub once I strip it all down but I'll wait until I get the new belts before I do that. Will order the belts tomorrow.  Then I'll post pics of it sparkling once done. 

lav.loo - 2012-11-08 15:03

look forward to the pics Si

radio.raheem - 2012-11-08 19:22

congrats si.......huge box and good price... if only these boxes diddn't sound total pantz but still good pick up lad

northerner - 2012-11-09 00:47

Ok if it's pants then it's a brand new pair of Calvin Kleins not a pair of lav's old y-fronts

lav.loo - 2012-11-09 01:13

Originally Posted by Northerner:
Ok if it's pants then it's a brand new pair of Calvin Kleins not a pair of lav's old y-fronts

i have a few pairs of y fronts if ur interested, used of course which colour would ya like?? i have yellow brown and purple, your call

northerner - 2012-11-09 02:05

 ha ha, sorry Lav mate!

lav.loo - 2012-11-09 02:38

ha ha it's all good fun mate no worries

northerner - 2012-11-11 10:57

Well I'm having a bloomin lovely Sunday evening stripping down the vz!...it's easier when you realise that no one had ever removed the turntable transport screws! Absolutely minging inside but is scrubbing up well I love this part!!

lav.loo - 2012-11-11 11:24

sounds like your having fun

northerner - 2012-11-11 13:22

That's another 5 hours spent scrubbing the vz, up to 8 now, as its so dirty. Honestly my hands are like an old scrubbers but the front and speakers now look flamin awesome! The red speakers are like new, absolutely no fading!!

The innards are still minging tho

Full pics will follow when I'm done, hopefully before the end of the week

lav.loo - 2012-11-11 13:32

get a move on Si and you could post up pics tonight