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Vertically Mounted Dual Cassette Deck

ajwiberg - 2012-11-15 06:03

Hi, my name is Drew, new to forums. I am searching for one of the two boomboxes I had when I was a kid. The second one was a Pioneer SK-353L, but the first one, the model is a mystery to me. I remember it was grey, I think it was a JVC, and the most defining characteristic was the vertically stacked dual cassette decks that were centered in the middle of the boombox.


Any help on finding what make and model this was would be awesome.





lav.loo - 2012-11-15 08:28

was it a huge box Drew?

i can't think of a jvc with 2 vertical decks on stacked on top of each other??


lav.loo - 2012-11-15 08:34

the only one i can think of in grey/silver with 2 decks in the middle is the conion c100f aka clairtone.

it has 2 decks in the middle but the bottom one is the standard deck, and the upper one is a slot where the tapes slot in.

here's a pic.....



ajwiberg - 2012-11-15 08:48

Maybe it wasn't JVC, maybe Emerson, or Pioneer. I'm not sure. It wasn't huge, no. It had, maybe 4 -5 in woofers, the two tape decks stacked in the middle, and a small tuner dial on top, I think. Like I said, the two stacked tape decks were its most defining feature. Haven't seen one since then. This was early to mid 80s, and I lived in Illinois, if that makes a difference. 


The decks were stacked like the ones in the attached picture, but the boombox I had was no where near that fancy.

tardpie - 2012-11-15 19:30

Was it the Emerson CTR949?


lav.loo - 2012-11-16 00:22

Originally Posted by Tardpie:

hmm, could well be Tardpie

ajwiberg - 2012-11-16 03:17

That's it! Thanks!