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Which Sanyo?

northerner - 2012-12-10 14:09

Can anyone tell me what Sanyo mini this is please


northerner - 2012-12-10 14:33

I googled for ages to no avail...which either means it's super rare or just cheap junk...bought it on a whim and don't know what it is, or it's spec

pioneer - 2012-12-10 14:51

Hi Northerner found this pic of a sear's model i think it's sanyo under sears brand no model num though u could ask traveler he might know.

northerner - 2012-12-10 15:13

Yeh I saw that one on my travels through google and thought it was the closest...if no one knows I'll just wait until the parcel turns up...be a surprise then

northerner - 2012-12-11 07:08

no one know what this is then?...I thought there were lots of Sanyo mini fans



lav.loo - 2012-12-11 08:17

Originally Posted by Northerner:

no one know what this is then?...I thought there were lots of Sanyo mini fans



it's a small red sanyo Si

northerner - 2012-12-11 08:27

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:
Originally Posted by Northerner:

no one know what this is then?...I thought there were lots of Sanyo mini fans



it's a small red sanyo Si

genius...I knew there would be someone who'd know!

lav.loo - 2012-12-11 11:02

traveler - 2012-12-12 07:54

Originally Posted by Northerner:

no one know what this is then?...I thought there were lots of Sanyo mini fans



Really wont know just what this model is untill you recieve this and post a picture of the rear of this showing the lable. 

This may be a European version of a similar Sanyo Mini - Not sold worldwide hence no picture found

northerner - 2012-12-12 08:00

OK no probs, was just a bit impatient to find out


Its on its way to me, likely to get it tomorrow I reckon so I'll soon find out.



traveler - 2012-12-12 08:15

Originally Posted by Northerner:

OK no probs, was just a bit impatient to find out


Its on its way to me, likely to get it tomorrow I reckon so I'll soon find out.



Whim buying?  Never!!  Allways ask question's of the seller to glean as much information available - sometimes having to educate the seller gently to empower them to sell better - then recieving a better deal in the end if won.

northerner - 2012-12-12 09:31

If its a decent box then I'll defo ask questions but if it's a cheapie then a bit of whim buying is fun!

johnedward - 2012-12-12 19:43

You need to shoot redbenjoe a PM he is a guru on bbx's and Sanyo is his favorite brand .

traveler - 2012-12-13 01:02

Originally Posted by JohnEdward:

You need to shoot redbenjoe a PM he is a guru on bbx's and Sanyo is his favorite brand.


Read somewhere that redbenjoe's alternate 'fav' brand is " Coby "


traveler - 2012-12-13 01:04

Originally Posted by Northerner:
If its a decent box then I'll defo ask questions but if it's a cheapie then a bit of whim buying is fun!

Nice to have Extra DEEP Pockets when buying for fun

samovar - 2012-12-14 12:17

maybe the younger brother to the SANYO M W725 LU ?



northerner - 2012-12-14 14:31

You could well be right there Sal, haven't got it yet so still don't know for sure

andyboombox - 2012-12-17 02:40

dont know the model number si,but its a cheapo for sureon the positive side,its a sanyo so is guaranteed to sound good....even a lower spec one....possibly like a sharp qt 12?

northerner - 2012-12-17 03:06

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

dont know the model number si,but its a cheapo for sureon the positive side,its a sanyo so is guaranteed to sound good....even a lower spec one....possibly like a sharp qt 12?

can't beat a cheapie ...it was only a pocket money purchase so not really sure why I bought it, just was a bit bored I think

andyboombox - 2012-12-17 03:12

bored si?not you as well!!!!you sound like me buddy!-dont worry,youll love the little sanyo!and if you dont it wasnt a dear thing was it bro

samovar - 2012-12-17 05:47

a sanyo is a sanyo is a sanyo... actually i love the cheapies even more than the high ends. and yours is red. like a rose is a rose is a rose... 

northerner - 2012-12-17 05:49

Originally Posted by andyboombox:

bored si?not you as well!!!!you sound like me buddy!-dont worry,youll love the little sanyo!and if you dont it wasnt a dear thing was it bro

but when I'm bored I get another...when you're bored you get rid of one ...actually yours is the more sensible way of doing it! 


I keep looking at boxes on eBay and think I'd like one of those, then I don't bother bidding as I then think do I need another!...or its not that different to what I've got...or its too much money...so I've not got much recently...thats why I was bored I reckon

northerner - 2012-12-17 05:50

Originally Posted by samovar:

a sanyo is a sanyo is a sanyo... actually i love the cheapies even more than the high ends. and yours is red. like a rose is a rose is a rose... 

it is quite pretty in red...not that I've got it yet, blooming Christmas post is soooo slow

samovar - 2012-12-17 05:56

Originally Posted by Northerner:

blooming Christmas post is soooo slow

don't tell me! i'm dying finger crossed, waiting for santa claws to arrive with his wonderful gifted box... er... boxed gift for me 

traveler - 2012-12-17 11:29

Originally Posted by samovar:

a sanyo is a sanyo is a sanyo... actually i love the cheapies even more than the high ends. and yours is red. like a rose is a rose is a rose... 

Here's the Cheapest an Lightest Sanyo I think.

has a fullsize headphone jack and a ac/dc switch on the end.

tone control and not much else


IMG_0062 Sanyo M9706 Three & One half inch speaker Five inch Grill Cheapest Looking smallish boombox

have other Sanyos - this One is the Lightest weight