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Welcome 2013

glen - 2013-01-01 01:24

Morning my new stereo2go family and welcome to 2013. lets all hope for a Fantastic year ahead, i for one will try and put all my troubles i had in 2012 right behind me and be more positive and more proactive for this year.
I also made a small New year resolution for myself which should have an impact not only for myself but for Family and Friends too.
Well enough about me, i trust u all had a great night leading up to the New Year and your not waking up to a hangover this morning, lol.
Ok, so enjoy the 1st day of the year, be safe and take care. bye..


stereo.mad - 2013-01-01 05:25

Same to you buddy, my start to the year has been somewhat strange!
But hopefully it will only get better!

deech - 2013-01-01 06:09

All the Best for 2013 !!!!