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what would you name your box?

lav.loo - 2012-12-22 13:56

just been thinking of cool names for boxes, some that spring to mind are.....eversonic, lasonic, conion, helix, tokyo conquerer, technisonic, panasonic, to name a few.

if you was head man at a box factory in the 80s and had to come up with a cool name, what would you choose?

i like the sonic at the end so i would of probably gone for subsonic or supersonic lol, any thoughts guys just for a bit of fun really

traveler - 2012-12-22 14:41


"Ultimate Boombox"

As the Top Dawg of the Major Builder of Boombox's,,, and after reading all the forums out there !!! Taking in all the desire's in and building the Ultimate box to encompass all Technologies from the Past into the Future into this ONE Box and Call it the "Ultimate Boombox" cause it would have all in it from Cassette to DAC to cd to digital krax to ? - in it and enough amplifier power to !!! & running off of Lithuim or power cells or Nucluear power to satisfy the power Hungry individual's out there, Pushing the sound through Plazma Speaker's !!!  Just dont know how portable this would all be...

northerner - 2012-12-22 14:54

Bizarrely enough I called my GF9191 Bob...don't know why. Others have been known as Big Bob and Little Bob. I know this isn't what you were talking about but thought I'd mention it

bison - 2012-12-22 16:12

some of the names for the cheap brands are hilarious,i dont call my boxes anything cos i use them in rotation,but i have been known to get mad and call a couple *******

driptip - 2012-12-22 18:21

i usually call them my baby or if is like the conion, m90 i just call them monster.

brutus442 - 2012-12-22 18:53

I call them my baby's.....my wife calls them junk


I won't tell you what I call her....

lav.loo - 2012-12-23 01:26

ha ha lol some good suggestions and funny comments there guys, love it