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JVC RV-DP200BK - Parts wanted now fixed

plop - 2013-01-20 05:36


The things you do...


I found a JVC drum machine kaboom for sale so I had to drive off in snowy Britain yesterday to collect it.


This is third ever boombox that I've bought. The previous one I bought was back in 1990 and was sold onto a mate after a few months later. My music listening was mainly through walkmans at that time, but recently I wanted something loud and portable to take outdoors and this seems the right boombox to get.


It belonged to a couple in their late 50s and languished in the attic of their home for a few years until it was rediscovered during a clear out. There are a number of dings, scratches and dents plus years of dust and grime covering the surface, but all parts of it electrically work. It came with a remote control, shoulder strap, instructions and unexpectedly a custom fit nylon carry bag too. Sadly the tape eject switch is broken (more on that later).


As many others have already commented on the DP200, the sound on this model is impressive. There is so much deep rich bass from the two 16cm 20W sub woofers. EQ is controllable with a choice of sub woofer volume, mid (normal bass), and treble settings. I particularly like the CD pitch control, although I don't think I'll be making much use of the built-in drum machine.


I stripped it apart in order to give it a clean and also to push back the dented speaker grills. There is literally dozens of screws in this unit. JVC really made sure that this box was not going to rattle or squeak.







The tape deck had super rock hard pinch rollers, but a bit of IPA and rubber rejuvenator soon got them gripping and soft again. I also removed the tape deck to give the belt a clean too with some rubber rejuvenator. It was interesting to see that JVC had cut a few corners here with the transport. Minimal metal used, and all flywheels and pulleys are plastic.




Sadly the bad news is that there are a few pieces missing and broken on it. A screw and spring are missing from the tape stabiliser plate (as indicated by my index and middle finger), and the silver tape eject knob is broken

Yay I fixed the broken part!




Anyone breaking a kaboom have these pieces spare to a good home?


radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 07:35

the screw is meant to be missing plop....it's like that on all 3 of mine....(one brand new)


witch other part is broken????


what is ipa?????i found rubber rejuvinator usless.....can you give me links to what you used thanks

plop - 2013-01-20 07:46

Hi RR,


There seems to be a spring missing too where my left index finger is pointing (below my middle finger).


The silver knob which opens the cassette door has a broken pin to release the locking hook.


I used IPA, isopropanol alcohol (or rubbing alcohol) to scrub the hard oxidised rubber off. Then I used Platenclene to moisturise the pinch roller. Platenclene is typically used on printer rubber rollers to keep them gripping paper.

plop - 2013-01-20 07:56



From their website


PCL100 - Platenclene
Product code: PCL100     
Rubber roller restorer. Non toxic, non-flammable solvent pump spray for cleaning and restoring grip of all types of rubber rollers, including printer and fax. Restores roller flexibility, leaves no residue, dissolves ink stains, oil and grease, reduces paper jams. Use with Safecloths, Safetiss or Safebuds.
Product applications

    Rubber rollers in printers
    Rubber rollers in fax machines

radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 08:08

let me check..mine..any links to this stuff you have used on ebay would be superb my friend brb

radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 08:15

checked my boxed one plop....no spring meant to be there.....I always thought that screw and spring were missing too but it can't be not on all 3

plop - 2013-01-20 08:22

I actually bought the Platenclene from Amazon where it was the cheapest, but ebay since is selling it even cheaper.




Cheapest 99% IPA @ 0.5l



plop - 2013-01-20 08:24

Ok thanks for checking that out. That is strange. I guess JVC thought it wasn't necessary to put them in afterall


I just need to get a replacement silver cassette door knob.

brutus442 - 2013-01-20 08:41


I just need to get a replacement silver cassette door knob.

See you PM Plop..

radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 08:41

Thank you also plop i will get this stuff ordered as soon as i have some money....yea that's actually 4 jvc machines like this...but that's deffo clarified it for us both my friend....stranger thing have happened

plop - 2013-01-20 08:44



Are you still after a head assembly for one of your DP200s?

radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 08:56

Nope my friend i bought a whole scrap kaboom and use the deck from there.....most kaboom decks are interchangeable my friend...............i would love to know how to get the pinch rollers off though.....that is beyond me....as i broke a deck trying to get them off....i still have a spare deck in case....thank you though plop

plop - 2013-01-20 09:04

Are you willing to part out that silver cassette door knob from your scrapped kaboom?


btw, if you are after a brand new head assembly.



radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 09:08

 the deck is the same but the door is different...and lock....the dp200 door lock automatically locks into place all other kaboom locks are slightly different....as they don't lock into place on there own and i have thrown most of the other parts....it was one of those mini kabooms

plop - 2013-01-20 09:13

Ok, I thought you meant you had another DP200 as a scrapper.


I wasn't after the lock mech, just the silver knob.



radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 09:21

are you sure its broken my friend not sure how one of those can break....that's the part i meant it is different on most other kabooms...and i think i have thrown it as all i wanted was the deck

plop - 2013-01-20 09:51

Sorry I should have posted a photo of the reverse of it.




Without that broken off piece, it just spins round.

radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 10:02

had to take mine apart.....now i see grasshopper

plop - 2013-01-20 13:42

After being a bit depressed to discover a replacement door knob would cost ~£15 I set about thinking how I would go about fixing the broken part...


I dug out a self tapping screw from a crappy AIWA egg walkman I had and screwed it into the hole on the back the of the silver door knob.




I then did the same with the broken off piece.




Cut the screw to size.




Added the two pieces together and BINGO! Part is fixed.



radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 14:34

Glad it's sorted plop....now put her back together and enjoy mate

plop - 2013-01-20 14:39

I am. She's a keeper.


The bass is deep. On level 5-6 and lowish volume you can hear the sub woofer kinda growling.


Can't crank her up too much, the neighbours would lynch me.

radio.raheem - 2013-01-20 14:47

-C--O--N--G--R--A--T--S- plop you can rest assured you have one of the best sounding boxes EVER....you deserve it...well done

nickdoofah - 2013-01-31 09:26

that's excellent mate have done many similar repairs myself (used to have a tv/audio repair shop in the eary 90's) it's all about just being careful taking your time & not cracking or breaking the plastic - did it all work as it should when re assembled?



plop - 2013-01-31 10:01

Yup, works a charm. Saved myself the 15 quid for not having to buy a replacement door knob.


I actually used a smaller diameter self tapping screw first to thread the plastic before driving in the longer screw as I was aware that the plastic could split.

brutus442 - 2013-01-31 11:29

Originally Posted by plop:

Yup, works a charm. Saved myself the 15 quid for not having to buy a replacement door knob.


I actually used a smaller diameter self tapping screw first to thread the plastic before driving in the longer screw as I was aware that the plastic could split.

Fantastic News Plop! Now go spend that 15 quid you saved on yourself!


Now all we need are some pics!