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What the heck!!! this hurts

chupa - 2013-03-08 20:05


nak.d - 2013-03-08 20:13

BBX horror flick

ao - 2013-03-08 22:50

Pointless destruction.

joeybinky - 2013-03-08 23:23

That was just as sickening as a video of an abortion to watch. That made me sick. Fuckin assholes. How can you just destroy vintage boomboxes, radio's and a vintage turntable? I love 80's technology. These guys are scum and so is their music. Funny. I don't hear that song playing on any airwaves on my vintage boomboxes. I spit in their faces and wipe my ass with them.

stereo.mad - 2013-03-09 01:29

What a waste for a crappy video!

samovar - 2013-03-09 01:38

let's boycott the crappy band & petition UN to stop violence to helpless boxes

smeats1976 - 2013-03-09 02:38

Can't see anyone here thinking this is cool, these guys are just dicks! rage!!

deliverance - 2013-03-09 02:47

tar and feather them .

nak.d - 2013-03-09 06:42

Originally Posted by Joey_Binky:

 I spit in their faces and wipe my ass with them.

Don't hold back, say how you really feel


Amen, brother.

erniejade - 2013-03-09 08:16

Maybe there was a hidden message...    Like the Panasonic that got flung across the floor seem to not fall to pieces where the rest shattered so maybe the hidden message is the Panasonic is built better.  


   BTW  i agree with all the other posts in this thread.   I am all for freedom of expression  but what a waste of some good boxes.   

ao - 2013-03-09 08:18

Originally Posted by erniejade:

Maybe there was a hidden message...    Like the Panasonic that got flung across the floor seem to not fall to pieces where the rest shattered so maybe the hidden message is the Panasonic is built better.  


   BTW  i agree with all the other posts in this thread.   I am all for freedom of expression  but what a waste of some good boxes.   

It was interesting that the Lasonic tore itself apart as it flew rather than wait until it hit something solid.  The more I think about it the more i think a valuable consumer test has taken place here.

samovar - 2013-03-09 08:43

a videoclip should be a work of art, like a great movie. and art is great when fiction is so good that it looks like fact. since the formula "no boombox was harmed while making this video" is nowhere to be found in mr. johnston's clip, we must conclude that no special effect was employed & all the boxes were actually destroyed. no art to speak of, just savage boxicide: stop it! 

northerner - 2013-03-09 10:05

Cool tune tho...LOL

claret.badger - 2013-03-09 15:05

nob end wannabe hipsters


10 years ago this video might have been cool


however - if they'd smashed up their "vintage" guitars raped each other with the fragmented necks then set fire to their own plaid shirt spunk strewn corpses - i'd have maybe falllen off my fixie or spit my starbucks mocha latte over my Mac Book Air

radio.raheem - 2013-03-09 15:33

Originally Posted by Claret Badger:

nob end wannabe hipsters


10 years ago this video might have been cool


however - if they'd smashed up their "vintage" guitars raped each other with the fragmented necks then set fire to their own plaid shirt spunk strewn corpses - i'd have maybe falllen off my fixie or spit my starbucks mocha latte over my Mac Book Air

Ever thought of writing a horror movie nick haha....cummon guys the song is crap and there only cheap type lasonic boxes....although i wouldn't do that there only lasonic ones....chances are there the cheap crap mp3 ones too

driptip - 2013-03-09 17:19

they are just a bunch of morons, the video is trash and the song sucks ,  the only good on that trash is the nice vintage boxes,  who ever directed that trash should be punished  to say the least. heheheh   all in favor say I. 

mr.vu - 2013-03-09 23:12

Damn that's a guy, a ******* band.
At first I enjoyed watching the video and plan to download about fake., And end ... very disappointed and regret when viewed

ao - 2013-03-09 23:22

Guys, watch the language.

davebush - 2013-03-10 00:15

Thy are fake bbx`s.....a bit like the mini coopers in "the italian job"    just dummy`s.....


Calm down people