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JVC RC828-LB Biphonic Vintage ghetto blaster, whats it worth

baconbuttyman - 2013-04-03 00:38

Hi there.

I have this blaster, I have had this for years and years, sat on a shelf. It is in fantastic condition apart from the left side aerial, that has broken at the end.

Tape is working as is the tuner, the tuner lights up as it should, The condition is really good.

what is this worth.

it is the same as this one


Thanks guys

ao - 2013-04-03 03:53

Why not add your post to our new 'How much is my boombox worth?' thread? - index.php?board_oid=193392314111653483&content_oid=317672147462393435

baconbuttyman - 2013-04-03 12:51

thanks, have done so