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Has it ever been determined?

thafuzz - 2013-04-07 15:28

Hi everyone! I've been meaning to ask (since We here are looked up to for knowledge), What the dimensions are that classify a Box as Mini vs. Mid vs. Large? Up to what size can We call a 'Mini' a 'Mini' before crossing over to Midsize, etc.? I guess it might be good to have a generally accepted Standard that both BoomBox sites would agree to & recognize. Units of Measure (inches/cm) Your Thoughts?

nickfish - 2013-04-07 16:11

Hello Officer.

Excellent topic, and I have thought about this a lot, so would like to get the ball rolling with some suggestions for definitions....



4" speakers or less, 6x 1.5v batteries maximum and not more than twice the height of a cassette?



At least 6.5" speakers, 9x 1.5v batteries and not less than 12" high.



Everything in between Mini and Large.


Like I said; we have to start somewhere and I am off to bed now so catch up with this tomorrow. 


driptip - 2013-04-07 17:57

good topic Adam,  and i am with Nickfish, although there will be some exceptions like the aiwa 880 and the big ben with small full range speakers.

traveler - 2013-04-07 17:59

Originally Posted by driptip:

good topic Adam,  and i am with Nickfish, although there will be some exceptions like the aiwa 880 and the big ben with small full range speakers.

Count the 8 inch woofer in the Sanyo M-X960K as a Large Boombox

nickfish - 2013-04-07 23:39

I suppose the passive on the 880 is big enough to qualify? If it does not then the toshiba wx1 will be a mid with mini tendancies!

lav.loo - 2013-04-08 01:55

yeah great topic Adam, i would categorise boxes in 4 categories


mini being the sharp QT range


midsize being sharp 9090/9191


large being lasonic 931/ crown sz5100


and huge being the super jumbo models


having said this i'm sure opinions will differ between peeps as to what large and small really is i would call my gf 575 large for example but another may call it midsize.

traveler - 2013-04-08 03:35

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

yeah great topic Adam, i would categorise boxes in 4 categories


mini being the sharp QT range


midsize being sharp 9090/9191


large being lasonic 931/ crown sz5100


and huge being the super jumbo models


having said this i'm sure opinions will differ between peeps as to what large and small really is i would call my gf 575 large for example but another may call it midsize.

Sharp GF-575 Could be considered LONG & Medium sized based on the volume of space it takes


There are some 3-Piece box's and boxes that look like a 3-piece That should be considered into a New Category of ( LONG - boombox)


The Trident CX-473F is a good example of a Medium or Large box depending on which category it falls into ( Long ) or  

samovar - 2013-04-08 07:44

... so you think that size matters, after all?

traveler - 2013-04-08 10:14

Originally Posted by samovar:

... so you think that size matters, after all?

only your stool size matters   

radio.raheem - 2013-04-11 05:25

Originally Posted by traveler:
Originally Posted by samovar:

... so you think that size matters, after all?

only your stool size matters   

turds definitionaly matter

womble71 - 2013-04-11 09:37

I always rated size by sound and power output like jvc pc5, or panasonic rxdt680-i consider both of these boxes big but they both have smallish woofers of about 5" and they're not very tall boxes.

deliverance - 2013-04-11 09:51

the pc-5 is a cracking box ,  so is the 680 like the avatar womble 71    

womble71 - 2013-04-11 09:58

Thanks deliverance, and i think most of the bi-amed panny's rock and yeah, pc-5 rocks!