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Looking to get my first box...

venerator - 2013-04-15 12:32

I have been getting into vintage hifi more and more over the last few years, spending a fair bit of time and money on my turntable set-up but recently decided I want to grab a boombox as well (not only do I have the perfect spot to display it in my room but it will be perfect for when we head down to the park).


I came across this Akai AJC1 on ebay a few weeks ago but hesitated and missed it. I love the look of it (especially with the covers off the speakers), it's big and loud, it runs on batteries and has RCA inputs. These are pretty much all things I am after in a box. It will be mainly used as a display and down the park with an iPod or phone plugged into it.


Does anyone have any suggestions on something I could possibly come across that's similar to the AJC1? If I wait around a bit will another one come up on ebay or are they hard to find?


I basically know nothing about boomboxes so any help would be appreciated.

lav.loo - 2013-04-15 12:48

firstly welcome Venerator, i'm not sure what the akai box you speak of looks like so can't really guide you to something similar.

however i could recommend a good number of boxes but i'm only going to recommend 2 because their quiet easy to pick up and not too expensive. also they both look the part and sound great.

firstly the philips d8614 sound machine, looks very cool, has all the whistles and bells and more, sounds amazing and can be picked up at a good price.

secondly the sharp gf 575, similar in size with all the whistles and bells, sounds great and usually sells for a fair price.

the first pic is the philips, the second the sharp, hope this helps a little.

feel free to ask as many questions as you like and i will do my best to answer regarding the 2




michiel - 2013-04-15 13:31

That Sharp looks nice! I picked up a like new gf-500 for 25 euros the other day and it goes loud for such small box! Its also a heavy box for its size. It looks a little like the 575 only simpler.... The Philips has much nicer bass in it... Shame for the weak cassette gears... It was my first box and I still love it, perfect for outdoor use...

traveler - 2013-04-15 13:51

never ever seen this model before


nother pic