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Sunny boomers

deech - 2013-04-28 05:44

After many weeks today i ve decided to take a walk at my local flea market

Here is what i saw being sold!

2 Sanyos,some monos , a Sharp QT-70, a Crown

and not pitured below but in a really bad state

a Silver ST-757!


None of them came with me !







bison - 2013-04-28 06:28

i would have schnaffled that Crown three piece Deech

deech - 2013-04-28 06:40

Well the pic i took for this Crown doesnt do it any justice

but here its an auction of it that ended some time ago

with better pictures.




Actually is not a 3 piecer (i thought that it was too)

Its a one piece unit and looks nice but have to be eclectic these days !!

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 07:13

can't believe you left the crown, you must'nt be as desperate as me lol

traveler - 2013-04-28 07:31

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

can't believe you left the crown, you must'nt be as desperate as me lol

One Man's Treasure (crown) is another's idea of junk

lav.loo - 2013-04-28 08:24

like i said Traveler i'm desperate

traveler - 2013-04-28 18:21

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

like i said Traveler i'm desperate

If I lived over there ( in such a small little Country )   I would find a way to get into a share program with member's of this site trading boombox's to experience these rather than just having a Stack of them - Like what do you do after You have a stack of them box's?  I'm only looking for parts nowadays to maintain my favorites

driptip - 2013-05-02 19:07

wow deech you are getting picky now, hehehe.

deech - 2013-05-03 05:58

Originally Posted by driptip:

wow deech you are getting picky now, hehehe.

Have to be picky Drip !!

No room left !!

I have something in mind

but my girlfriend wont need to know!!