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I should not forget to log myself out...

stereo.mad - 2013-06-09 02:24

...especially not when I just left for the airport from the 4th International boombox meeting. 

Yup, it's mmcodomino in Lee's acct.

We had a blast...I'm sure he'll upload a lot of pictures once he is back home

northerner - 2013-06-09 05:18

Bet you had a great time Max! I'm sure Lee will post some pics when he gets back, we're all looking forward to them.

You coulda had way more fun with Lee's login tho...offered his collection for sale at cheap prices? Started lots of arguments? Confessed his deep and undying love for One Direction?...you missed out an a great opportunity lol!

stereo.mad - 2013-06-09 11:35

Don't worry si.....I'm sure he will catch me out with something soon just when I'm not expecting it! Lol
We had a blast man, max is a top bloke and now a lifelong friend....
And as for those Germans, well no one throws a boombox meet like those guys.... It was awsome
Pics and story's to follow soon.... I need to spend some time with the missis first!

radio.raheem - 2013-06-09 11:41

Can't wait for the pics lee....bet you had a swell time...i hope you used a REAL camera lol

northerner - 2013-06-09 12:37

Excellent, glad you had a blast mate

stereo.mad - 2013-06-09 13:00

Got some good pics Reno but only with iPhone but they are good don't worry lad