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samsnite - 2013-08-28 11:03

Hello all, i am back for a peek. Noticed nothing much has changed in a year... old cats strolling around. =D My box life has been dorment, no new boxes, just listened to my old ones.

northerner - 2013-08-28 13:17

Welcome back Samsnite

It's a bit quiet here sometimes...unless Docs is having a sale lol

So what sort of boxes do you have hidden away in sunny Finland?

lav.loo - 2013-08-28 18:11

Originally Posted by Samsnite:
Hello all, i am back for a peek. Noticed nothing much has changed in a year... old cats strolling around. =D My box life has been dorment, no new boxes, just listened to my old ones.

Welcome back Sam, old Lav is still here bro, sounds like your in the same boat as me lol

samsnite - 2013-08-28 21:37

Hehe, yup the lottery caught my attention. Joined the facebook group so i decided to post up something here too.
My modded pioneer has been playing all summer in the garden and on parties. My jvc boomblaster has also been requested to a couple of parties this summer, people are amazed of the bass, even outside. =D.