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3d 88!

lav.loo - 2013-09-19 06:38

Got a minty fully functional one coming tomorrow for free, I know a lot of you guys are not big fans but I was really impressed with the sound when I heard one

The look of the 3d boxes has really grown on me too of late, I believe the 3d88 is one of the best 3d's made, pics on arrival

brutus442 - 2013-09-19 06:39

If you like it , that's all that matters Az!



lav.loo - 2013-09-19 06:44

Very true Brutus, cheers mate

redbenjoe - 2013-09-19 08:27

LL --do you know member isolator ?

he is the master//pro collector of this hitachi series

lav.loo - 2013-09-19 09:16

Yes Ira I know Iso, he sure does love his 3d's

mitchelljames - 2013-09-19 10:00

There a good box, lots of power for your pound. Infact if your getting it for free you cant go far far wrong.

Heres my 3D CD.




lav.loo - 2013-09-19 10:10

Now your talking MJ, that's my fave 3d out of the lot, if you ever decide to sell keep me in mind

northerner - 2013-09-19 10:17

For a black slug box I actually think the 88 is not bad looking...it's all speakers and LEDs which is a good combo. Wouldn't say no to a free minty one! Congrats Az

mitchelljames - 2013-09-19 10:22

Well ive actually got a deal pending on this with a boomboxery member but if it falls though im going to keep it as its a pretty nice box.

deech - 2013-09-19 10:51

Lav is the 3d boxed??

lav.loo - 2013-09-19 11:14

Originally Posted by Northerner:
For a black slug box I actually think the 88 is not bad looking...it's all speakers and LEDs which is a good combo. Wouldn't say no to a free minty one! Congrats Az

I agree with you totally Si and thanks

Originally Posted by MitchellJames:

Well ive actually got a deal pending on this with a boomboxery member but if it falls though im going to keep it as its a pretty nice box.

Don't blame you MJ it's a nice box mate

Originally Posted by deech:

Lav is the 3d boxed??

No Deech it's not boxed mate but it looks as though it's just came out of one,

michiel - 2013-09-19 12:12

I've never heard a 3D, let me know how it compares to the 8614! Are they worth getting? 

lav.loo - 2013-09-19 12:32

I'll do a compare tomoz Michiel but from memory I think the 8614 wins hands down