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reno"s fully working m90

deliverance - 2013-11-09 10:49




deliverance - 2013-11-09 10:52

after driving dave and i up the wall we are pleased to say reno"s m90 has a fully working deck this has been a little fecker enjoy reno    

driptip - 2013-11-09 11:01

wow thats nice deli, i am so glad and happy for reno, he is the main m90 guy. 


tomisha - 2013-11-09 11:01

Fantastic! Well bloody done 

stereo.mad - 2013-11-09 11:18

Brill that will shut him up
Well done guys
Does he know yet?

northerner - 2013-11-09 11:25

Well done Dave and Chris!...you both deserve a medal and as Lee says it might cheer the miserable git up lol! He's gonna be so chuffed, I'd love to see his face when he gets it back!! Lucky Reno!!

deliverance - 2013-11-09 11:25

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Brill that will shut him up
Well done guys
Does he know yet?


northerner - 2013-11-09 11:29

He's havin a good weekend...he's pleased with his Goldstar and he's gonna freak when he knows this is working at last...really really pleased for him and you two are legends!

samovar - 2013-11-09 11:43

Awesome! Brilliant! Chris + Dave = Excellence

nickfish - 2013-11-09 12:02

Well done guys. I hope he finds his old pc55 for you now Chris!

mitchelljames - 2013-11-09 13:39

Very nice

mitchelljames - 2013-11-09 13:40

Is this the same one with the clicky deck which Dave was asking about?

retro - 2013-11-09 14:03

Well done guys, Reno, don't even think about opening this one when you get it.

docs - 2013-11-09 14:13

Thanks all for the great posts. This one was a nightmare and no mistake with no fewer than half a dozen electronic problems and has been around the block but is now there to enjoy! It's always rewarding bringing a box of this stature back into life.

bison - 2013-11-09 15:20

good work fellas im sure reno will be made up

brutus442 - 2013-11-09 16:47

Both Chris and Dave have gone above and beyond. Bringing this 90 back will no doubt make Reno a happy camper. Hats off to both of you


Reno...do I even have to say this...For god's sakes..hang on to this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad your back in M90 form Reno!!!

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 17:40

I have only just found out litrally 15 mins ago guys.....im afraid no words can discribe how i feel at the moment......Both members have gone way beyond the call of duty


with docs allone spending something like 20 hrs alone on her NOBODY in my life has EVER done anything like this for me....just don't know what to say or do do in return for these guys....RESPET and a huge THANKS from me you're both  TRUE GENTLEMEN of the highest order.....and thers me i can't even fix my goldstar lol thanks so much guys


deliverance im sending you the whole 550 now as i kind of lied i couldnt find anything in my shed but feel its not worth splitting her up my friend and just wanted to make it up to you.. so im sending the whole unit....


i have the box it's massive but i need to order some paking as i feel the stuff of the goldstar isn't ample.....god bless guys i need to make a offee as i have only just serficed out of my pit and need this news to sink in...rock on guys


God bless to everyone in this thread.....im a shit typer and dont know what to say but thanks all


I love this place and this is TRUE forum spirit.....that's what its all about..ROCK on guys


Isn't it strange how people can be Sooooo kind and yet my own family wouldn't uranate on me if i were on fire

ao - 2013-11-09 19:45

Love it !!!


There's a lot of love in the room today and it's certainly not my place to say it but I rather fear there's a couple of absolute gentlemen here too.   Reno, your M90 looks a treat, please hang onto it this time, she certainly looks a keeper.  Maybe she'll help you resist the urge to mention your M90 history in every post.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 20:37

I'll try chris mate no promises though.....it just comes up in conversation one way or another with new members etc....


Do you remember the time i offered you an m90 for a 777 and Rics dd9....those were the days my friend....you should have gone for it lad....i had just installed new belts etc


i fear this will be my last m90 with the current market prices BUT the most cherished one

driptip - 2013-11-09 20:53

tim I am so thrilled for you and your NEW m90 but I must admit and second everybody else, PLEASE keep this one, make it your last.


I feel like taking a plane and pay you a visit and take some pics with your new m90, drinking the night away chatting boombox, then take a bus and visit northerner deli and bison and everybody else that live close to you, then in our way back pick up lav and drink the second night away.  hahaha  how is the weather over there right now anyway.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 21:16

I think id cry if that were to happen hugo....we have known each other for so long my friend....besides im to ill lad i can't even travel on a bus now seriously...and yet i have been all over the world on plaines busses you name it...but it would be beyond words if it were to happen....btw fek the drink id rather us all take a trip bak in time to the 80's and there boxes my friend...considering i used to be a raving drinker it just dosent interest me anymore both the company and drinking is just boaring and a waiste of money...


mind you one last session wouldn't hurt would be fun...


as regarding m90's i havn't sold them cuz im bored etc....i like helpng people myself god knows why


and ocaisionally people blow you away with offers you would be mad to turn down


but as far as im concerned the m90 is worth 20 quid from now on....im not bothered about exessive money etc,,,i get much more pleasure out of an m90...cant flipping wait to put some d cell's in and go out my friend....if anybody wan'ts an m90 now they ain't getting it from me....im slowly building up a collection now hugo but why do you think im not buying another camera,,,,just to show on here,,people find out what you have and the process starts all over again....well forget that lad...boomboxes are about all i have don't have much  other interests...i i know i have sold up before but that won't happen again...after all it's only money which soon dissapears lad

driptip - 2013-11-09 21:57

I hear you loud and clear tim, for now is just a dream away god only know what would tomorrow bring.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 22:09

You're a good man driptip god bless my friend

driptip - 2013-11-09 22:22

by the way tim , how are you going to get your m90? mail? or the guys will deliver it for you?


so is morning for you guys? here is 10:22 at night right now.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 22:36

In the mail DT they live about 300 miles from me....It's 632 am here driptip ....will probbabbly start getting light in an hour but rest assured docs knows how to pack

eddie - 2013-11-09 23:00

Congrats Reno. Chris and Dave= True Gentlemen. Just goes to show these are more than "boxes" to us, there is a connection that goes along with the ownership of these electronic wonders and frienships / memories blossom from the involvment and help of others on the forum. The men left with this kind of technical knowledge is quickly disappearing. Maybe some Locktite on those screw holes so Reno isnt tempted! Cheers n Beers to you all.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-09 23:07

Could'nt agree more Eddie apart from the glue thing lol belive it or not i have fixed plenty of these myself Eddie just this one was a TOTAL bitch to do lol


thank you and welcome to the forum

eddie - 2013-11-10 00:12

Thank you Reno. Have been folowing quietly for some time now and follow your posts threads, so I know your longtime and sometimes frustrasting dedication to the Boom. You and the others on here have forgotten more than I will ever know about these beloved beasts. Good Health.

deliverance - 2013-11-10 01:17

cheers for the comments guys a good outcome all round  

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 01:27

You kept that one quiet you old dawg...might take a while to send the 550 chris


im not known for my speed and accracy but my paking is good,,,,do me one favour chris


throw that 55 you have out mate....try and keep the one im sending you complete


as it means more than you can know lad

stereo.mad - 2013-11-10 02:21

Trust me guys
Reno won't be getting rid of this one....now he has a fully working m90 it will be like an extra limb!

smeats1976 - 2013-11-10 02:43

I'm well chuffed for you Reno, I can see how made up you are! I was pleased to hear you plan on putting in D cells and taking it out and about as you just don't see that anymore! It's the memory of seeing boomers blasting down the high street that made me think they were so cool in the first place! And congrats to Del and Docs too, you must be proud that all your work led to success in the end! I'm sure you don't want to blow your own trumpet(s) but i'll bet lots of us would like to here the story of what you had to do to get this awsome box back to life, it would make a great thread!

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 02:55

Originally Posted by stereo mad:
Trust me guys
Reno won't be getting rid of this one....now he has a fully working m90 it will be like an extra limb!

haha...depends on how many stereomads there are lol realy you caught most of us with our pants down lol this is going with me to the grave,...ts quite battered looking but then so am i

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 03:00

Originally Posted by smeats1976:

I'm well chuffed for you Reno, I can see how made up you are! I was pleased to hear you plan on putting in D cells and taking it out and about as you just don't see that anymore! It's the memory of seeing boomers blasting down the high street that made me think they were so cool in the first place! And congrats to Del and Docs too, you must be proud that all your work led to success in the end! I'm sure you don't want to blow your own trumpet(s) but i'll bet lots of us would like to here the story of what you had to do to get this awsome box back to life, it would make a great thread!

cheerz smeats lad....if not pics then knowing what was wrong with her would be an amazing thread....i can say one thing that i was right about.... the main large cog in the drive was shot...i bought an m60 just to replace the cog alone lad

smeats1976 - 2013-11-10 03:06

Take to the grave and get burried with it would be my advice! however if you get bored with it I'll trade you this and a bag of Haribo


smeats1976 - 2013-11-10 03:10

Originally Posted by radio raheem:
Originally Posted by smeats1976:

I'm well chuffed for you Reno, I can see how made up you are! I was pleased to hear you plan on putting in D cells and taking it out and about as you just don't see that anymore! It's the memory of seeing boomers blasting down the high street that made me think they were so cool in the first place! And congrats to Del and Docs too, you must be proud that all your work led to success in the end! I'm sure you don't want to blow your own trumpet(s) but i'll bet lots of us would like to here the story of what you had to do to get this awsome box back to life, it would make a great thread!

cheerz smeats lad....if not pics then knowing what was wrong with her would be an amazing thread....i can say one thing that i was right about.... the main large cog in the drive was shot...i bought an m60 just to replace the cog alone lad

Makes me wonder what other models and parts are interchangable with the M90

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 03:13

Your on....when can you pick it up lol...i can still see youngsters now thinking i wouldnt want that peice of junk........atually i remember and this was quite funny.....walking with an m90 and some kid had his ipod...he wasn't bothered that much untill i cranked the m90,,,he was in ore and asked me where i got it looking at his ipod with discust...he couldn't even here it with his headphones on lol and he offered it to me (one of the expensive ones....needless to say i turned him down


m60 m80 smeats

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 03:25

Originally Posted by Eddie:

Thank you Reno. Have been folowing quietly for some time now and follow your posts threads, so I know your longtime and sometimes frustrasting dedication to the Boom. You and the others on here have forgotten more than I will ever know about these beloved beasts. Good Health.

Thats very kind.of you to say..good health to you too

seb968 - 2013-11-10 07:08

What a lovely story, got to love this forum when you see things like this. I'm really pleased for you reno. well done deliverence and docs!

deech - 2013-11-10 07:12

TOP of top story and thanks to the magic from Deli

now Reno has the Almighty M90 fully working again !!

If you can make a man smile like a little boy

and jump from joy thaen this is priceless !

Good for everyone.


driptip - 2013-11-10 07:50

what happened here , where did it go?

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 07:51

Actually both the mighty deliverance and docs....with out them this forum would be doomed....thanks again guys.... deech i like what you say...the MIGHTY m90

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 07:53

Originally Posted by driptip:

what happened here , where did it go?

Where did what go DT????

driptip - 2013-11-10 07:58

sorry I am in a twilight  just woke up. hehehe

deech - 2013-11-10 08:17

the MIGHTY m90 @!

Yep it rhymes !

deliverance - 2013-11-10 08:47

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Actually both the mighty deliverance and docs....with out them this forum would be doomed....thanks again guys.... deech i like what you say...the MIGHTY m90

 there are a lot of good members on here reno 

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 08:59

Originally Posted by deliverance:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Actually both the mighty deliverance and docs....with out them this forum would be doomed....thanks again guys.... deech i like what you say...the MIGHTY m90

 there are a lot of good members on here reno 

Not as bad as you chris.....remember the goats cock thread...now that was a classic


for me its starting to seem more like the old days....but i do despretly miss litfan,,,,,he is just one of the guys chris

ao - 2013-11-10 09:35

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

Actually both the mighty deliverance and docs....with out them this forum would be doomed....thanks again guys.... deech i like what you say...the MIGHTY m90

I do wish you wouldn't say things like that Reno, so you're saying the rest of us are Schmucks?  We all have to put up with you, not just Del and Docs.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-10 09:46

This is one thing i dont like about you chris you read into things that arnt there


yet you let lav loo call us all a bunch of wankers threatern people with bassball bats myself included... con new members and do nothing....i find that strange


im not saying THAT AT ALL sorry mate


I have always said im bad at explaining things dont you take in anything you read my friend


i think all the guys are great....what about you

docs - 2013-11-10 10:26

Everything has been said that needed to be, in this and any other posts relating to the past


I think Reno was just trying to intimate that he was still in a joyous mood since hearing about his M90 and I'm certainly not anything special, I just want to help with boxes where I can.


I'll try and bung a thread together about the issues in the hope it might help others.

samovar - 2013-11-10 10:33

Originally Posted by docs:

I'll try and bung a thread together about the issues in the hope it might help others.

now that would be top-notch! my all-time favorite posts at s2go are tutorials, or tutorial-like ones. to share personal experience in overcoming difficult problems with boxes and walkmans is unvaluable. i think everybody will be grateful