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Well...Hello people...

aljust.al - 2013-11-28 14:22


seb968 - 2013-11-28 14:27

Hi Al  Welcome aboard mate!

aljust.al - 2013-11-28 15:11

Thanks buddy!

northerner - 2013-11-28 15:32

Hi Al! Welcome! :-)

brutus442 - 2013-11-28 17:27

Welcome to the fun Al!

aljust.al - 2013-11-28 18:05

O.k. I believe the member on here who did the speaker swap is named, oldskool69.

retro - 2013-11-28 19:45

Hello Al, and welcome, I would send oldskool69 a PM by clicking on his avatar and I'm sure he will get back to you.

aljust.al - 2013-11-28 21:16

Thanks retro. Did that a few days ago. Just waiting for a response.

radio.raheem - 2013-11-29 02:56

Welome aboard Al i have the speakers you talkabout in a 55 of mine....like you stated they came from some mini hifi speakers by sony....other than that i can't help you im afraid...ohlshool may be able to help as he had the exact same ones....but im pretty sure he sold his system to fatdog...the govenor of boomboxery.

aljust.al - 2013-11-29 11:38

Thank you for the warm welcome radio raheem. Loved you in "Do the right thing", BTW. Do you know where I can pick a pair up?

radio.raheem - 2013-11-29 13:32

God bless AL wish that was me haha....sadly i don't i had to blag the speakers of my friend as he had the whole system some years back...i could have piratically bought the whole system the amount i paid for the speakers

aljust.al - 2013-11-29 14:00

Understandable, rr. I just don't understand why it's so difficult to find these speakers! If anyone sees this and you have a pair laying around for sale, PLMK ASAP!

radio.raheem - 2013-11-29 14:23

What doesn't help Al...i can't remember what the speaker boxes looked like....otherwise id find you a pair on ebay.....there must be dozens of them as it wasn't what i would call a high end system

aljust.al - 2013-11-29 15:23


radio.raheem - 2013-11-29 15:29

You would need to contact sony or buy the complete speaker boxes or the hifi with the speakers....i cant imagine the whole thing costing more than £40 now

deech - 2013-11-30 01:00

Hi Al

and welcome !!

Is this ou on the avatar?

aljust.al - 2013-11-30 08:18

Why yes deech...it is...!!!

docs - 2013-11-30 10:29

So you are native of the UK ? Live near the sea perchance ?

Good luck with your speakers buddy.

Are you old enough to remember back in the day ?

aljust.al - 2013-11-30 11:42

docs. I'm not from the UK, but rather from the good ol' U.S.of A. I'm from Cali.(The Bay Area) to be exact, and yes, I am old enough to remember quite a few things. You'd be surprised.

samovar - 2013-11-30 11:46

welcome on board al!

docs - 2013-11-30 14:10

GG welcome.

aljust.al - 2013-12-11 14:11


radio.raheem - 2013-12-11 20:27

I have found them....get them bought....100 percent sure this is them




happy exmas

aljust.al - 2013-12-11 20:52

PM Sent, RR!

radio.raheem - 2013-12-11 21:00


aljust.al - 2013-12-11 23:29


aljust.al - 2013-12-12 08:14


aljust.al - 2013-12-13 17:29


aljust.al - 2013-12-28 08:24

Well i just want to thank my fellow "brethren" for not coming through for me in this matter. Overseas or in the States.

northerner - 2013-12-28 09:51

So you've had a tantrum and deleted most of your posts...a bit stroppy don't you think? We don't have the answer to everything or an instant supply of parts you know...we really do help each other out a lot but it can't always be done exactly when you want it. So just chill out and ask again in a while dude

ao - 2013-12-28 11:17

Stunned !!!  What a stupid rude response.  


Al(just delete) you need to learn some manners sir.

docs - 2013-12-28 11:44

Can you confirm IP address is USA based ?

Rude is not the word.

tster - 2013-12-28 11:47

Yeah I'm not sure that asking for help and throwing a strop when you don't get what you want will endear you to the people here Al......

brutus442 - 2013-12-28 11:48

Unlike you Al, I won't delete my welcome to you, why? Because I'm not like you thankfully and I still do welcome you.


Here's a long shot. Try apologizing to the board, involve yourself in the community as a whole (not just your one and only post) and accept that if WE can help WE will. Just search through previous posts and note the responses. I fear that this thread will be locked soon, but before it does...correct yourself and your attitude.

seb968 - 2013-12-28 11:56

Al, remember it is Christmas,  people have a lot on their plate at this time of year. Maybe you could ask for help at a better time of year,  you won't get far with this hobby without patients. Rudeness won't get you very far either.  Try and make amends,  it would be a pitty for you to loose out

deliverance - 2013-12-28 11:57

very skegness i must say 

tster - 2013-12-28 12:02

aljust.al - 2013-12-28 12:03

Opinions are just that. Throwing a tantrum? Hardly. Just voicing my opinion. People flake after commiting, etc. So it's all good. agentorange(manners?) Really??? Had I cursed or called people out of name or putting or even them on Blast, would have been Rude, Impolite, Unprofessional, etc.  If you have an issue with this, pm me. BTW, Everyone here has been nothing but polite to me. And Iwill in return, do the same.

smeats1976 - 2013-12-28 12:55

Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I have found them....get them bought....100 percent sure this is them




happy exmas

Radio Raheem posted you a link to ones for sale (and still for sale) on ebay , what more do you want?

If they don't appear anywhere else on ebay after a month then they must be hard to find, don't you think?

People will want to help but if they can't, they can't. I wish you luck on your search but having a hissy fit won't endear you to anyone here that may be able to help you in the future.

shane - 2013-12-28 13:15

OMG, is this some kind of a joke?

manners maketh man...




A Cyberman perhaps!!!

northerner - 2013-12-28 13:48


metad - 2013-12-28 14:14

Originally Posted by smeats1976:
Originally Posted by radio raheem:

I have found them....get them bought....100 percent sure this is them




happy exmas

Radio Raheem posted you a link to ones for sale (and still for sale) on ebay , what more do you want?


Listing says: post to UK,

but he is in the U.S.

He was asking three times, is anyone able to help in UK, but noone from UK even replied to his request.

It looks like after this he has erased his posts.


To make fun of him is more impolite, than his post. Don't you think guys?

shane - 2013-12-28 14:20

Sorry don't agree, RR found them in the UK post to UK only, he could have asked on the forum if anyone was willing to accept them and forward them on, instead he threw a hissy fit and deleted his posts.

looks and sounds like a spoilt brat that has never heard the word no.



metad - 2013-12-28 14:22

Originally Posted by SHANE:

 he could have asked on the forum if anyone was willing to accept them and forward them on 

That's exactly what he did.

shane - 2013-12-28 14:27

Originally Posted by metad:
Originally Posted by SHANE:

 he could have asked on the forum if anyone was willing to accept them and forward them on 

That's exactly what he did.

That must be one of the deleted posts which you have obviously seen and I haven't, I bow to your greater knowledge on the subject.

metad - 2013-12-28 14:31

He was asking three times during the one week.  He even didn't get any "no" answer. 


shane - 2013-12-28 14:35

Originally Posted by metad:

He was asking three times during the one week.  He even didn't get any "no" answer. 


I asked a question about a month ago, never got any response, I just chalked it up to "no one knew the answer or it wasn't that interesting a question" lol. I didn't get hostile as it appears he has, again, it is only my opinion. I find the folk on here to be a most helpful and supportive bunch but sometimes things get overlooked...


and 3 times in one week? Patience!!!

metad - 2013-12-28 14:46

I agree with you Shane. 

I just wanted to say, IMO there is no need to make fun of him. 


shane - 2013-12-28 14:50

Perhaps you are right, my warped sense of humour, just thought with all the deletes the comment was fitting, no offence was intended (well perhaps a little) 

nickfish - 2013-12-28 15:19

I am as guilty as anyone else. I saw this question and the answers that he did get from people who had more time than i did to reply before Christmas. I saw his request for someone to buy the speakers and ship them to him in the states.

What did I do? Nothing. Why? Because I could not believe that someone could arrive on this forum and ask only a specific question and when provided with an answer; a solution no less..... only then to ask a considerable favour of people that he had known for 5 minutes. I thought that it showed a lack of understanding of even the most basic etiquette but more than that I could not believe for a moment that a similar item would not be on sale in the USA either then or in the very near future.

I thought; Get it yourself, you lazy, rude git!

I was not alone either, but nobody saw the need to say such a thing at the time;it was just too bizarre. It just gets more bizarre by the day!

I respect people that try to find things for themselves before asking others to do it for them. 

I did not see any of the Yanks rushing to help him either.

aljust.al - 2013-12-28 15:41

smeats1976, SHANE. Don't make presumed statements.