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jasoncambs - 2009-10-25 01:45

just picked this up from a sale thinkink someone on here would want it . pluged it in ,

cosmetics are good,but dusty,
very low sound from tape
very low sound from radio
turntable motor makes wuring noise when selected but no movement,
needs end of antenna,
needs a selection slider (think its the tape norm cro2 selecter ,)
£80+ postage or i will break it for spares,


jasoncambs - 2009-10-25 01:47

jasoncambs - 2009-10-25 22:52

i am going on hol till wedsnesday , i will read the pm's when i return and contact you thurs , jason

rockbox - 2009-11-02 18:04

wow, has most sliders