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WARNING!Please use caution when buying anything from anyone you don't know!

tpr - 2007-04-22 05:09

I hate to write the following text,nevertheless caused by actual facts it`s important.

1.:try to get as much info you can get about the seller /buyer-when performing transactions here.
2.:don`t hesitate to ask long-time members about the reputation from a trade client.
3.:do NOT pay anything ,if you don`t have a veryfied post adress.

kittmaster - 2007-04-22 11:34

If your going to post something like this I'd like to add a suggestion for modification to simplify this process:

1.:try to get as much info you can get about the seller / buyer-when performing transactions here.

Maybe have a seperate section dedicated to seller by classification > Volume seller, long time seller......?? Something to that effect? But in is own area > not under tech or chat > but someething like Buyers/Seller corner??

2.:don`t hesitate to ask long-time members about the reputation from a trade client.

This is the big one for me. Who are these people???? >>>>> LIST who these people are!!! I don't see why anyone buying or selling would take any issue with this since it will instill confidence any tentative transaction. Since your an admin, you would know best and have a known seller list of who is trusted and who is not. Make it a sticky or part of the new section from #1 which can be modified by controlled admins or moderators who know the ins and out of the members that buy and sell here. Obviously member feedback will affect how this list lives, grows, or shrinks.

3.:do NOT pay anything ,if you don`t have a veryfied post adress.

How would anyone know this? People that require money orders don't require fixed address to send money, so how would one verify a proper shipping address while maintaining privacy?....But the statement makes perfect sense obviously, but is extremely problematic.

Those are just some thoughts to a very important topic for new and legacy members.


ao - 2015-09-26 11:17

Please remember, if you pay via Bank Transfer and you never hear from your 'seller' again, then your bank are not obliged to give you the money back.