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Marantz PH-32W

oldskool69 - 2008-05-21 17:53

Look at what I lost to DM4U on the bay...

Glad it went to a member at least! Laugh Out Loud Now he knows to sell it to me when he's ready to dump it! Laugh Out Loud

- 2008-05-21 18:02

i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this .... i cant believe that I bidded on this and I won this

oldskool69 - 2008-05-21 18:32

Ha! I can't believe it either! Check PM! Laugh Out Loud

masterblaster84 - 2008-05-21 18:38

I haven't seen that model before but it's pretty sweet. James is going to need a larger place to live at this pace. Nod Yes

oldskool69 - 2008-05-21 18:40

He'll have to rent the apartment next door! Big Grin

jvc.floyd - 2008-05-21 18:40

i saw that but i didnt want to spill the beans in case one of us was bidding on it .

oldskool69 - 2008-05-21 18:45

It was a race to the finish but I gotta admit I cracked up when I saw who beat me! Laugh Out Loud

skippy1969 - 2008-05-21 18:52

Thats cool James. That is a rare one for sure. I wonder if it has a "AKA"? I was going to toss a bid in but I waited to long............ Roll Eyes

jlf - 2008-05-21 19:26

How did I miss this one?!

I guess Im not searching deep enough! Smile

- 2008-05-21 19:33

Oh I have been watching this one ,,, hours after it came online ... and then James came back to the computer and refreshed the screen and realised that I had bid something & to re-read this and bid and then ... Whoooo Hoooo out bid .... and was there anybody I knew there .... here ??? ! couldnt figure it out .... tossed another bid of 226 and voila ... OOP'ssss !!!

oldskool69 - 2008-05-22 16:42

James check your PM. Tap Toes

- 2008-05-22 17:19

I did? I have? and I am still dwelling on
all of this!? and I am still thimking about the Aiwa?
.... not sure just yet on that one & the Sansui - No-way!
and James shall pay for this Marantz just as soon as
I finish tomorrow and then race around to all of the banks
to move fundage around to be able to pay for this Marantz
&& and the Teac and that other thing ? oh ok I forgot I paid
for that 320250448175 this morning as i re-read this ...
I 'll have enough $$ it will just be another 2 weeks
of peanutbutter and Strawberry Jam on Wheat and Cherry Koolaid
before I'll be more back in the black than I am
Presently ....
Originally posted by oldskool69:
James check your PM. Tap Toes

oldskool69 - 2008-05-22 18:18

Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
I did? I have? and I am still dwelling on
all of this!? and I am still thimking about the Aiwa?
.... not sure just yet on that one & the Sansui - No-way!
and James shall pay for this Marantz just as soon as
I finish tomorrow and then race around to all of the banks
to move fundage around to be able to pay for this Marantz
&& and the Teac and that other thing ? oh ok I forgot I paid
for that 320250448175 this morning as i re-read this ...
I 'll have enough $$ it will just be another 2 weeks
of peanutbutter and Strawberry Jam on Wheat and Cherry Koolaid
before I'll be more back in the black than I am
Presently ....
Originally posted by oldskool69:
James check your PM. Tap Toes

Since you brought it out here...

You gave me a list to pick from and I did. And yes I picked the Aiwa CA-W10 on that list. Gave an offer that was fair knowing the bid history of the box. Just asking you to back up what you said. Roll Eyes Going forward, let's keep this discussion in PM's.

- 2008-05-22 20:29

Sigh ... ok .... but ... it was just a list
they still need time to get aquainted ....

oldskool69 - 2008-05-22 20:39

Originally posted by DecentMan4you:
Sigh ... ok .... but ... it was just a list
they still need time to get aquainted ....

Since it's still out here, by your doing, and by your response above you are acknowledging the list I mentioned that you provided, what I selected, and that the offer was fair for all to see. No need to sigh. Now shall we consumate this transaction and end this? Smile

- 2008-05-25 23:17

here I am drinking my first beer this year { its a buddry } and thinking
of a nice reply to this thread
... I guess ,,, he was miffed that I won this,,, and all i desired to
know ,,, was whom was I biddng with and or against and or what number
since I dont know by the w~~~~9 means anymore, so the close's that I
can get to is the number cause that does not change that much ,
anyhow .... HAD I Known that this ,,, is or was or is a known memember
here or whom that this is or was or shall be or well anyhow he shouldnt
have been there or let me know that he was there so that I knew that
he was there so that when i was there , where am I oh yeah anyhow
uh I uh thought that I would be " Decent " and show my present list
of stuff that i have aqquired recently by way of the page window grab
function on this keyboard thats a neato thing this grab the picture
thingy on this keyboard so I posted a pic of my list of stuff junk and
and mistakes and simply stuff I bought just so that i could hear what
they sound like and see just how big that they actuall are in relation
to what i like to carry around as i do a lot of carrying around my music
from place to place as i like to listen to music as I cannot wear
headphones on the bus or in the car or truck on on the motorcycle so am
trying to find that best boombox that I can do all with carrying all
that i like to carry around with me anyway I bidded on this and soon
there after had some pm's offering to help either pay for this or to
buy somethng from me to help me pay for this or somthing like that drat
thats ended I need another one that was good brb ... 2nd cold one
{ born on date 07 april 08 }... where am i oh yeah so starting on the
21st I started getting all these pm's from him asking about this uh
Marantz thing and I hadnt paid for it yet as I had to get money from over
there and take to kash it there and then take it over there to put it
yet over there in the 3rd place then i had to wait for it to post of
which I hope it did , i think it did , hope it did , anywhay , its been
paid for now ... lets see oh yeah i thought let me show a list of what
I have gotten recently and or am waiting on presently so i did this
pictrue grab thingy as I didnt want to try to type all of those blooming
numbers ... Yes I remember now I was gonna post the Aiwa pictures
brb .. ok posted ... done ... re-reading,,, ok sounds good sofar...
so i placed this pic of my cpu on the the pm thingy and I'll put it
here as its Just a list of stuff presently ... No it NOT a list to buy
from ... but that's how he took that me putting this list out there as
i need the whatever nope.. no need for that I'll just eat poorly like
always ... I need to lose 50 lbs or so anyway, anyhow since my only
source for getting stuff in from ebay and I sometimes in the past have
paid dearly for these items by way of shipping overcost's I am presently
going to hang onto the newest this that I have gotten and the things not
on this list I'll be getting rid of as they dont suit my fancy .... right
now I have a ongoing deal that I have made over a week ago for my 3rd
ever item ever sold that I have yet over 8 or 9 days ago to get out to
this person on here I bought the shipping box on the 19th and thats as
far as I have gotten anywhay enough remabling here lemme post this
screenshot and go elsewhere ... James
oh yeah am just now reading that last opst and yes He made a fair offer
from him to me according to him... wuth him thinking, that I have this
stuff for sale .... its NOT for sale.... its simply my most recent list
of stuff that I have boughten recently that I posted in a pm and I'll
post out here just to clear up whatever this is just a list ... My List
of stuff gotten off of epay since presently thats the only place that
I have gone since I have been here stuck in this job and location and
moneyless for the past 3 years untill this coming 9th of june will be my
first full free and clear paycheck as I have gone through lots of $$$
otherwise paying all things off by cashing in one of my larger ira's
well i didnt wanna do that but i was tired of living uh just to pay off
credit cards and bills an such and being stuck here all the time ok nuff
rambling once again here's that cotten-picking list ... James
What is you Name on Ebay? I am DecentMan4you

redbenjoe - 2008-05-26 00:19

james -- as you know -- i am NOT the member who has sent you any PM about your box list.
however - i do want to mention that while i'm no angel -- you're not either.

a few months ago -- BEFORE ebay used the code-
and thus you KNEW for sure who the other bidding members were --
well -- you know the rest....
(need details ??)

ie "oops" doesnt always cut it.

- 2008-05-26 00:28

yes details unless that akai was the only one cause that's all I can remember I thinks you said it was supposed to be a $25.00 radio or somthing like that ... and also like you unlike the rest on here your name here is the same as on epay therefore its easy to know otherwise its hard to guess ... Oop's p.s. I am learning by way of Ira :-) thanks >>> James
Originally posted by redbenjoe:
james --i'm no angel -- and you're not either.

a few months ago -- BEFORE ebay used the code-
and thus you KNEW for sure who the other bidding members were --
well -- you know the rest....
(need details ??)

ie "oops" doesnt always cut it.

redbenjoe - 2008-05-26 00:44

all is well --after the obvious Akai 33 thread and bidding -- another member came thru and sold me a great one --so things can work out --
forget the details --OK?
---every member here wants certain rare boxes that come up just once or twice per year on ebay-
so NO PROBLEM trying to get it --
i was only objecting to the 'oops' scenario--

so i hope you understand .

vladi123456 - 2008-05-26 12:12

I hope this is not going to turn into another one of those ugly threads.

I have to say - when I bought my Sony box from James - the transaction went pretty smooth, and the packing was one of the best.

However, James - maybe you should change the way you write - your posts often are pretty confusing, and this one above was almost impossible to read.

If you wanted to post the stuff you own - there's a *Collections* thread for that. If you post your stuff in another forum - it's easy to understand why people might think you're selling them.

And I can also give you a hint why you might be living from check to check - just look at all the boes you've bought!!! Eek I'm sure you'll be way better off if you take a few weeks break Wink

And - Happy Memorial Day to everybody Big Grin

oldskool69 - 2008-05-26 21:18

Allright. I asked him to keep it in PM and now to avoid the ensuing confusion here is the string from the PM which I saved. I don't like being led on. I don't like to be played. I started this PH-32W thread to congratulate him. He PM'd me with this: (oldskool - bold / key DM4U quote - bold & italics)

Host: DecentMan4you            1 participant
Posted Wed May 21 2008 09:18 PM
What is your Name on Ebay? I wouldnt have over bid you if I kinda knew whom you were ... I am DecentMan4you aka James wait a minute, its just now hitting me ... didnt I sell you a sansui ... yes I re-read this and I am starting to type at the top again ...

because You now have me real curious as to this and Believe this or not ,,, I wasnt really bidding on this !!! this was more of a slip of the mouse and of the fingers an such and NOW the realization is NOW I have to find the $$$ to pay for this .... BIG OOOOOOOOPP's.... sigh James
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Wed May 21 2008 09:26 PM
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Well, well....I'm sst300. So you are in need of $$$ to pay for this. You did sell me your Sansui CP-99W. Perhaps I can help you with your financial dilemma... Smile
This message has been edited. Last edited by: oldskool69, Wed May 21 2008 09:33 PM

Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Wed May 21 2008 09:47 PM
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Are you there? You're not gonna drive your bus off a cliff are you?
Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Wed May 21 2008 10:27 PM
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oh I am here I was just not checking back so instantly :-)
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Wed May 21 2008 10:31 PM
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I can help you with the funds for the Marantz...if you want to deal... Smile

Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Wed May 21 2008 10:38 PM
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well this is a first for me .... I get paid this friday & after paid rent and little bills and with this purchase I would not have any $$ for food an gas ... thats just how broke I would be ... untill 2 more weeks after that ,,, as i have finally paid off all of my detts to EVERYBODY as of yesterday visa mc amex the furniture store, and my 05 Scion XB its has all cleared the bank YYYAAAAAYYYY !!!!! and now with this buy I'll be poor till my first full ---- free and clear of anything paycheck !!! on the 6th of June 08
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Wed May 21 2008 10:41 PM
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yes I went through about 25 grand to do that .... its a wonderfull feeling .... not owing anybody anything and now I have to watch myself as my CC's are no longer tied to my paypal account only my checking account ...
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Wed May 21 2008 10:47 PM
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Well I have an offer... I paid you a total of $240 complete for the CP-99W. ($200 + 40 to cover shipping and paypal fees.)

You had $313.00 invested in both the 99W & 77W per your original e-mail. (I saved it.)

That leaves $113.00 + shipping for the 77W...(Since you now have an active paypal you won't get zapped if I send you money.)

Whaddaya think?

Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Wed May 21 2008 11:00 PM
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Well I appreciate the offer ... But I am not Selling this Sansui CP-77W for any price. its one of my very favorites. I listen to it daily as it is right here on the top shelf .... hear it ? :-) James
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Wed May 21 2008 11:06 PM
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Well got anything else you'd like to sell? A good one... Smile

Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Wed May 21 2008 11:23 PM
22 vids and counting

here pic somthing 
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Wed May 21 2008 11:35 PM
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The Aiwa CA-W10. You won for $76.00 bucks. I'll give you that plus shipping should be $30.00 so round up to $110.00. Whaddaya say? Big Grin

Oh...and toss in two Reel Cleer cassettes! Wink

Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Wed May 21 2008 11:55 PM
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You are Kidding Right? I have had this a favorite email reminder on the ebay favorites thingy to let me know here when one of these goes for sale and i have gotten one that has had new woofer's installed and the owner also sent me the originall woofer's for this should I have the time to get these reconed - just the surround foam ... and read here below text ...

14 April 08 Aiwa CA-W10 Dual Cassette 220221794641 Please Bubble Wrap Securely All 3 piece's very well as i really Desire to recieve this as you have this in working Condition. Thanks James & the original Woofers as well , thanks again

Dear decentman4you, Ok I will send them along, and yes I have used both decks and they both worked fine. Thanks again for
bidding! -Scott

Dear scott196569, Excellent new's and thanks very much for this aiwa ca w10 as I have been looking for one of these in this condition for a very long time, now I can delete that favorites in the ebay thingy - decentman4you

James, your payment of US $108.24 has been processed by PayPal
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Thu May 22 2008 12:03 AM
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You asked me to pick from the list and I did. At the very least I'll give you 108.24 plus the 30.00 for shipping. You get the shipping you paid back this way plus what you paid for the box so you really don't lose anything money wise. I don't think I'm being unreasonable given how this came about. And yes, could you send the original woofs too? I was kidding about the tapes...unless you'd like to toss one in...
Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

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yes you are correct I did ask you to pick for this list that i sent you ... gee a diehard here , this list that i sent you is my most recent aqquistions from only ebay... stuff that i even need to have more time to evaluate here ... no this Aiwa also in not on my short list yet ... as all of the boombox's that i have that take 8 batteries or more I am keeping... and on my short list is a sharp 777 and a m90 as they are simply too big for my taste's ... and a few others that i cant remember right now ... some panasonic's that take 6 batteries or so ... heck all that take 6 D's ...
Posted Thu May 22 2008 12:36 AM
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Thu May 22 2008 12:43 AM
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Originally posted by DecentMan4you: yes you are correct I did ask you to pick for this list that i sent you ... gee a diehard here ...

So, based on that fact and you being the DecentMan you are, shall I infuse your account by $138.24?

Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Thu May 22 2008 06:21 AM
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Originally posted by DecentMan4you: yes you are correct I did ask you to pick for this list that i sent you ... gee a diehard here...

Fell asleep waiting for your PayPal...is it still JPIERCEIII@aol.com? 
Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Thu May 22 2008 02:52 PM
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yes it is still that address at ppal an i have to sleep sometime ... cause I have to go to work sometime as my customers like me to be bright-eyed an such when I operate my bus for them. free money yesss .... :-)

Originally posted by oldskool69:
Originally posted by DecentMan4you: yes you are correct I did ask you to pick for this list that i sent you ... gee a diehard here...

Fell asleep waiting for your PayPal...is it still JPIERCEIII@aol.com?
Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: Thu July 28 2005

Posted Thu May 22 2008 04:12 PM
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Well, truth be told, I'd really rather have the Marantz. And you acknowledge I could've had it too were it not for your "mistake" as you noted. You said you were short on funds. Since I lost that one on a "goof" and I, wanting a box, and you, needing gas (your words) I offered to buy something. I picked from the list you gave and in my heart believe I made a fair offer knowing what it cost you. You would be completely reimbursed for that purchase and shipping plus the shipping cost to me and have some help to pay for that Marantz. No, not free money. However, if you want to give me quote, "This piece of junk JVC M90" that's, quote: "too big for your taste" instead for the price of the Aiwa CA-W10 I noted to you, that's fine too. But either way you gave me a list, I picked, you will make $30.00 back on it and have money towards that Marantz or gas or food, etc. If you can't pay for the Marantz, let the buyer know that and tell them sst300 will give his last bid which was $200 for it and you'll be releived of that burden. Either way you admittedly cost me a win by "mistake" and said you could not pay. And you posted that too. Quote: "Ooops!"
Location: Sweet Home Alabama, The Heart of Dixie!!! | Registered: Fri August 17 2007

Posted Thu May 22 2008 07:34 PM
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Originally posted by oldskool69:

...yes you are correct I did ask you to pick for this list that i sent you ... gee a diehard here...

So, based on that fact and you being the DecentMan you are, shall I infuse your account by $138.24?

So...back to this...I will give you the amount above for the Aiwa. And I'll see it in around a week or so... ....

Well, I've PM'd him since then to let him know to check his PayPal. But since I hadn't heard back I cancelled the transaction. This is BS. A big load of crap. He admitted to everything and tried to weasel out even after acknowledging elsewhere my offer was fair given what I knew about the purchase history of the radio. Am I p*ssed? You bet. All I've ever done since I've been here was help when I could. He said he was in a jam, I made an offer so he could get some cash, and this is the result. Roll Eyes

James...I don't like to be led on...Do not screw with me...I don't play games like this...ever. Mad

fatdog - 2008-05-26 21:46

Man, I hate to see - and read - all this. Frown