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conion for sale

aza - 2008-04-03 03:43

found this while searching the net if anyone is interested

kittmaster - 2008-04-03 04:59

link, pics, ??????????

Welcome to the board!

enskanker - 2008-04-03 06:02

Welcome new person.

dkd - 2008-04-03 07:18

Here's a link to a picture of me playing chess with Jesus if anyone is interested.

dkd - 2008-04-03 07:22

Here's another picture of me walking on the moon in 1988. I was the first to do so. You do know that all of the other landings were staged. Razz

sinister - 2008-04-03 07:24


masterblaster84 - 2008-04-03 07:48

Laugh Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Is this the new Fantasy section of S2G? Laugh Out Loud

enskanker - 2008-04-03 08:03

Nice pix. Reminds of that shot of naked redbenjoe on New Years Day in the Surf. We call it Surf n' Shrink.

erniejade - 2008-04-03 08:36

I love abstract art.

Here is one of my favorite pieces.

You have to stare realllllyyyyyyyyyy hard and the images will pop out at you.