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Pioneer CK-5

redbenjoe - 2008-03-12 20:46

these are extreme solid high-end boxes --would hope a member gets this -- and ask oldskool, also
--- screwdup - meant CK-#3

vladi123456 - 2008-03-12 21:35

Ira, Ira...first you ask members not to post links to Ebay, and then you post those links yourself - kinda reminds me of the NY governor who was busting hookers until he got caught with one himself Wink

masterblaster84 - 2008-03-12 21:37

Originally posted by vladi123456:
Ira, Ira...first you ask members not to post links to Ebay, and then you post those links yourself - kinda reminds me of the NY governor who was busting hookers until he got caught with one himself Wink

Oh crap is Ira a boombox John? Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-03-12 22:23

well thats funny -

and i sure dont want to be an EBAY CHEERLEADER

but i can think of 3 (only three) occasions where its worthwhile to post an ebay listing -

of course this is my humble opinion :: Smile

1. if we discover some good box with an obscure listing -- like an M90 in the beachtowel category

2. an immediate need to alert for a killer BIN--
like the good GF9696 for only $69 last week

3.or a listing of a box that we KNOW is great - but that members always overlook --like this pioneer (great box - nobody knows !)

but as for posting a big parade of the same old famous ebay grails -- when ALL of us have an entire SEVEN days to 'discover' them -

seems like a waste of this otherwise cool forum ----

a few of the members that i have TRIED to understand why they post all these ebay listings
have said that they may be helping other members who they know were looking for these exact boxes

BUT -- if they REALLY wanted to alert vladi of new sanyo 920 listing -- SEND HIM A PM

and if i knew that gordie 'NEEDED' another GOLD c100f --i would NOT play HERO -PAUL REVERE and blab it out -- but he sure would/should get a PM from me-

yesterday - beast mentioned that a PM is the way to help members - and i sure do agree


the bottom line is that all this is really no big deal -

its just MY (and perhaps others ??) observation that a constant steam of ebay 'promotion' is not 'US'

thank you all for your kind attentions - and please dont forget your s2g donations-- Smile

- 2008-03-12 23:28

Originally posted by redbenjoe:

but as for posting a big parade of the same old famous ebay grails -- when ALL of us have an entire SEVEN days to 'discover' them -

seems like a waste of this otherwise cool forum ----


I'm sorry redbenjoe (Ira), but you of ALL people here KNOW this isn't true...and let me refresh your "memory" in case you forgot:

These "Grail" auctions often end early...with buyers like YOU who offer "Buy It Now's" to the sellers on the first day of a 4-7 day auction...so what the hell are you talking about? Here's the link in case others want to see what i'm talking about:


So tell me something redbenjoe, how are any other "buyers" here or on e-Bay supposed to have a chance at getting these "grails" that get listed for 4-7 days, when there's guys like you that "weazel" the seller to add a "Buy It Now" within a few hours of the auction being listed??? Care to explain? As a collector why didn't you just let the auction run it's full course...especially knowing that the AIWA is a pretty rare and highly sought after boombox? Why didn't you throw your bid in at the end and let everyone else have a "chance" at this grail? I think i know why however i sure would like to hear from you firsthand how you will respond to this.

In regards to the rest of the stuff you posted here i won't even address them...and i will save you from having me humiliate you in this public forum.


vladi123456 - 2008-03-13 07:24

Gord, in Ira's defense - I was watching that Aiwa 880 auction, and the seller put a BIN price there after a while - so anybody could've bought it.
And totally off subject - but what was up with the *snow in Canada - barely naked ladies in Texas* thread getting locked? I thought the picture of guys dancing in the snow was hilarious!! Laugh Out Loud

redbenjoe - 2008-03-13 07:27

well hello gordie --you just dont seem to get it

its called 'commerce'

as mentioned -- IF i stumbled on a NIB GOLD c100f

i 'think' you be be honored and happy -- if i sent you a private PM with an offer to sell it to you

and way before i posted it for sale here or on ebay --

like - do you know of lots of collectors that would prefer to pay $$ trippppple for any product ?

anyway -- YES - EVERY time i see an ebay box i like - i email the seller for a BIN --

and , in fact EVERY time i read a post here about a lucky member finding a great box in the wild --
i send a quick PM asking if they want to re-sell it

now, its all too apparent that you have a BIG problem with my activities and procedures

and, as you can tell - i sure dont mind a little controvery Smile

however - during the past few days i have quietly sat back and watched you unravel over all this--

you have completely blown your cool-

using extreme accusations : like PATHETIC, etc , etc--

i have enjoyed and learned (packing , telefunkens, BIG BEN etc) from so many of your good posts

but i now think that you have become nothing but insulting -

unfotunately - i cant predict the happy ending-
so therefor -- you are the very first member to ever make my ignore list -
and i hope you do likewise -

and -- I REALLY FEEL BAD that a difference of opinion - had to end like this

i sincerely wish you good luck

- 2008-03-13 08:03

Originally posted by redbenjoe:
well hello gordie --you just dont seem to get it

its called 'commerce'

as mentioned -- IF i stumbled on a NIB GOLD c100f

i 'think' you be be honored and happy -- if i sent you a private PM with an offer to sell it to you

and way before i posted it for sale here or on ebay --

like - do you know of lots of collectors that would prefer to pay $$ trippppple for any product ?

anyway -- YES - EVERY time i see an ebay box i like - i email the seller for a BIN --

and , in fact EVERY time i read a post here about a lucky member finding a great box in the wild --
i send a quick PM asking if they want to re-sell it

now, its all too apparent that you have a BIG problem with my activities and procedures

and, as you can tell - i sure dont mind a little controvery Smile

however - during the past few days i have quietly sat back and watched you unravel over all this--

you have completely blown your cool-

using extreme accusations : like PATHETIC, etc , etc--

i have enjoyed and learned (packing , telefunkens, BIG BEN etc) from so many of your good posts

but i now think that you have become nothing but insulting -

unfotunately - i cant predict the happy ending-
so therefor -- you are the very first member to ever make my ignore list -
and i hope you do likewise -

and -- I REALLY FEEL BAD that a difference of opinion - had to end like this

i sincerely wish you good luck

Well Ira you just don't seem to get it...it's called GREED and SELFISHNESS and YOU are the king here of BOTH...and you don't like to hear the truth and accept the truth...and i'm not surprised as you have put yourself into a "situation"...NOT me...but you...so deal with it. I just thought i would let others here know what kind of person you really are, and that you will stop at NOTHING to get what YOU want, ANY which way you can. Yes you are a collector, but unlike others you have GREED and SELFISHNESS running through your veins which makes you an extremely poisoned member...and you sir...have brought out the worst in me...and i will give you credit for that...because it doesn't happen too often Wink

Ira, you and others will be happy to know that i had already requested my account here be completed deleted...so when it's all said and done you can then celebrate...but until then Ira...i would watch what you post and watch out how you "sneak" all the boxes away from other members...yo're just a greedy & sneaky SOB...and you KNOW IT.
