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hitachi trk 8200 for sale

sinister - 2009-05-21 21:43

heres another one im throwing up. outside looks great. very lil wear, its complete. now for the issues i think ive tracked it down to the volume pot. one side you can hear sound both VU meters werk both speakers are good i cleaned the vol pot as much as i could but still funky.

bendycat - 2009-05-22 02:38

I 've got one of these boxes and there really sweet Cool a box worth having Nod Yes

dumpstermyass - 2009-05-22 09:42

Hi Sinister,

I have heard good things abut the TRK's, my neighbor has an 8181 and won't sell it because of the memories Smile

What were you asking for this box? I am looking to make another addition next Thursday...If this is still available then, I'll gladly take it. Thanks!

Originally posted by SINISTER:
heres another one im throwing up. outside looks great. very lil wear, its complete. now for the issues i think ive tracked it down to the volume pot. one side you can hear sound both VU meters werk both speakers are good i cleaned the vol pot as much as i could but still funky.

sinister - 2009-05-22 10:25

pm me and we'll talk

dumpstermyass - 2009-05-28 08:37

Hi Sinister,

I sent you a new PM about this when you get a minute, thanks!

sinister - 2009-05-28 11:18

check your pm dumpster

sinister - 2009-05-28 16:47

SOLD!!! and shipped