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I saw a zenith huge radio sw band

javier - 2008-07-18 18:57

there;s a huge zenith radio I think it also comes with sw bands. it;s huge like 3 x 2 feet and like 2 feet deep.. the back cover is either either missing or gone. it uses the huge big bulbs.. in the front there is a huge circular dialing area.. not sure if someone is familiar with this zenith radio.. it;s at a local TS and they are taking bids on it. the high bid now is at 325 dollars.. anyones knows something about this huge radio. I don;t have the money to bid on it but I thought is someone is interested In it.

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-18 20:01

Smile It's a Zenith Trans oceanic,i have several $325? Is ridiculuos unless it's in Pristine shape. From what u describe it's not,That's way too pricey.

javier - 2008-07-18 21:54

I had never seen this radio before and just thought that it could be an interesting radio.

thafuzz - 2008-07-18 23:54

Jared, can you post a pic of one of yours? I'm curious to see what it looks like. Thanks.

jaredscottfla - 2008-07-19 00:52

SmileSure I'll Try To Get The Crummy Hp Camera Working Tommorow. I'm under the weather(ear infection)) Frown and really don't feel up to it now.
U can get an idea of most of the older zenith To's Going on Ebay,and just do a search for zenith Trans oceanic,at least 50 should pop up! Big Grin From Javier's Description It's Prob a G-500,they were produced from the late 40's thru the 50's Am,and Sw. No Fm. My lone Tube T.0. is My Zaydee's(yiddish for Grandfather! Big Grin) Y600. I'm sure there will be at least one of those on ebay. Mine is from The later era of 1955-1959. I Have had offers from several people as much as $500,i'll NEVER sell that. It's one of the few things i have that he owned and enjoyed. I sat on The Floor next to him in his "archie Bunker" Chair and we listened To That T.o. For Hours Together. He was the One That Got Me Interested in Radio at an Early Age.(He was a Ham For over 50 yrs!)