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JVC RV-NB1 (Faulty)

mix.masta.mullet - 2011-04-19 12:49

(u.k. seller)


ive got a kaboom which wont turn on. i opened it up and tested all the circuits and fuses and there IS power in there, it must gets lost just before the buttons on the front, so maybe just needs a new cable or cicuit board for the buttons... im out my depth anyway


its a great boombox - hugely powerful, has a strap, even a remote control!


its got the odd scratch and dent, i think the tape deck door is a bit broken too.


if you could fix this itd be amazing for playing mp3 cds or mp3 players very loudly!


£35 to anyone who wants the challenge!



crashbt - 2011-04-19 16:06

Hi there!


Today i finally buy a kaboom (180 usd) it comes very dirty and has some sticky keys, and the deck plays.....in this days i will try to deoxit or clean, dont sell and wait if i have success i will tell what to do......


Im more in the vintage stereo stuff but im starting i wiil buy another in some days im in the trade .....pana 90s stuff not classic stuf, but i like it


Salu2 from Mexico!!!

ca9zy - 2011-04-25 14:36

Mix Masta Mullet


Do you have pictures of the boombox, I am after some spares?

mix.masta.mullet - 2011-04-26 00:36

i havent been able to find a reasonably priced working kaboom to replace this so im going to persevere and try to fix it.

ill let you know if i fail!