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If you want a good Aiwa 880 here you go

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 04:49



Cleanest I have seen on ebay in years

kennedy - 2011-04-13 08:37

I totally agree. I would love to get involved with this one but I'm broke and it's surely gonna sail into the hundred's . . . . £200? . . . £300? . . . 400? who thinks more?



davebush - 2011-04-13 09:01

is this yours RR

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 09:13

Nope dave...but mine are in the same condition...this is going to be interesting to watch im guessing m90 money here...

docs - 2011-04-13 09:24

... gg

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 09:57

I forgot to add I have the manual and origional receipt for one of mine...where is the sticky tounge thing

...shame nobody wanted them lol by god this is going to be fun...


ohh i found it sorry guys but im reveling in it Ill shut up now and watch

davebush - 2011-04-13 10:00

iv got this aiwa cs 770.....what do you reckon thats worth

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 10:05

Not shure dave havn't seen one in a long time..(good for you)I remember I had one and that cost about 150...but man like i say aint seen one in a long time...did you fix the issues dave??hope you did man..nice radio..

davebush - 2011-04-13 10:10

to be honest i havnt managed to get round to it since i posted the fault.....hopefully will get back to it over the next few days

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 10:19

It's not what there worth dsve..it's the pleasure they bring...like your sweet sanyo...I was a fool to let that go...how much ya recon that cost me.???

docs - 2011-04-13 10:32

Is this your auction RR ?

davebush - 2011-04-13 10:45

probly about 30 quid......i saw one on the bay a few weeks ago and offered him £45 but didnt take it......so i was in the area a week later and went to view it but it was a rough old thing with bits missing....one channel not working and the other channel very low so i offered him £30 and he said no....it finally sold for £33.......i bet he wished he took my 1st offer....anyway how much did you pay 

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 10:50

No docs mine are no longer for sale been there tried that...at least i will know how much mine are worth..as there in the same condition...good luck guye

retro - 2011-04-13 10:54

Nice one RR, looks like it's in good condition, but I could probably buy a lens that I cant afford for much less than what this "bigboy" is about to go for.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 11:03

Retro ill swap you a totallly mint one with papers for that stunning camera of yours my friend...na yr camera is prolly worth much more...i offered the guy a hefty some of cash but he turned me down...im happy with my 2 crackers tho and glad nobody took me up on my aiwas...i'll try and get some good shots of ghettomans retro but my camera is sheit compared to yours son...

radio.raheem - 2011-04-13 11:09

Originally Posted by davebush:

probly about 30 quid......i saw one on the bay a few weeks ago and offered him £45 but didnt take it......so i was in the area a week later and went to view it but it was a rough old thing with bits missing....one channel not working and the other channel very low so i offered him £30 and he said no....it finally sold for £33.......i bet he wished he took my 1st offer....anyway how much did you pay 

Chuffin ell dave 33 quid..i thought i had a bargin at 120 guid for yours

docs - 2011-04-13 12:36

Does this still apply ?


Just wondering.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-17 16:43

Good old Aiwa

davebush - 2011-04-17 22:57

cant believe what that went for..............

kennedy - 2011-04-18 01:37

Originally Posted by davebush:

cant believe what that went for..............


Yeah but it was awesome , and I don't think you could find better in the UK. I don't own any Aiwa's, at prices like that I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon! 


docs - 2011-04-18 03:22

Overpriced to the hilt.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-18 03:56

Originally Posted by Kennedy:
Originally Posted by davebush:

cant believe what that went for..............


Yeah but it was awesome , and I don't think you could find better in the UK. I don't own any Aiwa's, at prices like that I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon! 


I have 2 the same one with origional receipt and manual considering I have seen total sheds sell for over half this..that's not bad...but then i would say that wouldn't I...and these do sound Great..

driptip - 2011-04-25 12:28

i just read the description again and it says (The drivers had been replaced) so it doesnt have the original speakers?  mmmm ?

docs - 2011-04-25 13:51

Someone didn't go through with the deal... unless he has a second identical unit.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 04:42

this is correct docs..I diddn't buy it in the end....far to much money..and I have 2 anyway..

docs - 2011-04-26 08:47

Lucky the seller is reasonable I guess.

radio.raheem - 2011-04-26 15:30

Yea you right man but im still getting a strike for not paying...basically I just couldn't get enough money togeather..but im sure it will sell the second time around..and good money too