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Optomistic GF777 sale..

ghettoman - 2011-06-18 12:26

Well not sure if its optomistic or greed,i dunno..but £750 for a 777 is crazy,looks like theres abit of bandwagon jumping going on due to them spotting the C100 for £750


claret.badger - 2011-06-18 12:56


people are just going mental in the UK at the moment in regard boombox prices

I'm sure I saw a GF9191 advertised for 200 the other day

lav.loo - 2011-06-18 13:12

it,s all about greed these days, it,s everywhere, people have lost sight of what really matters

davebush - 2011-06-19 02:43

i saw this 767 sold for £112 about 5 weeks ago and the buyer put it back on the next day for £250


This one is a no no for me,to much for what it is !



nowt like an entrepeuner

venturesforth2 - 2011-06-19 04:45

Actually, the 777 is mine, so please be polite about me.


It's a kosher machine and from my feedback you can see I don't rip people off.


If you had any idea how much time has been spent by my engineer cleaning and servicing this machine (and his charge out rate), you might appreciate why I am asking this much. Every single board was removed, all contacts cleaned, all boards checked for dry joints, mechanisms dismantled and re-assembled.


Of course, anyone is welcome to buy an incomplete, non-working, running on one channel, and damaged and claim they got a 'bargain', and then spend another £500 paying someone who knows what they are doing to repair it.


This one was complete when we got it, so was a good basis for renovation. My engineer knows how to wash circuit boards etc, where most people wouldn't dare. This machine is spotless inside, virtually like new.


And for all those complaining, I wonder how many of them know HOW to pack a 777 correctly for shipping. It seems the Chinese sellers don't judging by how many arrive broken. I expect this is going to take me half a day to make a shipping crate for it!


ghettoman - 2011-06-19 07:03

The thing is there are lots of 777s out there just as good as yours for alot less cash,i sold mine on ebay,it was a lovely example and fully working,i got £380 for it,and i was surprised i got that,i was expecting around £250,but i just started it low and let it find its own value,i only sold because i wanted a GF999..i know you said its had a good clean ect but only you will appreciate the work,where as the bidders wont,like alot of boxes, 777s have a ceiling price,and thats between £200-£400 max regardless of how much restoring its had,best thing you could have done is sell it as it was without spending money on it..


hey but if you do get £750 for it,its not a bad profit on £18..


bison - 2011-06-19 08:28

ive noticed more than one box ive been outbidded on back on ebay the following week with a hefty buyitnow price,it winds me up.

bendycat - 2011-06-19 09:42

Hi gang BENDYCAT back in town  


I would just like to say that i know the seller and he has had it worked on by one of the best restorers and detailers - work like this is not free and it is a sweet machine


as with bmx's and boxes there are a lot of hopers out there and then there are the true seller who know whatb they have a what has been done to bring it back


at least when you by a box like this you will know that it has been cared for on the resto part in the right way - no chinese "looks good in the picture" to having cracks or parts not working like they have turned up before - see old post


just wanted to say my bit and let you know venturesforth2  has my backing


cheers B

ghettoman - 2011-06-19 13:40

I know what you mean bendy,i beleve your info,but for what i'm about to say is going to throw this thread into ugly argument territory,and i reckon i'm not going to gain any friends over it..so i will just say this and bow out..


 if i bought a 777 for £18,i know a couple of places near me that would do a stirling job overhauling one for me for about £50-£70,or on a bad day i'de say £100 max,and if i did do that,i would throw it on the bay at a reasonable start price,then just let it find its own value..and i would be happy with £250-£300,but i would guess it would sell for around £300-£400,that would be more than a lovely profit,but come on,in my opinion..for a buying price of £18,and a repair for maybe an absolute maximum of £100,its only belts,for someone experienced its not that hard to do !! i'm not a professional and i've rebelted boxes myself many times..

 a buy it now price of £750 is borderline greed,but i dont know why i'm saying this,its none of my business really,its not my 777,not my price,but it would take an absolute donkey to pay £750 for a 777..

hell,i bought 2x GF999s and a GF535 aka GF9000 from Japan..I had All 3 bought,middle man paid,shipped,import duty of £42 each on them,i got all 3 from japan to my door all for  total of around £750..

Anyhow,i will say no more...Subject Closed..

subbo - 2011-06-19 13:40

im with superflyguy and b.m on this 1, doesnt matter how much work has been done, there is no need to expect that kind of dosh maybe in good nick, but you can only expect so much for it, after all its getting on 30yr old

metad - 2011-06-19 13:47

Originally Posted by Beanie Man:

Well not sure if its optomistic or greed..



hey but if you do get £750 for it,its not a bad profit on £18..


of course it's not greed  

ghettoman - 2011-06-20 13:08

I dont mean to drag this out but here is a MINT 777,just sold on ebay uk,how much did i say they are worth ?? £300-£400 MAX ??



radio.raheem - 2011-06-20 16:44

i fail to see how a 777 can go for 400 these days....not that i dont like the box it's just the market has been flooded with them,,,,I mean i sold mine for what £150 and it was in pretty good nick....this one does look clean though...

ghettoman - 2011-06-20 16:59

Now i have got my GF999,i would never go back to a 777 unless i come by one in the wild or cheap,i'm happy with my 999s now..

docs - 2011-06-21 10:41

Silly money plain and simple.

jayt - 2011-06-21 10:58

It's a nice box. The best of luck.






nik.gnashers - 2011-06-23 12:09

Amazing box, a lot of money but I bet there isnt many around that has had the time and effort spent on it that this one has. I hope you get what you want for it.

venturesforth2 - 2011-06-23 12:29

Originally Posted by Nik Gnashers:

Amazing box, a lot of money but I bet there isnt many around that has had the time and effort spent on it that this one has. I hope you get what you want for it.





I took in a JVC Kaboom today with 'sticky ends' and a belt issue. I have to say that it is my favorite box, but I absolutely HATE sorting out the plastic ends that get sticky through age. I know how to sort them but its a horrible messy job. Still, its always nice to restore a box.


But at least this Kaboom has its remote control - RESULT!

fatty - 2011-06-28 14:18

So , I have one of those sticky ended Kabooms. What is the secret to getting them 'unsticky'?  I hardly use it any more for fear of getting all messed up.

venturesforth2 - 2011-06-28 14:41

Originally Posted by fatty:

So , I have one of those sticky ended Kabooms. What is the secret to getting them 'unsticky'?  I hardly use it any more for fear of getting all messed up.

Isopropyl alcohol applied twice with a lint-free cloth, and followed by a polish. 


The first application will get 90% of it off, and the second will get the remainder. If any rubs on the hard plastic of the box, it will wipe off easily with more alcohol.


Surprisingly easy when you know what works!

venturesforth2 - 2011-06-28 14:42

Oooohh, sorry about the big CAPITALS, it wasn't me that did them!

venturesforth2 - 2011-06-28 14:43

Durrrr, not capitals, but bold.

bendycat - 2011-07-02 15:44

well he did sell it  well sort of - it was a swap of camera items for a good amount lets just say


and it has a new home at Bendy's


yup my first 777H


and she is so sweet and clean


cheers B

ghettoman - 2011-07-02 15:54

Yaaayyyyy Bendy..Fantastic man..you will defo love that thing,they are a nice box,like i said before,i only sold mine because i wanted a GF999,if i did'nt want one one of them,i would have kept the old 777..

Look after that box bendy lad,keep her nice..

bendycat - 2011-07-02 16:01

so what the difference in a 777Z and a 777H - 999 is the japan version right ?


i know there is 767 - 777 -909 - 919 - 999 -1000 any more ?