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Anyone See this Tosh Before ?

ghettoman - 2011-10-03 11:58

Not the biggest or grailest of boxes,but Never seen one before..



- 2011-10-03 12:21

Nope, as this TOSHIBA RT7045 looks to be in similar size shape feature/function as the Panasonic's RC-C46 or similar number's

davebush - 2011-10-03 12:22

plastic pig

ghettoman - 2011-10-03 12:44

Hey i like those little pana's i used to have one,i sold it to a friend,he still has it,i tried getting it back but he wont get rid,he loves it too much..


bit of a story for you,my friend came to my house,tried to get me to sell him a sharp GF575,i said no not selling,then he saw the pana..we plugged the 575 in (they have 6.25" bass) it sounded ok-ish,then we plugged the little pana in (with tiny 4" bass) it trenched all over the 575..made the sharp sound crrrap !!

Alot of sharp Boxes look better than they sound ! but they are so iconic,and bring soo many good memories back from childhood,most people dont care..sharp made some of the nicest looking boxes ever made..

davebush - 2011-10-03 12:50

Amen paul

ghettoman - 2011-10-03 13:27

Defo dave,i know i moan and say i'm sick of boxes and stuff,but when it comes down to it,if i got rid of all mi radio's,i would'nt be able to breath,i'de be lost..some i've had since the 90s,if i lost em now,i'de stand there gutted thinking "now what" i just cant imagine life without them,i just cant bare thinking..

- 2011-10-03 14:02

Originally Posted by Beanie Man:

Defo dave,i know i moan and say i'm sick of boxes and stuff,but when it comes down to it,if i got rid of all mi radio's,i would'nt be able to breath,i'de be lost..some i've had since the 90s,if i lost em now,i'de stand there gutted thinking "now what" i just cant imagine life without them,i just cant bare thinking..

Oh I could lose most all of them, or even all of them - knowing that I could buy just one and one only (rc-550) and be done with the rest of them...Though preferred to sell them for at least nearly what was paid for most of these, So that being said; BM an only bm Get in your vehicle and get over here an get em.. then we can be released into the wild once again

ghettoman - 2011-10-03 14:20

if you was in uk james i probebly would man..texas is MIIiiiiiles away !! 4000 and a 10 hour plane flight costing about £500 ?

aint no crodiles out derr,but a fast movin chevvy sho make a mess ov ya

thats from crocadile dundee...the resteraunt scene lol

radio.raheem - 2011-10-03 17:16

Originally Posted by davebush:

plastic pig

Totally agree dave...those panas are much better though///not realy into black boxes..the one beanieman has a dozen of..is an exeption though...had to many cheap plastic boxes..the worst being the elta masterblaster...bits used to fall off moving it lol..

sega - 2011-10-04 02:52

It doesnt look overly bad to me and for the sake of a quid its proberly worth a go if your local.