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lasonic 975 shell

driptip - 2012-01-23 12:03

hey guys i am about to thow out a SHELL of a lansonic  975 , anyone interested let me know  ASAP, 

it has like 2 maybe 3 screw stems broken off.

"JUST SHELL"  Pick up preferable

jmez - 2012-01-23 18:21

So it's just the casing?  No handle or knobs or speaker grilles or decals? lmk details please..

driptip - 2012-01-23 19:03

yes , just the shell, no knobs, handle, screws, nothing but the shell front and back with decals.

ghettoman - 2012-01-23 22:37

dont throw it hugo,someone will always need it,if you was in uk i would be asking for pics,mine is a bit worn on the chrome part of the tweeters,and the front decal panels have marks (i beleve they are still available from lasonic?) and the screw stems of the transformer got snapped in transit from usa,the tranformer was just loose inside but luckily it never hit anything..i did fix it all up and its not too bad but i will never be able to sell it like this though..

sean.yori - 2012-02-06 16:22

I'll take it if you still have it.  How much do you want for it?

driptip - 2012-02-06 19:46

sorry guys this one is long gone.