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bredgeo - 2012-01-30 11:33

Hey guys and Gals,

Here is a post  to sell a JVC RC M70 quite clean, generally good... All okay!
KNOW: The M70 will only be able to be shipped in 4 to 6 months NOT BEFORE!!!!!!!

And for any of you guys and Gals in the Americas... The shipping will be FUuCKING HIGH AS WELL!!!!!!

This one will only be sold to the highest offer (bidder)... Like for the M90... I will not lie or cheat, I will put the bids that is the highest, and when/if anyone else bids above... I will update.

Once the highest has been posted for more than one week, that will be the winner! BUT DO NOT FORGET THAT IT WILL ONLY BE FOR THE M70 WITHOUT SHIPPING!


I do have a reserve in mind.