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Aiwa CM-30... found.

zianian - 2012-03-04 06:47


I saw an older post from a guy looking for the classic Aiwa CM-30 Microphone here...


I couldn't reply so here I am.


I found this mic yesterday.

I think it's darn near mint.

It's on eBay now.

ao - 2012-03-04 07:22

Is this yours? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aiwa-C...;hash=item3a715dc0f3


Nice unit, though, if I was honest, a slightly ambitious asking price

claret.badger - 2012-03-04 07:31

*sees price - spits out coffee*

zianian - 2012-03-04 08:27

Honesty is good agent.

That is the one.

(I didn't even need to check your link)

The spitting of coffee tells me that is mine.

(that and the fact that mine is the only one on eBay past and present)


Have you all any ideas of a more realistic price?


ao - 2012-03-04 08:48

Hi, the thing to remember is that eBay is an auction and not a classified site so regardless of what you or I think it's worth just list it for $1, if there are people who want it then they will bid for it.  Nothing puts off buyers more than a reserve, well, maybe an unrealistic reserve.  Unless you paid a lot for it, which I doubt, then don't worry about not making a profit, if you can't sell it on eBay then it's unlikely that you'll sell it anywhere else but what will happen is the handful of people in the world who are passionate about this stuff 'may' get the chance to own something they really want & it don't get much better than that, who knows, you might even make a friend in the transaction, I've made loads.


It's not about making cash, just enjoy the hobby

zianian - 2012-03-04 10:34

I agree agentorange. Mostly.
I love letting the market determine the value of my stuff. But I also like the fact that sometimes it only takes that one person that wants what I have at the price I set.
Just one.

And making cash... THAT is my hobby. Making friends... Yup. That is a bonus. A good one.

zianian - 2012-04-08 18:13

How about 1 cent.

Will that do?

...for starters.


Aiwa CM-30 Microphone complete-mint?


ao - 2012-04-08 22:50

Originally Posted by zianian:

How about 1 cent.

Will that do?

...for starters.


Aiwa CM-30 Microphone complete-mint?


Good to see you haven't decided to go down the shill bidding route.


kingrat2010 - 2012-04-09 02:08

cool move