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The time has come...

ghettoman - 2013-01-05 10:06

I think the time has come to clear out my collection,i have a shltload,i have about 60 boxes,i will sell the lot,i would rather they all go together,then if you all wanted certain ones maybe you could arrange somthing between you,the only boxes that i will keep is a unisef and a sharp gf9500 because it reminds me of my dad..i do have a gf999 but i think someone wants that,but dont know what i want for that yet..

the rest can go,please give me a chance to make a list,and give you the general condition,i know i'm mentally not right at the moment but i have made up my mind,so take advantage..but please,i dont want to just go giving them away for next to nothing,a below average but fair price i will accept..some will work purfect,some will need lubing because they have been stood,some might just need a belt,give me a chance,i will post up again later with what i have..peace..

lav.loo - 2013-01-05 10:26

this is really sad to hear Paul, i really think you should have a long hard think here because you may end up regretting it.

please try and get yourself some help from somewhere, do you have any friends or family that can help you out in the depths of your terrible depression? really sad to hear this Paul, please think long and hard before you proceed with your decision, god bless you man

radio.raheem - 2013-01-05 10:50

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:

this is really sad to hear Paul, i really think you should have a long hard think here because you may end up regretting it.

please try and get yourself some help from somewhere, do you have any friends or family that can help you out in the depths of your terrible depression? really sad to hear this Paul, please think long and hard before you proceed with your decision, god bless you man

Agree 100% lav  well said......if i were a mod i would lock this thread.....been tryin to stop this for a few days....so sad

blaster - 2013-01-05 11:15

Sorry to hear beanie man,  what ever it is your going through, it will get better....yeah keep the boxes that mean allot to you or your very favorites......hobbies do help clear the mind...so dont get rid of all of them.....same here with one... the conion will always remind me of my mother...cause she was the one that bought it for me in the 80s...its the one i must get again........feel better though...

retrodos - 2013-01-05 15:12

Originally Posted by Beanie Man:

I think the time has come to clear out my collection,i have a shltload,i have about 60 boxes,i will sell the lot,i would rather they all go together,then if you all wanted certain ones maybe you could arrange somthing between you,the only boxes that i will keep is a unisef and a sharp gf9500 because it reminds me of my dad..i do have a gf999 but i think someone wants that,but dont know what i want for that yet..

the rest can go,please give me a chance to make a list,and give you the general condition,i know i'm mentally not right at the moment but i have made up my mind,so take advantage..but please,i dont want to just go giving them away for next to nothing,a below average but fair price i will accept..some will work purfect,some will need lubing because they have been stood,some might just need a belt,give me a chance,i will post up again later with what i have..peace..

You really need to seek help, before you hurt yourseft or someone else. Not just because your giving away your collection, which will make the situation alot worse, but due to what you stated in other thread.


Plus most are not going to buy a whole collection at once, unless it dirt cheap and they can make a huge profit. You will end up regetting it later, even if your not interested in the boxes anymore, just due to the lost your took, unless you found something better. Plus trust with a huge sum of money another issue as you in the wrong state of mind so only way someone going to throw 60 boxes worth of cash is escrow, which then can go wrong for you. So best bet is local, but then you have to sell way under market value, which is not worth it.

ghettoman - 2013-01-05 15:25

ok,first of all samovar,thank you for your nice pm,much appreciated..and lav and reno,blaster,you also are top fella's,but sorry i cant back down..

so..the boxes..all of these boxes have been left for along time,i have'nt used them or even looked at them for ages..

3x Sharp GF500,

3x GF575,2x uk,1 black usa?,

3x GF8989,2 complete,1 needs putting back together,had minor fault

3x GF9500,Think they work ok..

2X GF990 good condition,possibly just need a clean,

GX250,think it works,may need a belt,woofers not original

GF9000,all working,not original woofers (better) think it has small heat warp to cabinet on left..

VZ2000,good condition,has all sliders,everything used to work,cassette tray inside the tape door broke,and since it has been left not in use for a couple of years,radio seems a weak and drifts off? i have had this radio about 7 years,the previous owner had new belts fitted on the record deck..

Hitachi MSW600 with spectrum analyzer,all working

2x MSW620 with spectrum analyzer,both work..

Hitachi TRK9300,think it all works..

JVCpc5 x4,3 complete,may need a belt but may be ok,not played for years..1 pc5 no good..

2xPc55,i think one good,deck needs backlight,the other pc55 is not as good

Pioneer SK757x2,really nice quality stereos,prob work,but may need a belt..

Philips D8644,massive box,very heavy,wooden speakers

D8734,had this box since 1994,big box,but moving house alot its abit tired,still nice condition,but not as nice as it was when i got it

Panasonic RX660,good worker,DS20,bit tempremental,ED90 cobra,works but i think laser is no good,2x DT 680,,think one maybe spoken for..

Amstrad 8090x4,with pull out walkman,think couple may work couple have deck issues,belts ect..

4x Intersound Super jumbo,one of these i sold on ebay before christmas for £250,but the deal fell through,so still in total there is 4 i think 3 are good,and one i got from germany and got damaged ..

Lasonic TRC975,this i got from usa for £250,the guy conneed me,said it all worked but did'nt,it also arrived with smashed transformer,i had to diy fix it in with hot melt glue..i had to replace the ariels,fix the decks,clean it up..

Silver SR8000,big heavy box,think it all works,

Intersound 5000 (identicle to unisef sz5000) all working in nice condition..

Unisef Sz5000,think there is 2 of these,but amaizingly one has dissapeard,i cant find it,so may have to keep this one

,think i possible may have one or 2 more boxes lyin around,if i find any more i will chuck them in..

panasonic.fan - 2013-01-05 16:51

Mods, please move this to the correct section. This should be in the For Sale section.


driptip - 2013-01-05 21:49

Hope things get better for you beanie man, you been here for ages i cant bear to see this happening to you, i see you like a brother as the rest of the guys, i really hope to see your next reply saying that your keeping your boxes and starting new. 


good luck brother.


ao - 2013-01-05 23:59

Originally Posted by Panasonic Fan:

Mods, please move this to the correct section. This should be in the For Sale section.


Makes sense I guess but will move to off topic as it meanders.


Paul, depending how serious you are about selling you might want to take some pics and create individual 'for sale' posts for each box otherwise this will become a very muddy thread.

ghettoman - 2013-01-06 01:11

hi hugo,i have known you for years,you have been very good to me,a real friend..but this has been on the cards for along time now,so i just think now is the time to clear them all out,i will still have the memories,maybe one day i will collect again,but for now its just the right time..


hi cris,i would like all these radios to go together really so someone would need a van,then whoever has them they can distribute them and sell them on to other member ect..i dont know what to ask for them but there is a good few desirable radios here,i suppose i could put an individual price on each one then reckon it up..like i say i dont want to just give them away because its took me years to buy all these,and they cost me a hell of alot of cash,but i will sell them at a fair belowish price just to get rid of them out of the way....

brutus442 - 2013-01-06 09:24

Paul, this is indeed a sad decision you've made but you made it under duress. I hope you can step back for a few weeks, get some help and then re-examine selling your collection.


Paul if you do decide to sell, you'll know that they've gone to a good home but promise us here you'll get help. Don't try and tackle this alone. You'll always have friends here if you need to talk.





dogtemple - 2013-01-06 10:47

Paul man, i dont want to see you get screwed over here.   i dont see a problem with you selling up to be honest, it may well do you good to declutter.   i find it does me good - it stresses me out having stuff around, especially projecty stuff which can become a burden.


thing is, ive known you what about 8 years now? and all that time ive known you, you tend to get a bit of a raw deal buying and selling. i can see it happening here, some chancer will take all your gear and later on youll regret it. 


Only the thing is this is a much bigger scale.


it could go potentially very well for you this sell up or it could go bad.    drop me a line if you want ill help you the best i can, id like you to do well out of this sell up of yours, im sure everyone else here would too and wouldnt begrudge you a good price on each box.   you have probably been in this longer than anyone else here, i recon its time you got a bit of a payback out of it for all your time and dedication.


what ever you do though, just dont sell them cheap to get rid, they have been with you for years, if you need to hold on a little longer then hold on, wont really make a big difference.


in the end you should get a nice bit of cash for your future from it, thats what i hope anyway.  id rather that than a bloke with a van lucks out from this situation and you pay the cost.


keep one nice box at least though

redbenjoe - 2013-01-06 11:54

100% of every part of dogtemples advice is very worthy of your slow & careful

consideration --


and let me add there there is nothing better than a new girl -

to help you forget the old girl -- works every time 

lav.loo - 2013-01-06 12:23

Originally Posted by redbenjoe:

100% of every part of dogtemples advice is very worthy of your slow & careful

consideration --


and let me add there there is nothing better than a new girl -

to help you forget the old girl -- works every time 

il'e second that RBJ, it's always worked for me too

glen - 2013-01-06 14:03

I've only been on this site for 17 days now but this has got to be the most touching thing i've read so far what u wrote Dogtemple was really heart warming u obviously care a lot about Paul which is very thoughtful, it seems that i'm learning not only about Boomboxes/Walkamans & Headphones but human trauma too...its funny, as i said i've only been here for 17days but i feel like i'm part of a Family unit. Originally Posted by Dogtemple:

Paul man, i dont want to see you get screwed over here.   i dont see a problem with you selling up to be honest, it may well do you good to declutter.   i find it does me good - it stresses me out having stuff around, especially projecty stuff which can become a burden.


thing is, ive known you what about 8 years now? and all that time ive known you, you tend to get a bit of a raw deal buying and selling. i can see it happening here, some chancer will take all your gear and later on youll regret it. 


Only the thing is this is a much bigger scale.


it could go potentially very well for you this sell up or it could go bad.    drop me a line if you want ill help you the best i can, id like you to do well out of this sell up of yours, im sure everyone else here would too and wouldnt begrudge you a good price on each box.   you have probably been in this longer than anyone else here, i recon its time you got a bit of a payback out of it for all your time and dedication.


what ever you do though, just dont sell them cheap to get rid, they have been with you for years, if you need to hold on a little longer then hold on, wont really make a big difference.


in the end you should get a nice bit of cash for your future from it, thats what i hope anyway.  id rather that than a bloke with a van lucks out from this situation and you pay the cost.


keep one nice box at least though

doity - 2013-01-06 20:35

Originally Posted by Lav Loo:
Originally Posted by redbenjoe:

100% of every part of dogtemples advice is very worthy of your slow & careful

consideration --


and let me add there there is nothing better than a new girl -

to help you forget the old girl -- works every time 

il'e second that RBJ, it's always worked for me too


Yeah, there is always more fish in the sea believe me.  I see them every day and I want to swim with them all   But seriously, the other advantage to finding someone new is that your ex might look at you a bit differently.  Jealousy works wonders with women believe me.  I have never had a girlfriend who was not jealous of an ex in some kind of way.  Even if they didn't come out and say it.


So, not knowing you Beanie Man I would just say go out there and get back on the horse and start living again.  Even joining a group or volunteering for a animal rescue or animal shelter will help get you out of yourself and helping others and meeting people.  Life is way too short to give up on it.

andyboombox - 2013-01-07 06:39

paul,its sad to hear of you parting with your collection,but i know you have your reasons,and from a personal level i respect that as i think we all need to doover the years you have been a valuable member offering quality advice and help and have been the cement that holds this site together

all i want to say is good luck in homing your boxes and all the best matey

thafuzz - 2013-01-09 22:10

Again, I'm wishing You all the best Paul. I'm praying that it all gets better for you. God bless you.  Adam :-)